Determining Start-up Capital . . Begin by Angin the loures for the volous types of expenses in the cash flow table on the following page Start your fat month in the table that folows w starting ash of $0, and consoldate your "cash out expenses from your cash fow table under the three main headings of rent, payroll and other including the amount ofurpold start up cochin her in month Continue the monthly projection in the table that folow in the ending balonces are condeny podle Find the best neoolwe balance is the mount needed for start up oppolin oder for her bwnew to wiwo in me brookeven pont when or expenses wi be covered by income Continue by intesting the amount of needed to up capolinome can tow kubur as the stage can for month . MOON Month Monika Months Month Mon? Mont Mont 1 30.00 Starting coth Cash in Cosh Sales Poid Recovables Total Cash in Cash Out Rant Payrol Other Totalcan Out Endre Blanc CHANGE(CASHFLOW) Determining Start-up Capital . . Begin by Angin the loures for the volous types of expenses in the cash flow table on the following page Start your fat month in the table that folows w starting ash of $0, and consoldate your "cash out expenses from your cash fow table under the three main headings of rent, payroll and other including the amount ofurpold start up cochin her in month Continue the monthly projection in the table that folow in the ending balonces are condeny podle Find the best neoolwe balance is the mount needed for start up oppolin oder for her bwnew to wiwo in me brookeven pont when or expenses wi be covered by income Continue by intesting the amount of needed to up capolinome can tow kubur as the stage can for month . MOON Month Monika Months Month Mon? Mont Mont 1 30.00 Starting coth Cash in Cosh Sales Poid Recovables Total Cash in Cash Out Rant Payrol Other Totalcan Out Endre Blanc CHANGE(CASHFLOW)