D Normal text Book Anti.. 11 - BIUSA E. EE Scenario: You are studying levels of embarrassment in children and teenagers. You want to know how levels of embarrassment change as children get older. You randomly select students to get a visit from their mom during class, during which she drops off a lunch for her child. You ask the mothers to make the interaction very loud and public. You then ask the student to rate their embarrassment on a scale from 1-10. The variables in this analysis are: ID (unique number for each teenager) Age (ranging from 5-18) Embarrassment (level of embarrassment after mom drops off lunch) Assignment in R: 1. What is the mean score of ... a. ...Age? b. ... Embarrassment? 2. What is the standard deviation of... a. ...Age? b. ... Embarrassment? 3. What are the skew and kurtosis of... a. ...Age? b. ...Embarrassment? 4. Create a histogram to show the distribution of ages. Take a screenshot of the graph and paste it here. What age appears the most? 5. Create a scatterplot to show the relationship between age and embarrassment. Take a screenshot of the graph and paste it here. 6. In a few sentences, how would you describe the relationship between age and embarrassment? D
ID Age Embarassment Gender 9 3 male IN 13 7 female 5 1 female 12 7 female 11 5 female 8 3 male 2 male 10 5 male 12 7 male 11 6 female 6 2 female 3 female 9 3 male 11 5 male 9 3 female 7 1 male 16 8 male 18 17 9 male 19 9 3 female 20 10 4 female 21 18 7 male 22 16 7 female 23 7 1 male 24 6 3 male 25 17 6 male 26 13 9 female 27 11 6 female 28 10 4 female 29 18 7 female 30 2 male 31 13 9 male 32 5 1 male 33 12 8 male 34 11 5 female 35 8 4 female 36 6 2 female 37 10 4 male 7 male 39 11 5 female 40 6 3 male 41 8 3 male 42 9 2 male 43 11 4 female 44 9 3 female 7 1 male 46 16 8 female 47 17 8 male 48 9 I male 49 10 3 female