Data Lab Analysis # 2: Single, Paired- Samples, and Independent T-Tests Description: For this activity, I wanted to test the impact of our vision on our ability to balance. Students were timed to see how long they could stand on one foot with their eyes open versus with their eyes closed. Procedure: Students were divided into pairs. Each student took one turn timing (experimenter role) and one turn balancing (participant role). Experimenters should time the participants using a clock with the ability to record in seconds. Participants started with 1-2 untimed, practice trials with their eyes open. Standing free of other objects or people, each participant raised one foot while the other is on the ground. After the participant was comfortable with the task, they began trial one. For trial one, the participant stood on one foot with their eyes open. Experimenters recorded how long each participant stands before the raised foot or another part of the body touched an object to maintain balance. if the participant balanced for 2 minutes, that was considered the maximum time, and the experimenter recorded 2 minutes. For trial two, the participant stood on one foot with their eyes closed. Experimenters recorded how long each participant stood before the raised foot or another part of the body touched an object to maintain balance. Experimenters also stopped the clock if the participant opened their eyes. After the first participant completed both conditions, the students switched roles and complete the full procedure again. Data Collection: Please review the Data Analysis # 2 data file to answer the following questions. Data represents data that was collected from my statistics students from a previous semester. Analyzing our Data: Research Question 1: Do participants maintain balance for a different amount of time with their eyes open than with their eyes closed? What is the appropriate statistical test? How do you know? Conduct the test using SPSS and use the output to answer your research question. Please paste your output here. You will not receive credit for this if the appropriate output is not provided. Based on your results, do the participants maintain balance for a different amount of time when their eyes open and closed? (Use a two-tailed test with an alpha level of 0.05). Please state your results in APA style. Please review the lecture for how to do this. You will not receive full points if all the appropriate information is provided