Creating graphical display The newly created data set will be used to compare the BMI of smokers to non-smokers. Create the following graphs in Excel:

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Creating graphical display

The newly created data set will be used to compare the BMI of smokers to non-smokers. Create the following graphs in Excel:

  1. Using the column labeled Smoker (not sorted by smoking status), create an appropriate graphical display to clearly show the breakdown of smokers and nonsmokers in your data set.
  2. Copy and paste your graph from Excel here. Write a one-sentence interpretation of what the graph displays.
  3. Create a histogram for the column labeled BMI (not broken down by smoking status). Use a bin width of 2. Start the bins at your minimum data point as appropriate for your data set. Write a one-sentence interpretation of what the graph displays.
  4. Create two modified box plots for BMI, one for smokers one for nonsmokers. Write a one-sentence interpretation of what the graph displays for the BMI

Descriptive statistics

Use the data analysis tool pack to create two tables of descriptive statistics, one for smokers and one for nonsmokers, using the columns created in Step 7 in the preparation portion.

Use these statistics to answer the following questions comparing smokers to nonsmokers. Be sure to provide values from your Excel output to support your reasoning.

  1. Which group has an BMI that is typically higher? Be sure to write at least one sentence justifying your reasoning including values from the excel output.
  2. Which group has greater variation in their BMI? Be sure to write at least one sentence justifying your reasoning including values from the excel output.
  3. Do you suspect any outliers are present in the BMI for each group? Be sure to justify your reasoning.
66 0 66 82 137 59.7 166.1 21.6 1 114 30.7 21.6
60 0 56 62 80 65.3 159 25.8 3 114 33.9 25.8
54 0 66 84 91 56.8 148.7 25.7 1 134 31.5 25.7
24 0 84 55 116 61.5 153.3 26.2 3 100 26.4 26.2
57 0 64 138 143 65.8 175.1 21.5 3 154 37.7 21.5
74 0 64 54 187 79.8 164.7 29.4 4 130 29.1 29.4
65 0 78 57 109 83 154.8 34.6 1 132 22.7 34.6
18 0 104 41 90 63.4 161.2 24.4 2 122 28.8 24.4
26 0 84 51 66 66.6 165.8 24.2 1 104 25.2 24.2
29 0 84 44 131 126 165.6 45.9 4 120 35 45.9
67 0 62 52 138 64.6 166.6 23.3 1 140 26.6 23.3
36 0 82 44 87 71.7 168.9 25.1 4 88 30.9 25.1
63 0 64 52 171 103.9 171.8 35.2 2 132 25.6 35.2
23 0 78 61 78 64 160 25 4 122 24.7 25
39 0 76 65 142 78.2 164.6 28.9 4 108 24.8 28.9
35 0 86 54 121 90.2 159.6 35.4 3 126 17.9 35.4
53 0 72 62 97 48.3 160.9 18.7 1 104 43.7 18.7
59 0 82 61 148 87.8 163.3 32.9 2 130 30.8 32.9
25 0 82 47 117 77.2 152 33.4 2 106 24.2 33.4
31 0 66 46 134 110.5 169.1 38.6 1 112 24 38.6
60 0 58 65 162 62.4 159.4 24.6 2 132 22 24.6
57 0 62 78 135 105.8 162.2 40.2 2 142 24.7 40.2
46 0 80 64 156 83.8 170.9 28.7 1 122 32.5 28.7
69 0 58 44 104 63.6 162.5 24.1 1 134 24.5 24.1
25 0 82 72 84 48 160.3 18.7 1 122 26.8 18.7
63 0 76 42 113 89.7 181.4 27.3 4 120 30.5 27.3
66 0 70 43 160 92 157.5 37.1 4 158 22.9 37.1
36 0 88 51 98 62.7 165.6 22.9 1 122 32.2 22.9
29 0 44 44 121 85.5 169.3 29.8 3 108 25.2 29.8
51 0 58 59 100 52.1 154.1 21.9 3 128 25.3 21.9
68 0 64 63 88 87.4 167.6 31.1 4 158 24.7 31.1
32 0 68 55 81 55.2 166.9 19.8 2 96 31.7 19.8
70 0 70 52 126 89.7 156.6 36.6 1 156 22.6 36.6
45 0 58 53 81 90.3 155.6 37.3 1 116 26.1 37.3
45 0 72 49 122 100.4 162.9 37.8 1 120 30.6 37.8
47 0 80 56 146 95.3 168.8 33.4 1 130 33.3 33.4
27 0 70 42 72 97 157.4 39.2 4 124 27.6 39.2
22 0 74 63 77 54.5 162.2 20.7 2 94 25.5 20.7
60 0 72 86 96 74.5 157.3 30.1 4 126 22.8 30.1
67 0 66 52 151 65.6 162.6 24.8 3 146 26.5 24.8
31 0 82 33 112 140.1 157 56.8 3 134 29.2 56.8
41 0 98 56 126 86.2 161.4 33.1 4 112 29.2 33.1
41 0 74 78 117 72.8 167.7 25.9 4 110 22 25.9
58 0 80 65 128 90.4 167 32.4 2 132 33.9 32.4
41 0 82 59 80 115.5 156.5 47.2 3 126 45.9 47.2
80 0 56 90 145 46.3 156.5 18.9 4 154 24.5 18.9
22 0 78 55 80 72.2 158.4 28.8 2 112 35 28.8
18 0 100 58 151 68.8 167.6 24.5 2 126 26.6 24.5
80 0 56 63 158 48.5 144.4 23.3 2 150 22.6 23.3
57 0 68 66 172 93.3 150.6 41.1 3 142 28.4 41.1
78 0 72 65 70 68.5 160.3 26.7 4 146 40 26.7
21 0 64 47 70 56.7 159.4 22.3 3 98 24.8 22.3
58 0 94 54 106 138.9 162.5 52.6 4 128 25.9 52.6
49 0 72 51 113 72.8 147.9 33.3 3 122 30.1 33.3
45 0 56 58 83 60.8 164.4 22.5 3 118 25.2 22.5
46 0 80 68 84 83.6 166.1 30.3 3 114 28 30.3
37 0 76 48 126 89.9 169.1 31.4 1 112 31.4
42 0 56 51 96 105.1 149.5 47 3 106 47
63 1 54 49 146 83 164.5 30.7 4 138
30 1 104 40 78 98.9 170.7 33.9 2 140
64 1 78 42 126 91.5 170.4 31.5 4 136
19 1 88 54 113 78.7 172.5 26.4 3 118
32 1 76 39 64 126.4 183 37.7 2 120
45 1 70 36 189 94.8 180.4 29.1 4 126
37 1 66 54 180 64.8 169.1 22.7 4 110
57 1 50 65 127 95.1 181.7 28.8 2 160
38 1 40 44 158 80.3 178.5 25.2 4 134
34 1 74 43 94 99.5 168.5 35 2 124
64 1 74 83 118 83.9 177.5 26.6 4 142
65 1 76 43 159 86.2 166.9 30.9 1 116
47 1 66 89 136 81.8 178.6 25.6 2 120
66 1 66 37 115 69.6 167.9 24.7 1 132
76 1 82 43 68 77.2 176.3 24.8 2 102
27 1 64 49 90 50.3 167.5 17.9 2 108
75 1 84 35 114 132.1 173.8 43.7 4 134
23 1 64 26 106 80.7 161.8 30.8 2 120
19 1 80 56 82 81.5 183.5 24.2 4 112
29 1 62 57 125 68.1 168.5 24 3 118
33 1 70 62 113 56.7 160.6 22 1 126
54 1 82 40 147 73.1 171.9 24.7 2 120
42 1 78 66 105 95.3 171.2 32.5 3 142
41 1 74 54 116 67.6 166.2 24.5 2 118
51 1 64 42 120 80.3 173.2 26.8 3 122
61 1 52 53 98 89.9 171.7 30.5 1 136
76 1 60 68 111 67 170.9 22.9 4 126
46 1 66 52 138 108.8 183.7 32.2 3 112
62 1 58 56 171 69.1 165.7 25.2 2 102
37 1 74 113 76 73 170 25.3 4 122
72 1 70 92 118 67.6 165.6 24.7 1 112
58 1 66 27 85 91.3 169.8 31.7 1 136
60 1 72 43 138 73.1 180 22.6 3 106
58 1 66 71 66 81.7 177 26.1 2 126
56 1 52 53 162 99.8 180.5 30.6 4 130
66 1 82 34 85 97.9 171.5 33.3 1 118
60 1 66 48 108 89.2 179.8 27.6 2 116
45 1 66 31 129 73.1 169.3 25.5 2 114
61 1 70 37 121 64.6 168.2 22.8 2 114
35 1 68 41 134 91.5 185.7 26.5 1 114
80 1 66 59 39 87.1 172.6 29.2 2 136
52 1 56 30 175 95.8 181.1 29.2 3 124
26 1 72 39 81 63.9 170.5 22 1 116
80 1 60 48 98 97.5 169.7 33.9 2 136
54 1 102 78 130 127.5 166.6 45.9 2 144
58 1 74 49 76 85 186.3 24.5 4 124
21 1 64 37 124 109.1 176.6 35 3 110
70 1 88 53 129 77.8 171.1 26.6 4 100
74 1 60 62 124 70.5 176.8 22.6 4 128
69 1 80 98 118 90.6 178.7 28.4 3 156
56 1 86 48 193 116.2 170.4 40 3 124
24 1 72 43 52 75.2 174.3 24.8 2 112
39 1 74 48 143 81.3 177.2 25.9 4 122
49 1 92 31 99 91.4 174.4 30.1 4 128
74 1 58 63 64 79.1 177.1 25.2 1 158
44 1 64 43 102 89.1 178.4 28 4 134

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Step: 1

To create the specified graphical displays and perform the descriptive statistics analysis using Excel follow these steps Step 1 Graphical Display for ... View full answer

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