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Cregg's Fire Furnishings muredures reale custom furniture Crecu's currently besplawde warhead ralelosed on director hours to locale is 31.070,000 of manufacturing overred to indivicual jobs

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Cregg's Fire Furnishings muredures reale custom furniture Crecu's currently besplawde warhead ralelosed on director hours to locale is 31.070,000 of manufacturing overred to indivicual jobs Hummer, Ders Johnsen, werd CEO is onderingreining the comery scaling system by ng departmental overhasc ratos. Ourrendy, the Vechining Department Incurs 5630,000 of mansacturing overhead while the Finishing Department Incurs $440,000 ct manufacturing overhead. Johnson has lintied machine hours (TH)es the primary mansacturing overcad coat driver in the Machining Department and dract kaber(DLnur as the primary lcrver in the Finishing Department (click the icon to view the job information) Read to coure els Requirement 1. Comate the plante de dolaruming that's expect to incur 21 400 DL hour during the year Fins.iderily the formula, the compule there. Round your answer to the nearest whole dollar) Planwide where More info Requirement 2. Cumoute der mertal Creted ressuring that Crugg's expects to incur 15.000 MH in the Machining Department and 17 ECC DL hours in the Frishing Department curing the year. Firariderify the form., then compute the rate for each department (Round your answer to the nearest whole colar Department cverhoed rate Machining per mech hour Finsring HD hour Requirement 3. If Crega's connues to use the planwide overhead rato, how much manufacturing overticad would be alocated to Job 450 and Job 4507 Firsiderrily tha krmilence the amount of mercuring wheel would be able to the pobeiffeplerinide where is used found your answer to the name whole dolar Manufacturing overhead The Cregg's plant completed at 150 and 456 on May 15. Bothcts incurred a teral of 5 DL hours throughout the andre production process. Jan 450 incuncd 1 MH in the Machining Department and 4 DL hours in the Finishing Degeriment the other hour curred in the Machining Department)Job 455 incurred 7 MH in the Machining Depart and 3DL hours in the Finishing Deere the other two DL hours occurred in the Machining Department Print Done Job 450 Job 455 Requirement 4. If Cregg's be descrimental overtowcrates. how much manufacung overhead would be allocated to Jet 450 and .cb 45? Use the king blocells the smarter erfaring wat would be led to the job if the department was card. Found your awer to the nearl whas dala) Job 450 Job 456 Machining Finishing Total overhead allocation Requirements. Based on your answers to Requrementa 3 and 4, does the plantwide averhead rate overboat or undercost other job? Explain. If Creggssels its fumiture at 125% af cost wil its chalce of alcestian syatera atect product oricing? Explain. The single planta de rale act by and | Job 40 by Since Crecussels is esprce at 25% of cust, and the job costis by the location system be, its sale price wil by the location system 689 Cregg's Fire Furnishinga mata upaca custom fumiture. Oragga currently as plantwide overhead based on direct sbor hours to losite is $1.070,000 of manufacturing over het individual jobs. However Dobre Johnson, comer and CEO, a considering roining the campanya casting system by using departmental overhead rancs. Ourrently, the Machring Department $850.000 of manufacturing overhead while the Finishing Department incurs $440,000 of manufacturing overhead..ohnson has identified machine hours (MH) as the primary manufacturing overhead cas.criver in the Vachining Department and drect Labor (DL) hours as the primary solder in the Finishing Degerment (Click the loon to view the job information Read the coulements - X Requirements Requirement 1. Compute the intride overhead iste suming that Cragga pecto ina 21,400 W DL hours during the yea Firsi identify the formula, the compute the role (Round your armer lo teners whole colar) Plantwice a date 1-1 R rales uting that Cresy's spects to incur 15,003 H in the Matinny Department and 17.0CC DL hours the Fristing Department during the year Cost allocation base estimated) cauch department Round your to the newhain dalar) Total assets Departmental Total liabilities 1 + and at per mach hour Total manufacturing overhead per DL hou 1. Compute the planbide overhead rato assumng thar. Cross's expects to nor 21400 Total DL leurs during the year 2. Compuls departments overed rates assuming the wag's expects to incur 15.000 MH in the Machining Department and 17 600 DL hours in the Finishing Departent during the year. 2. f Cree's continues to use the perwide overheac rate, how much trenufacturing overhead would be aluated to Jul 150 and Job 655 4. Gregg's los departmental vend te how much muca.ring whead would be allocated to Job 450 and Job 4057 6. Based on your answers to Requirements 3 and 4, doos the plantwideo chicad ale oxercost or undermelihara Esplain irrogge its furniture a 125% af ok will choice of allocation systems affect product pricina? Explan. F Total owners' equity F Total revenues Tontwice overhead nito, how much manufacturing overhead would be alocated to Jab 450 And Joh 4557 r. of mansacturing overhead that would be aliccared to the jobs the partido crerhoac rate is used. Round your answers to the rearest whole dolar) Manufacturing owerhed allocated Print Done Job 450 Jb 455 Requirement 4. If Craggara departmental whead relea, how much manufacturing overhead would be closed to Joh 450 And Jcb 4557 Use the folong table to calculate the amount of manufacturing overhead that would be allocated to the jobs it the departmental overticad rates are used. Round your answers to the nearest whole dolar. Job 450 Jab 455 Machining Finishing Total warhead losion Requirement 6. Based on your answers to Requirements 3 and 4. docs the plante orehead rato overcost or uncercost etter op? Explar. If Crepas cels its furniture a 126% of c, will choice of allocaton systems affect product pricing? Explair. The sing plantwiders Job 150 by Toob 155 by Since Crea's els ils sales price125of and the job is Y by the allocation sylem ile ils les rich will by the localie kylmil Cregg's Fire Fumihings manufactures upscale custom furnbure. Cregg's currently uses a plantwide overhead rate based on direct labar hours to alocate its 51.070,CCC of manufacturing overhead to individual jobs. However, Dehre Johnson, owner and CEO, is consicering refining the company's cooling system by using departmental overhead rates. Currently, the Machining Department nous $330.000 or manufacturing overhead whic the Finishing Department incurs 440,000 ct manufacturing overhead. Johnson has identified machine curs (VHas the primary manufacturing overhead cost driver in the Machining Department and direct labor (DL hours as the primary cost driver in the Finishing Department Click the icon to view the job informalen.) Read the recrutements Requirement 1. Compute the plantwide overhead rato assuming that Cregg's expects to incur 21,400 total DL hours during the year. First identify the formula, then gorpute the rate. (Round your answer to the nearest whole dolar) Plantwide overhead rate Requirement 2. Compute departmental overhead rates assuring tha: Oga's expects to Incur 15,000 In the Machining Department and 17,600 DL hours in the Finishing Coperiment during the year. First Identity the formula, then compute the rate for each department. Round your answers to the nearest whalo collar) Departmental overhead role Machining per nach hour Finishing per DL hour Cost allocation base (estimated) Requirement 3 urale, how much manufacturing overheid would be located to Job 450 and Job 455? First identify the fo Total assets govertread that would be allocated to the jobs if the planiwide overhead raleis Usec. (Round your answers to the nearest whole dolar.) Tatal department overhead Manufacturing overhead located Jab 450 Total hours Job 455 Total liabilities Requirement 4. much manufacturing overhead would be alocated to Job 450 and Job 455? Total owners' equity Use the following portiead that would be alccated to the jobs if the departmental overhead rates are used. (Round your answers to the nearest whole dolar. Total plantwide overhead Machning Total revenues Finishing Total overhead alocation Requirements. Based on your arsers to Requremenix 3 and 4. does the planiwide uverhead rate overcost or undercost either job? Explain. H Crega's sells its fumiture at 125% of cost wil is choice of allocation systems afect product pricing? Expain. The single planiw de rate | Job 450 by and Job 406 by Since Crood's sets its sales price At 1255, of cast and the job cosia hy the Allocation system it uses its sales price wil by the allocation system it was Cregg's Fire Furnishinga marufuae Cregg's dy pentwice oddalon di labor hours to locate it $1,070.000 af manufacturing creatividade. However Dubro, Amer and CEO is canciering miring the company's saling system by using departmental overhead rates. Ourrently, the Machining Department incurs $20,000 of manufacturing overhosc whic the Fishing Department incurs $440,000 of manufacturing ceresc. Johnson has identica machine hours (MH as the primarymarulasturing overhead cost driver in the Machining Department and direc: Wer (De har ki primary live in the Firiding Department (click the icon to view the job information Read the recurrents Requirement 1. Compute the plante wetend rate asuming that Cragga expectat incur 21.400 ADL hours during the year. Firs: derrily the formulher compute the rate Round your answer to the nearest whoe dolar Plan de wedrala Requirement 2. Compute deprimertal Orheed rates burring that Cregg's expects to incur 15.000 MH in the Machining Department and 17.800 CL hours in the Fishing Depersent during the year Fira idarvily the, the compute the rate for each cepamant(Round your answer to the real whole liar Departmental overhead Machining 1-1 per mach. hour Finting per DL hour Requirement 3. If Crea's continues to use the plan wide overhead rato, how much manufacuring overticad would be allocated to .ct 250 and Job 4557 Firs. idemnly the form, then calculate the amount of manufactur ny pertead that would be located to the jobs if the plan de overhead raleis used. (Rourd your answers to the nearest wole dollar) Manubringer a localed Job 450 Job 455 Requirement 4. Actual use of allocation base If much manufacturing overhead would be allocated to Job 450 and Job 4667 Use the following at Allocated activity cost erhead that would be allocated to the jobs if the departmental overhead ralus are used. Round your answers to the nearest whicle colar.) Department cost allocation rate Machining Finishing Estimated total indirect cost Total overhead allo Plantwide overhead rate Requirement 5. Beses on your sto requerents and ch the paninice Overhead role werelor undermeier job? Explain. If Creco's sells is furniture si 125% of toe. wil it thoice of a location systems aflect product pricing? Explain. The singe plantiderate Job 450 DY end Jcb 455 by D Since Cregg's sets its sacs price at 125 of cost and the cost is by the alocation system it uses, Its sales price wil by the location system it uses. Cregg's Fine Funishings manufactures upscale custom furniture. Cregg's currently uscs a overhead rate based on direct labor hours to allocate is $1,070,000 of manufacturing averted to Indiidual jobs. However, Debra Johnson, owner and CEO, considering retning the company's casting syste departmental overtad rates. Currently, the Machining Department hours $120.000 af manufacturing overhead while the Finishing Department incurs 5440,000 of manufacturing over head. Johnson has identified machine haur (MH) as the primary manufacturing overhead coat criver in the Machining Departm labor (DL) hours as the primary cost driver in the Finishing Department Click the icon to view the job informadon. Read the suirements Requirement 1. Compute the planteide overhead rate suring that Cregg's expects to incur 21.400 total DL hours during the year. First identify the formula, then compute the rate. (Round your answer to the nearest whole dollar.) Plantwide overhead rale Requirement 2. Compute departmental overhead rates assuming that Cregg's expect to incur 15,000 MH in the Machining Department and 17,600 DL hours in the Finishing Department during the year. First identify the formula, then compute the rate for each department (Round your answers to the nearest whole dolar.) Departmental Overhead rale Machining por mach. hou Finishing per DL hour Requirement 3. r Creus continues to use the plantwide overhead rale, how much manufacturing overhead would be alocated to Job 450 and Job 455? First Identify the formula, then calculate the amount of manufacturing averead that would be allocated to the jobs in the plantwide overhead rate is used. {Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar Manufacturing over head alocated Job 450 Job 455 Requirement 4. Ir Cregg'a as deatmental awe teed rates, how much manufacturing overhead would be located to Job 450 and Job 4557 Use the following table to calculate the amount of manufacturing overhead that would be allocated to the jobs if the departmental overhead rates are used. Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar.) Job 450 Job 455 Machining Finishing Tocal overhead allocation Requirement 5. Based on your answers to Requirements and 4. do ed rate overcost or undercasether job? Explain. If Cregg's solis ita fumiture at 125% of cost, will chance of a location systems affect product pricing? Explain. The single plantwide rate Job 450 by rol alleled ani 455 by Since Cregg'a satsita sales price at 125% ofaat, and the jah cast is by the allocation system it uses, I's sale price wil by the location system tuses. t Cregg's Fire Furnishinga manufactures upscale custom fumiture. Cregg's currently uses a planwide overhead rate based on direct labor hours to allocate ita $1,070.0CC of manufacturing overhead to individualja. Harwever, Debrachnson, awer and CEO is corakciering refining the company's scaling system by using deparimer tal overhead raies. Currently, the Machining Department curs $830.000 cf manufacturing overhead while the Finishing Department incurs $440,000 o manulacturing overhead Johnson has denied machine hours (MH) as the primary manufacturing overhead cost diner in the Maching Department and direct Labor (DL) hauran the primary caldewer in the Finang Dent (Click to loon to view the job information. . Read the cuirements Requirement 1. Compute the plantaide overed rate sau ning that Cregg's expecs to incur 21,400 Total DL hours during the year. Firstidernly the formula, the compute the ale Round your gener lo the rearest whole doller) Partida overhead rate Requirement 2. Compuie departmental owerhead roles assuming that Cregg's expeca to nour 15000 MH in the Machining Department and 17.800 CL hours in the Finishing Department during the year. First derdly the lammul, then came to the rule or wach department. {Round your Awra tote na whole colar Departments over at Machining per mach. hour , Finang + per DL Pour Requirement 3. Ir Crage's continues to use the plantaide overhead rate, how much manufacturing overhead would be located to Joh 450 And.cb 4557 Firsidenly the formulis, then calculate the amount of manufacturing overhead that would be allocated to the jobs if the plantwide overhead rate is used. (Round your answers to the nearest whole dolari Manufacturing overhead allocated 06450 Job 455 Requirement 4. If Cregg's are departmerrested relea, haw much Manufacturing overhead would be located to Job 450 and Jb 4557 Use the folong table to calculate the amount of manufacturing overhead that would be allocated to the cbs if the departmental chcad rates are used. (Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar) Job 450 Jab 455 Machining Finahing cvercosts Total overhead allocation Requirements. Based on y undercosts amorts 3 and 4, does the plannwide orticadrate Overoost or undercost chercb7 Expain. If Cregg's sols turniture at 123 of cost, wil its chalco ct alocation systems attiect product pricing? Explain. The single parlwidere Juo 150 by and Job 456 by Since Create a sale price 125% of and the obis by the allocation system, ale price wil Y by the location systemie

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