Deta of business of Lice Cen operating in air-eonditivest peoduction, ia the ter year M. are as follows: 1. Turnover repert - Air-conditioner with capacity of 12,000 BTU: 10,000 enits were wold at beforeVAT price of VND 11,000,000 per enit. - Air-conditioner with capacity of 100000 BTL: 1,000 units were wold at beforeVAT prios of VND 44.000.000 per enit. 2. Eepense repart - Depreciation which is complated strictly with the stipulations by law: VNDH10,000,000,000 - Matsrial eypense: VND60,000,000000. This oxpense is compliant with the consimed norm defised by the compaty. - Salaries and retrunation expeniesi VND20.000,000.000, of which VND 1,000,000,000 paid to the founding members of conpuries who do sot directly take part in the administration of goods production. - Asset rent paid in sdvance fee 5 yeas of renting: VND10,000,000,000. - Interea expense: VND6,000.000.000 of which VND2.000,000.000 is equivalent to the interest of the lack of chanes capital. - Input VAT qualified VNDQ,000,000,000. - Other deductible expenses apart fiom excise duty: VND8, 000,000,000 3. Odher releraut infermation - VAT rate applicable to this item is 10 perieent. - Exciec duty rate applicable to this iteta is 10 percent. - Standard rate of coeponate income tax is applicable to this company. - All puschase tranisctions are supported with leginimate invoices. - Bank paymonis are applicable to all purchase tranoactions of the compary. - Losses carriod forwant VND2,000,000,000. Required: Deternine VAT, etcise dury and copponate incoene tax payathe by this company for the tax year M. Deta of business of Lice Cen operating in air-eonditivest peoduction, ia the ter year M. are as follows: 1. Turnover repert - Air-conditioner with capacity of 12,000 BTU: 10,000 enits were wold at beforeVAT price of VND 11,000,000 per enit. - Air-conditioner with capacity of 100000 BTL: 1,000 units were wold at beforeVAT prios of VND 44.000.000 per enit. 2. Eepense repart - Depreciation which is complated strictly with the stipulations by law: VNDH10,000,000,000 - Matsrial eypense: VND60,000,000000. This oxpense is compliant with the consimed norm defised by the compaty. - Salaries and retrunation expeniesi VND20.000,000.000, of which VND 1,000,000,000 paid to the founding members of conpuries who do sot directly take part in the administration of goods production. - Asset rent paid in sdvance fee 5 yeas of renting: VND10,000,000,000. - Interea expense: VND6,000.000.000 of which VND2.000,000.000 is equivalent to the interest of the lack of chanes capital. - Input VAT qualified VNDQ,000,000,000. - Other deductible expenses apart fiom excise duty: VND8, 000,000,000 3. Odher releraut infermation - VAT rate applicable to this item is 10 perieent. - Exciec duty rate applicable to this iteta is 10 percent. - Standard rate of coeponate income tax is applicable to this company. - All puschase tranisctions are supported with leginimate invoices. - Bank paymonis are applicable to all purchase tranoactions of the compary. - Losses carriod forwant VND2,000,000,000. Required: Deternine VAT, etcise dury and copponate incoene tax payathe by this company for the tax year M