Database Querying Assignment - SQL Suppose we have a Web server that has the data of the web pages stored inside a database and not in operating system files. The papes we retrieved through queries when needed. The scheme of the Web server blications Page Page ID number(4) notul Path varchar(Bj not null. Owner varchar(15) Last Modified date not text: long not nully contains an entry for every web page on the server: An identifying number, a path the owner, the date of last modification and the text of the page the HTML source code) Request Request No Numberts) not rulli vachar(15) notut when:date Page 10 not is used to fog requests for web pages: Whenever a browser requests a web poethe IP address of the requesting machine timestamp attribute when and the 10 of the page are stored in the table Request. The requests are numbered and the number served as Keyword Word varchar(10) noto Page ID number(4not no: is used for a local search function. It contains Keywords search termal for each page can be described by any number of keywords Express the following Queries in SOL Expert Q&A include redundant Information 5. Which IP addresses never accessed John's Web 6. Which keywords are used by all the page owners (in at least one of their pages)? 7. Which owner has at least one of his/her pages accessed by all the IP addresses! 8. list the number of accesses per day for every pace 9. On the average, how many pages are accessed by an IP address? 10. Which Web page is the most popular For the SQL queries, create a database and populate it so that you get at least 1 answer for every query. Cog paste both the query and the answer returned to show that you have run the query against a database syste Suppose we have a Web server that has the data of the web pages stored inside a database, and not in operating system files. The pages are retrieved through queries when needed. The schema of the Web server application is: Page(Page ID: number(4) not null, Path: varchar(80) not null, Owner: varchar(15) not null, Last Modified: date not null, text: long not null) contains an entry for every web page on the server: An identifying number, a path, the owner, the date of last modification, and the text of the page (the HTML source code). Request(Request No: Number(5) not null, IP: varchar(15) not null, when: date, Page ID not null) is used to log requests for web pages: Whenever a browser requests a web page, the IP address of the requesting machine, a timestamp (attribute" when") and the ID of the page are stored in the table "Request". The requests are numbered and the number served as Keyword(Word: varchar(10) not null, Page ID: number(4) not null): is used for a local search function: It contains keywords (search terms) for each A page can be described by any number of keywords. Express the following Queries in SQL 5. Which IP addresses never accessed John's Web 6. Which keywords are used by all the page owners (in at least one of their pages)? 7. Which owner has at least one of his/her pages accessed by all the IP addresses? 8. List the number of accesses per day for every page 9. On the average, how many pages are accessed by an IP address? 10. Which Web page is the most popular? For the SQL queries, create a database and populate it so that you get at least 1 answer for every query. Copy and paste both the query and the answer returned to show that you have run the query against a database system