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Develop a project schedule that aligns with your project management plan (PMP). Use of an automated software tool of your choice is strongly recommended. It

Develop a project schedule that aligns with your project management plan (PMP). Use of an automated software tool of your choice is strongly recommended. It should have the following components:

  1. General
    1. You project should be at the high level so that schedule and cost are aggregated. This should align with your schedule and cost as approved by your stakeholders and as reflected in Project Executive Summary submitted earlier.
    2. It should support dynamic scheduling. All tasks must be auto scheduled. If a task is manually schedule, include a comment explaining it.
    3. It should represent the total scope of the project. Include WBS Id for all items.
    4. Use an appropriate technique or method to show milestones and deliverables.
    5. Include project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closeout related activities.
  2. Schedule
    1. Use at least three type of task dependencies
    2. Include predecessor and successors of tasks
    3. Use of leads and las for at least three tasks
    4. Task duration, effort, etc. as appropriate for the task
    5. Include recurring meetings such as status meetings
    6. Gantt chart should display how the project is executed and milestones achieved
  3. Resources
    1. Use of three types of resource types - Work (people or human resources), Material (consumables, equipment, etc.) and financial cost that associates with a task (in MS Project, "Cost" resource type) like travel expenses
    2. Include resource cost, standard rate, availability, etc.
    3. Ensure no resource is overallocated
  4. Cost
    1. Include project contingency
    2. All resources have realistic cost
    3. Fixed cost entered as appropriate
  5. Baselined project
    1. Project deliverables match
    2. Project schedule i.e., start date and finish date are aligned with PMP
    3. Project cost is aligned with PM.

Use the software selected to develop your project schedule. Include a Gantt chart or other format that shows high level project activities, deliverables and milestones. You may use a tool of your choice or MS Project. Note that you will be using the same tool to build your dynamic project schedule. Ensure that the output is Excel or mpp (for MS Project) file that can be suitable for grading the assignment. Additionally, you may submit a PDF file of your submission for receiving review comments.

Develop project management plan sections - Schedule, Resources and Cost in final a 3 to 5-page document. Additional details A. Project Information - General: Start Date, Schedule approach - Dynamic, Project at the highest level B. Schedule - WBS id, summary tasks, detail tasks, start date, finish date, Baseline finish date, task dependencies (predecessors/successors, leads, lags), duration or work hours, milestones, deliverables, resources C. Cost - Current cost, Baseline Cost D. Resources - name, type (e.g. Work, Material, Cost types in MS Project), Standard Rate, Cost/Use, Full/Part time (Max in MS Project), Work Hours, overallocation (Yes or No) D. Gantt Chart View - Appropriate Timescale for project duration, milestones indicator Includes PDF file of schedule with appropriate views and timescale Includes at least two additional elements (e.g. constraints, comments, etc.) listed above.

A working professional reading the submission will fully understand project Schedule. It includes: A. Project schedule is dynamic B. Includes items mentioned in the assignment - General C. Includes items mentioned in the assignment - Schedule D. Includes items mentioned in the assignment - Resources Includes items mentioned in the assignment - Cost F. Includes items mentioned in the assignment - Baselined Project G. Project details align with PMP Uses MS Project or other tool that depicts the project planning details with ease to change dynamically. Includes schedule in PDF file with appropriate fields with comments. Includes at least 2 elements (annotated and explained how used) not mentioned above.

Below is my PMP and WBS, Use that to make above assignment, Project management plan, Executive Summary

The Community Garden Network Platform project, funded by the Akshaya Patra Foundation & Green Sprouts Initiative and overseen by Rushikesh Pawar, seeks to tackle the issue of limited availability of fresh food and green areas in urban communities through the creation of a combined web and mobile application. The platform will facilitate users in finding nearby community gardens, engaging with fellow gardeners, accessing educational resources, and making contributions to the local food supply and environment. Following the project selection criteria, the project will employ a hybrid development approach, that integrates adaptive and predictive methods to guarantee both flexibility and structure throughout the project lifecycle. The project's deliverables, schedule, and cost are in agreement with the project charter. The milestone schedule clearly outlines the specific milestones and completion dates. The main project deliverables consist of creating prototypes for web and mobile applications, integrating mapping functionalities and APIs, designing the user interface, and completing the testing phase. The completion of these deliverables is planned within eight months, starting in February 2024 and ending in September 2024. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $450,000. The project plan aligns with the project selection criteria by addressing the societal problem of food insecurity, improving community involvement, and advocating for environmental sustainability. The project aims to efficiently and effectively achieve its objectives by utilizing agile principles for stakeholder engagement and adaptive development methods for iterative improvements.

Project Overview The project overview introduces the Community Garden Network Platform, emphasizing its main goals, intended audience, and technological strategy. Here are some supplementary details that could augment the project overview:

  • Objective Alignment:The project seeks to align with the wider societal objectives of fostering food security, environmental sustainability, and community engagement. The project aims to tackle urgent urban issues and promote a sense of civic duty and empowerment among residents by offering a centralized platform to access information on community gardens.
  • User-Centric Design:Highlight the user-centric design methodology, guaranteeing that the platform accommodates the varied requirements and preferences of its users. The project seeks to develop a user-friendly and captivating experience that promotes widespread adoption and participation through user research and feedback loops.
  • Effect on the Community:Emphasize the prospective influence of the Community Garden Network Platform on nearby communities. In addition to granting access to nutritious food and natural areas, the platform has the capacity to enhance social connections, encourage cultural interchange, and enable community-driven efforts to enhance local welfare.
  • Technological Innovation:Highlight the project's innovative elements, including the incorporation of mapping capabilities, real-time data synchronization, and interactive components to enhance user involvement. The platform aims to establish new benchmarks for community-driven initiatives in the digital era by utilizing state-of-the-art technologies.
  • Cooperative alliances:Recognize the cooperative aspect of the project, which includes involvement from various stakeholders such as government agencies, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and local communities. The project aims to establish a supportive ecosystem for sustainable urban development by promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Prolonged Sustainability:Examine the project's dedication to ensuring long-term sustainability beyond the initial development phase. The project aims to guarantee the ongoing relevance and effectiveness of the Community Garden Network Platform for the future by implementing scalable solutions, establishing governance structures, and fostering community ownership.
  • Quantifiable Results:Determine the essential performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for monitoring the project's advancement and influence. These metrics may encompass user engagement, platform usage, community participation, and environmental benefits, offering stakeholders concrete proof of the project's triumph and efficacy.

Project Description

The Community Garden Network Platform will enable users to locate nearby community gardens, interact with other gardeners, access educational materials, and contribute to the local food supply and environment. The platform will utilize agile principles for continuous stakeholder engagement and adaptive development methods for iterative improvements.

  • Streamline Garden Plot Management:Users will be able to oversee and control their garden plots on the platform, which includes monitoring the growth of plants, planning maintenance tasks, and documenting harvests.
  • Event Management Features: The platform will enable users to establish and oversee gardening events, including workshops, seed swaps, and community clean-up days, promoting a feeling of community and cooperation among gardeners.
  • Sharing of community resources:Users can engage in resource sharing, specifically for gardening tools, seeds, and compost, which encourages sustainability and decreases individual resource usage.
  • Real-time Communication Channels: The platform will include live communication channels, such as chat rooms or discussion forums, where users can actively seek advice, exchange tips, and participate in discussions with other gardeners.
  • Expert Q&A Sessions:The platform will host periodic Q&A sessions led by experts, allowing users to gain knowledge from experienced gardeners and horticulture professionals.
  • Weather forecasting integration:By integrating with weather forecasting services, users will receive up-to-date weather updates and gardening recommendations that are tailored to their local weather conditions.

Goals and objectives The main objective of the Community Garden Network Platform project is to tackle the problem of restricted availability of fresh food and green areas in urban communities, particularly in Mumbai, India. To attain this overarching objective, the project seeks to achieve the following specific goals:

  • Enhance accessibility to community gardens: Create a hybrid web and mobile application that facilitates users effortlessly finding nearby community gardens.
  • Promote Interaction and Collaboration: Offer functionalities that enable gardeners to engage with each other, exchange expertise and assets, and cooperate on gardening endeavors.
  • Offer Educational Support: Curate and facilitate access to an extensive array of educational resources on gardening, composting, and sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Contribute to Food Security and Environmental Sustainability: Enable individuals to actively contribute to the local food supply and environment by engaging in community gardening initiatives and embracing eco-friendly practices.
  • Achieve a 25% increase in the number of households utilizing community gardens for fresh food access within 30 months.
  • Achieve a 20% enhancement in brand affinity within 18 months.
  • Facilitate the establishment of 10 additional community gardens within 24 months.

Project Scope The Community Garden Network Platform project includes the following key elements:

  • Hybrid web and mobile application development: The project entails the creation, advancement, and implementation of a hybrid web and mobile application called "Community Garden Network Platform."
  • Maps and Data Sharing: The platform will offer mapping capabilities and furnish extensive details regarding community gardens in Mumbai, encompassing their geographical positions, classifications, amenities, and contact information.
  • Interactivity and collaboration among users: The platform will enable user engagement and cooperation through functionalities such as forums, event calendars, volunteer coordination tools, and knowledge-sharing mechanisms.
  • Educational Resources:The platform will provide users with a carefully selected assortment of educational resources on gardening, composting, and sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Continuous Enhancement: The project will utilize agile principles to ensure theongoing involvement of stakeholders and employ adaptive development methods to make iterative enhancements to the platform.

Project Scope Exclusions

  • Incorporation of third-party platforms or services that go beyond the original intended purpose.
  • Implementation of supplementary features or functionalities that were not explicitly outlined in the project charter.
  • The platform should incorporate social or community events management.
  • Incorporation of payment gateways to facilitate transactions involving garden rentals or purchases.
  • Offering assistance in multiple languages to users with different linguistic backgrounds.
  • Integration of gamification components to encourage user participation.
  • Incorporating user feedback mechanisms to facilitate ongoing enhancements.
  • Incorporation of data analytics tools to monitor the utilization and effectiveness of the platform.
  • Enforcing security protocols to protect user data and ensure privacy.
  • Organizing user training sessions to ensure maximum utilization of the platform.
  • Implementing accessibility features to guarantee usability for individuals with disabilities.
  • Incorporation of weather forecasting services to offer gardening recommendations.
  • Providing community-led initiatives such as crowdfunding for garden projects.
  • Facilitating e-commerce capabilities for the purchase and sale of gardening supplies.
  • Forming alliances with nearby enterprises to secure sponsorships or promotional prospects.

High-Level Requirements

  • Implementation of mapping functionalities and APIs to process garden location data.
  • Development of user interfaces optimized for convenient access to garden-related information.
  • Mobile device support for both the iOS and Android operating systems.

Assumptions with Material Impact

  • Community Engagement: It is expected that the community members will actively participate and be involved in using the Community Garden Network Platform. If the level of community engagement does not meet expectations, it could have a significant impact on the platform's effectiveness in achieving its goals and may necessitate a reassessment of outreach strategies.
  • Availability of Development Resources: It is assumed that all the required resources for development, such as skilled staff, tools, and infrastructure, will be easily accessible throughout the entire project. If there are not enough resources available or if there are limitations on resources, it may cause project timelines and deliverables to be impacted, resulting in possible delays and exceeding the budget.
  • Stakeholder endorsement: The project relies on the timely approval and support of key stakeholders, such as community members, municipal authorities, and organizational partners, for the development and implementation of the platform. Any obstacles or difficulties in acquiring stakeholder approval could impede progress and have a negative effect on the project's overall success.
  • Accessibility of Data: It is expected that the necessary data needed for mapping community gardens and providing detailed information will be easily accessible and ready to be incorporated into the platform. Should any issues regarding data availability or quality arise, it may impede the platform's functionality and accuracy, requiring the use of alternative data sources or the improvement of data integration processes.

Project Constraints

  • Financial constraints: The project functions within a predetermined budget of $450,000, which places limitations on the distribution of resources and expenses. Any deviations from the budget or unforeseen costs may hinder the project's capacity to deliver all intended features and functionalities within the allocated funds.
  • Project Completion Timeline: The project is limited by a fixed timeline of eight months, commencing in February 2024 and concluding in September 2024. The predetermined time frame requires effective project management and prioritization of tasks to guarantee the timely completion of project milestones and objectives. Any disruptions in project activities or unexpected obstacles could endanger the project's capacity to meet its deadlines and may necessitate modifications to the project schedule.
  • Dependencies related to the technical aspects:The project is contingent upon technical dependencies associated with software tools, APIs, and third-party services employed in platform development. Any interruptions or restrictions in these interdependencies, such as modifications in API functionalities or software compatibility problems, could impede the advancement of the project and necessitate adjustment or substitute solutions, potentially affecting project schedules and outcomes.

Project Risks

  • Lack of user adoption: There is a possibility that the specific group of users we are targeting may not fully accept and use the Community Garden Network Platform, which could lead to low rates of user adoption. This may result in a lack of utilization of the platform's features and a restricted impact on the community. Nevertheless, this potential danger also offers a chance for focused marketing and outreach initiatives to enhance user involvement and acceptance.
  • Technical obstacles: The project is at risk of facing technical challenges during the development and deployment stages, including compatibility issues, software bugs, and integration complexities. These challenges have the potential to result in project delays, escalated development costs, and compromised functionality. Nevertheless, employing proactive risk mitigation strategies, such as comprehensive testing and quality assurance measures, can effectively reduce these risks.
  • Sustainability Post-Test Phase: Following the pilot test phase, there is a potential for the platform to encounter difficulties in maintaining its momentum and community engagement over an extended period of time. In the absence of continuous support, promotion, and maintenance, there is a potential for user interest to diminish gradually, which could compromise the long-term viability and efficacy of the platform. Nevertheless, engaging in proactive community outreach, establishing partnerships, and implementing continuous improvement initiatives can effectively reduce this risk.

Positive Risk:

  • Adoption of Innovative Solutions: The potential adoption of innovative solutions or features by the target user demographic carries a favourable risk. If users wholeheartedly adopt new features or functionalities introduced in the platform, it could result in improved user engagement, satisfaction, and community impact. This advantageous risk provides a chance to distinguish the platform and propel its triumph in accomplishing project goals. Nevertheless, to take full advantage of this opportunity and optimize its advantages, it is crucial to have efficient communication, user feedback mechanisms, and agile development practices.

Deliverables Product Deliverables:

  • Web and Mobile Application Prototypes: Demonstrating fundamental features, user interfaces, and navigation flow, the prototypes of the Community Garden Network Platform are available for both web and mobile applications. (Deadline: Month 4)
  • User Interface Design: Creation of user-friendly interfaces for accessing garden information, engaging with other users, and accessing educational resources. (Deadline: Month 6)
  • Integration of functionalities and APIs for mapping purposes:The task involves incorporating mapping functionalities and integrating APIs to include garden location data into the platform. This will enable users to easily view and search for community gardens on the map. (Deadline: Month 5)

Project Deliverables:

  • System Requirements Document: Comprehensive documentation that specifies the specific functional and non-functional requirements of the Community Garden Network Platform, which includes user stories, use cases, and system architecture. (Deadline: Month 2)
  • Project Management Plan (PMP): An all-encompassing document outlining the implementation, monitoring, and control of the project, which includes delineating roles and responsibilities, establishing a communication plan, and devising strategies for managing risks. (Deadline: Month 1)
  • Test Plan and Test Cases: Creating comprehensive test plans and test cases to conduct rigorous testing of the platform's functionalities, guaranteeing high quality and dependability beforedeployment. (Deadline: Month 7)
  • Documentation and training materials for users: Development of user manuals, guides, and training materials to promote user acceptance and offer assistance in navigating the Community Garden Network Platform. (Deadline: August)
  • Report on Pilot Test: An aggregation of discoveries and understandings derived from the initial testing period carried out in two distinct localities, encompassing input from users, measurements of effectiveness, and suggestions for enhancing future iterations. (Deadline: August)

Milestone Schedule

  • Web and mobile application prototype development: Month 4
  • Mapping functionalities and APIs integration: Month 5
  • Initiation of Testing Phase: Month 7
  • Commencement of Pilot Test: Month 8
  • Final Deliverables and Pilot Test Completion: Month 8
  • System Requirements Completed File:Month 2
  • User Interface Design Completion: Month 6

Project Budget/Cost Summary

Total Project Cost: $450,000

  • Staffing: $250,000
  • Infrastructure and tools for development: $75,000
  • Marketing and outreach: $50,000
  • Reporting and analyzing data: $25,000
  • Contingency: $50,000

Project Success Criteria

  • Attainment of pre-established goals for user adoption and engagement.
  • Promoting community well-being and fostering social participation.
  • Achieving the pilot test's objectives promptly and cost-effectively.

Other Subplans

  • Stakeholder Engagement Plan
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Communication Plan

Stakeholder Engagement Plan


The Stakeholder Engagement Plan outlines strategies for effectively involving and communicating with stakeholders throughout the Community Garden Network Platform project.

Stakeholder Identification:

  • Akshaya Patra Foundation & Green Sprouts Initiative
  • Project Team Members
  • Community Impact Partner
  • Coordinators of Community Gardens
  • Municipal Governmental Organizations
  • Academic Institutions and Partners
  • Residents of Experimental Districts
  • Marketing and Social Impact Teams
  • Suppliers/Vendors
  • Regulatory Bodies
  • Financial Department
  • Quality Assurance Team
  • End-Users

Engagement Strategies:

  • Regular project updates via email newsletters and progress reports.
  • Monthly stakeholder meetings to discuss project status and address concerns.
  • Quarterly stakeholder surveys to gather feedback and suggestions.
  • Dedicated communication channels (Slack, email) for immediate queries and discussions.
  • Collaborative workshops and focus groups for specific project milestones and deliverables.
  • Inclusion of stakeholders in decision-making processes regarding project changes and adaptations.


  • Stakeholder satisfaction surveys with a target score of 80% satisfaction or higher.
  • Frequency of stakeholder interactions, aiming for at least one engagement per month.
  • Percentage of stakeholder recommendations implemented, with a target of 70% or higher.

Risk Management Plan


The Risk Management Plan identifies potential risks that may hinder the successful completion of the Community Garden Network Platform project and provides strategies for minimizing and preparing for these risks.

Risk Identification:

  • Limited acceptance among the intended audience.
  • Challenges in the technical aspects during the creation process.
  • Insufficient ability to maintain effectiveness after the initial trial.
  • Financial limitations
  • Limitations on time

Risk Assessment:

Low User Adoption (Risk Level: High):

  • Likelihood: Medium
  • Impact: High

Description: There is a potential for the target users to not embrace the platform as anticipated, resulting in reduced user involvement and minimal influence on community gardening initiatives. This may arise due to insufficient marketing efforts, limited user awareness, or a perceived lack of value.

Technical Issues with Platform Development (Risk Level: Medium):

  • Likelihood: Medium
  • Impact: High

Description: During the platform development phase, various technical challenges may arise, including software bugs, compatibility issues across different devices, and integration problems with external services. These factors have the potential to cause a delay in the project schedule and result in higher expenses for development.

Insufficient Stakeholder Engagement (Risk Level: Medium):

  • Likelihood: Medium
  • Impact: Medium

Description: Lack of sufficient engagement from essential stakeholders, such as community garden coordinators, local government officials, and users, can result in a lack of agreement between project objectives and needs. This may lead to feature requests that fail to address user requirements or regulatory compliance concerns.

Budget Overrun (Risk Level: Medium):

  • Likelihood: Medium
  • Impact: High

Description: There is a potential for surpassing the assigned budget due to unforeseen expenses, such as escalated development costs, additional feature demands, or marketing endeavours. An excess in budget could jeopardize the project's financial feasibility and impede its timely completion.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Conduct market research and administer user surveys to obtain valuable insights into user preferences and requirements.
  • Implement stringent testing protocols and quality assurance measures at each phase of the development process.
  • Develop a sustainability plan that includes community engagement strategies and funding alternatives during the pilot test phase.
  • Consistently oversee the project budget and expenditures to guarantee adherence to financial constraints.
  • Comprehensive project planning and scheduling to mitigate the impact of time constraints.

Contingency Plans:

  • In the event of exceeding the budget, allocate extra resources or pursue external funding.
  • Utilize agile development methodologies to promptly tackle unforeseen technical obstacles.
  • Create alternative sustainability models to guarantee the continuation of the project beyond the initial pilot phase. WBS Prototyping 3/15/2024 3/31/2024 Web Application Prototype 3/15/2024 3/21/2024 Mobile Application Prototype 3/22/2024 3/31/2024 User Interface Design 4/1/2024 4/14/2024 Wireframes 4/1/2024 4/7/2024 Visual Design 4/8/2024 4/14/2024 1.2.3. Development Plan 4/15/2024 5/14/2024 1.2.4. Testing Plan 5/15/2024 6/14/2024 Test Plan 5/15/2024 5/21/2024 Test Cases 5/22/2024 6/14/2024 1.2.5. Marketing and Outreach Plan 6/15/2024 7/14/2024 1.2.6. Risk Management Plan 7/15/2024 8/14/2024 1.2.7. Quality Management Plan 8/15/2024 9/14/2024 1.2.8. Resource Management Plan 9/15/2024 9/28/2024 1.2.9. Communication Management Plan 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 1.3. Execution 5/1/2024 9/14/2024 ] 1.3.1. Application Development 5/1/2024 6/14/2024 Web Application 5/1/2024 5/14/2024 Mobile Application (iOS and Android) 5/15/2024 6/14/2024 1.3.2. Integration of Mapping Functionalities and APIs 6/15/2024 7/14/2024 Mapping APIs Integration 6/15/2024 6/28/2024 Garden Location Data Integration 6/29/2024 7/14/2024 1.3.3. Testing 7/15/2024 8/14/2024 Unit Testing 7/15/2024 7/28/2024 Integration Testing 7/29/2024 8/14/2024 System Testing 7/15/2024 8/14/2024 User Acceptance Testing 8/15/2024 8/14/2024 1.3.4. Infrastructure and Deployment 8/15/2024 9/14/2024 Server Setup and Configuration 8/15/2024 8/21/2024 Database Setup 8/22/2024 8/28/2024 Application Deployment 8/29/2024 9/14/2024 Web Application Deployment 8/29/2024 9/7/2024 Mobile Application Deployment 9/8/2024 9/14/2024 1.3.5. User Support and Training 9/15/2024 9/28/2024 User Documentation 9/15/2024 9/21/2024 User Manuals 9/15/2024 9/18/2024 Training Materials 9/19/2024 9/21/2024 User Training Sessions 9/22/2024 9/28/2024 1.3.6. Pilot Testing 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 Test Site Selection 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 Pilot Launch 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 User Feedback Collection 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 Pilot Test Report 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 1.3.7. Marketing and Outreach 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 Marketing Campaigns 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 Promotional Materials 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 Community Outreach Event 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 Social Media Campaigns 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 1.4. Monitoring and Control 9/15/2024 9/30/2024 1.4.1. Progress Tracking 9/15/2024 9/30/2024 1.4.2. Change Management 9/15/2024 9/30/2024 1.4.3. Risk Management 9/15/2024 9/30/2024 1.4.4. Quality Assurance 9/15/2024 9/30/2024 1.5. Closure 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 1.5.1. Final Deliverables 9/29/2024 9/30/2024 1.5.2. Project Review 9/29/2024 9/30/2024

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