Creating the Activity List [25 minutes]: 1. Provide participants with penfpencil and paper or a computer with a spreadsheet program. Instruct them to create a table or spreadsheet with columns for Activity ID. Activity Description. and Duration. 3. Ask participants to ll in the tablefspreadsheet with the activities they identied for each work package. 4. Remind them to assign a unique Activity ID for each activity. Estimating Activity Durations (30 minutes]: 1. Explain the concept of activity duration estimation and its impact on project timelines. Discuss different techniques for estimating activity durations (e.g.. expert judgment. historical data, analogous estimation, eth. Instruct participants to estimate the duration for each activity in their Activity List. Encourage them to consider factors such as complexity. resources required. dependencies. and any known constraints. Optionally. participants can use a stopwatch or timer to simulate time measurement for more acourate estimations. Activity Duration Review and Discussion (15 minutes]: 1. Facilitate a group discussion to review and compare the estimated durations for different activities. Encourage participants to share their thought processes and reasoning behind their duration estimations. Discuss any variations in estimations and their potential impact on the overall project timeline. Provide feedback and guidance on improving the accuracy of activity duration estimation. Conclusion [5 minutes): 1. Summarize the key points covered during the learning activity. 2. Reinforce the importance of creating an Activity List, accurately estimating activity durations. and using a WES for effective project management. 3. Answer any remaining questions and address any concerns from the participants