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Description You have learned so far about leadership styles, leadership process, leadership model, decision making process and biases affecting leadership decisions. Please read the following

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Description You have learned so far about leadership styles, leadership process, leadership model, decision making process and biases affecting leadership decisions. Please read the following case a-woman-really-issuesof-diversity-in-hiring-decision-case.pdf i and reflect on the following in your writing: 1. Identify the Question or problem at issue 2. Apply the leadership process model: who is the leader, the followers, the context and the outcomes or consequences. 3. Apply concepts, theories, or principles learned in your courses related to ethical dilemmas, corporate social responsibility programs, culture, corporate values, diversity and inclusion, leadership and strategy. 4. What types of decisions the leader is required to make in this case? Programmed or nonprogrammed decisions. Please elaborate in your answers. 5. Complete a SWOT analysis. Please identify and explain two strengths, two weaknesses, two opportunities and two threats for the organization, the industry (NBA), or about the new strategy to be implemented. 6. Describe different type of biases (anchoring, Description You have learned so far about leadership styles, leadership process, leadership model, decision making process and biases affecting leadership decisions. Please read the following case a-woman-really-issuesof-diversity-in-hiring-decision-case.pdf C and reflect on the following in your writing: 1. Identify the Question or problem at issue 2. Apply the leadership process model: who is the leader, the followers, the context and the outcomes or consequences. 3. Apply concepts, theories, or principles learned in your courses related to ethical dilemmas, corporate social responsibility programs, culture, corporate values, diversity and inclusion, leadership and strategy. 4. What types of decisions the leader is required to make in this case? Programmed or nonprogrammed decisions. Please elaborate in your answers. 5. Complete a SWOT analysis. Please identify and explain two strengths, two weaknesses, two opportunities and two threats for the organization, the industry (NBA), or about the new strategy to be implemented. 6. Describe different type of biases (anchoring, and sees the exceases of the lourist trade. A regular hometoen hero. Socrales ind his tigh schod baskettea! Thale 2. Pieneers Exsecalive Stral Page 4 of 9 shas: sAce Dusines Casas sage 2016 Hunian Minescs inc. Fiaure 1. Pioneers oraanizational chart iand grark university where he played celege tast He opered a IF pation las uffee in the area and conainuad There was slence in the room. Tm not realy sure." Socrales conlinued. "why exsctly this is an issue. Costhing is a profesaion. This is a businasa decision. We are not looking af race or gender or age. We are locking for scmeone who can turn his inam inte wirnes: take erders from a women " Whilehess commented. We have many young players. They need a male role model. How can thes lady the a tole moder? You know that, Alexis. For some ef eur players. Fos coach is the only father figure they 1 ever have. And f we hire a... whil, a grt, this juet won't werk." Webb adsbd. Whtehead jumped in to the conversation. Look, Nexs, maybe you thirk you can sure some meney by tifing wil be the laughingsiock of the league. This wil be embarassing." bat and wh, "Whilerest sontrued. motvating men is diferent. Or the few worren in ceachng postiona. 1 dent inoes any who have won a major sir, wien all doe renpect, heve you lobl your mind? for ene? You thick wo wit ever butd a brand without seting merchandse and season sakets? You Fink proo. seasan without the fight ceach? Im teling reu new, that coach is Nolan." Business. We ere not hore to have fun or win a popularity contest And t you teo dont understand that, then you ars, have low yur minds:" and he starmed aut ef the room. Moving Forward Socrates sat at his desk saring eut af the cly wohose support the rested if he was gaing lo keep the Poneen. nere. He turned to his desk and began so wike a liat of things to do. 1. How cauld he oet his acminatrative team an bavd before he approached Nodan? 2 How seuld the be proscive in stopping probiens with the playen belors they started? 3. How could he win ever the fiar base? 4. How ceuld he get expryone bo ses Noisn as a ceach rather than a weman coach? Papes of 9 asace businesscases sAaE sugE Business Cases out how to make E hapeen. References ed. Scottsdale, AZ iscicomb Hathaway. Socrabes got an the phone and began to call a list of Otision I cosches he knte pecsenaly, both from his playing daye and form his work with the franchise. He spent the morning descrbing the coach Vhe Pinneers needed and asking whether Netion might be that person. Next, he caled two wh plopers he knew whe were proepect of Noien ceatring the Peneers. ofloe an an heur the wasied io speak with them irmedialely A Radical Decision Dr. Scerates began the meeting with a smile. "Gendemen, fve been thinking about the hrrog of the new couch and I think I just found ancther groat candidate for our head ceaching position. Let me frst sell you what this candibete dan eo for us. Like Gert, thes new candidute has great experience as competerk. herd woxing. and a role model. This cosch kncws the job wery welt ahich will ef course. lead folow twis boach anyetere Moreover, this coach was able in the finst 2 yoars in the pros to ked the team frem last plsce one scoson to the championship the very next semen. Bestes a championiship, this is the I think they can be wer this cooch." him: pluyers," Socrales nat ste amiro. casch. Lat yes's Whe etempions." What sad whtehead The the a joke, Aitciof Webo asied Tho, t have never been mare serious, " Secrates ropled. Whitehead, locking at De. Sacrates. Socrabes ipoked around the noom at his adminiblistive lecan. "Why not? The seal quetion is, why have we Page 7 of 9 asuce businesscases saber sAGE thusiness Cases There was sierce in the room. Tm not reafy same." Secrates cortinued, "why exactly this is an issue, Coathisg is a profassion. This is a business decision. We are rot locking al race of gender or age, We are locking lar someone who can turn this team into whnors: Wel, the problem is that male players won't want to play for a woman. They won't respect her. Players won't take ordars tram a soman" "Whilehesd commented. We have many young players. They need a male role model. How can fis lady be a nole model? You know that, Alexis. For some of cur players, the coach is the only father figure theyil ever have. And t we hre a..., the pocr merale and plaver lethargy in the Ploneers arganiration, most respensbs were that the coaches were never happened. Socrates neslized that some internal change noedod bo happen as well at their athial Facebock sito. Paye 5 of 9 A Worisn? Recly? Issues ef Deversty in Hiring Dedisions 95ARE businesscases Bact SAGE Business Cases On, you can bet en it, Alexist You should soe what our fars ane wining on cur Facebook paye," said a frus: trated Wetb. They are suggeting a leam name charge to The Loses' gince that's whet everpone calle us Wel, they have aome resaens to kiy that, Todt," Socrates quielly cauntered. He atood, staring out of the window, looking defested timselt holders sinee ve basicaly rebbed then. Can you belive the nerve of these peopla? Aler a mimle of tilence. Socraks ssid. "We need to give eur players some confidence. That will come with atho can act as a role model for these young players. The righ person for the job. the best fe, a prover winner. mords come nest season. Now where would Socrabes frnd the person with the right frr? Narrowing the Search As team owner, Socrates hod sevoral consideratons to takt into acoount when choosing the rew coath. Al how the search should commence and end. Publc opinion and porrmurity vews were nol part et his decitian making. Ore perticuitrly wocal group was pustirg for the kscal college ceach to slep up. Socrabes uowed to himsal that twis would be strictly a buiness deosion and that the fan base would not make it. Socrates had two nan erileris for his selecsen-le ind money Webb and Whtehead iboik the load on vetting candidates who were possibilies. Secrates worked the phane vsion I Donnenone Universby, was the front nurner. Hs natural charima and squeaky-clean faade nade him a player and fin farorte. The preas lowed him. His win-loss record in 15 years at Donnemore was 6.78. diduts. Webo had intimaded so Gerb that he was the frorthnner, se Socrahes docided it was tme to sit doen wih Gerb and begin serioss discussions. As Socrates sat at his desk listing the non-negoflables and cansidemg the salary boltom ine, he glaxced as a replacement coach for the Rolers, a Wornen's League (WL) team. The Rolers became the frst foum in W. history to move from last place one season is W. champions the neas. Desplty being the underdogs, the ended because of a severe injury, bul unlike Sourates, he deoded io become a cosch. She was head coseh in the wemen's basketteal program at Ferce University. Division 1 , for to years with a 0.85 sin-bes record. Two yoars ago, she had accepted a jo as hood ceach for the Rellers in the WL. Or. Socrains found himsell Paos 6 of 9 9SAcE busiresscases sace SACE Business Cases Socrabes got on the phone and began to call a lat of Divisien if cosctes he knew personaly, both froen his Abstract Women are vasty underrepresenbed in leodership positions in sport organizations both in the Unted States and intemationelly (Burlon. 2015. Knoppers is Avithenissen, 2005 Whisenant, 2005). The reaim of spont is perceived as a gerdered spoce in etich the eancepl of masculinty mantaint dominance. This bancept mily hiree an infuence on the decibion making retided to the hinng of new staf. When the owner of a menir prolessional bonkedall boam decided to hire a new hest coach for foe upcemarg season, he lound himser facing many diflerent chalenges. He beleves that if knowledje, skilis, and abilies are the parameters fo evaluate a ooch, then gender should not be an ispe (Cheladurai. 2005). The focus in fis clase indudes (a) arganiforial edtare and operalons in Ning. The case exempilies fle reed to understind that hiring inerests. Case The Plonears were losing ty 25 points at the end of the find quarter, the last game of a bod soason. This Niexa Socrates became the owner of the franchise 4 years previously. Nonaugh tis was a lasm with a youna quarter and got werse frem that poiet en, Dr. Sosrzhos couldnt help buf fink that his team needod to change fis this." The cwner twhed to soe the Ploneers coach seated, shoulders slumped, head down. This had been Coach about them The Pioneers youth of the trandrise, previous seasors had nom bete as successhal as would have been eapected for an milen) desple terv in a huon midepstem market ise Jabie 11. When Dr. Alexis focrates bought the leam, fat into pisce. From the begirwing, Or. Secrates workd to coeale and reirlonce a corporsle cuture thet would Page 3 of 9 gsacte businesscases SAOE SAGE Business Cases o 2015 Himm KCretse, inc. ambrace and dive change as a woy is grow and leom. Thus, athough the Ploneers' wonk environment was Picneers' orgarization. The feam has 33 stall members working in aveas sach as busnest operations, makiling and promobon. ees at the exeodive kevel are somen, and five womes of 15 hold midole manager postion. However, none of the coaching stan position, which included one head coach and the assistare coaches, ware heis by tors isen Thbik 2. The Owner

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