Description Assignment 10 View the videos: A524 Week 10 Bandon 1.mp4 and A524 Week 10 Bandon 2.mp4. Review the excel sheets, Week 10 Bandon COMPLETED.xIsx and Week 10 Bandon Breakdown COMPLETED.xIsx. (SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE FOR THESE FILES) Suppose that you are one of the doctors in the group of six that works at Bandon Medical Associates. Charlene King has just met with the group and has sheepishly informed you and your colleagues that there will be no bonuses this year, even though the revenue targets have been met. She is very apologetic, but notes that the survival of BMA requires this step. After the group meeting, she asks if you would be willing to step into her office. She says that she felt terrible about reneging on the bonus payments. She says that she knows for a fact that you have worked well over the 1,500-hour basis on which the budget was constructed. (You have personally added up your hours and know that you have worked well over 1,600 hours seeing patients). She asks for your advice. How should she handle the issue going forward? She mentions a couple of options. She could carefully monitor and restrict the use of extenders. She could compute the contribution of each case seen in terms of the revenue and variable costs (extenders and supplies), but that would disadvantage some procedures that have a lower margin. What is your recommendation to her? Write it up in one to two paragraphs in a word document, save using the LastnameFirstname convention. There are problems with each of the options listed above. The first requires a lot of administrative oversight and micro- management. The second, as noted, might pit the practitioners against one another. Can you think of a better option? . Submit Assignment Previous Next