directors consisting of 2 directors and the company's CEO with a term of 6 year. Discuss whether X Co. Ltd. has acted inconstantly with the applicable law. GROUP 4: Bob is a shareholder in Somerset Plc. He owns 400 shares of the 10,000 shares outstanding. Somerset has been in business for 14 years and Bob has been a shareholder for the entire time. Somerset has been profitable over the years, but has paid a dividend only once, and that was 8 years ago. The stock of Somerset is not listed on a stock exchange. Somerset has recently introduced a couple of unsuccessful products which have lost money. Bob wants to sue the board of directors for the losses caused by the unsuccessful products and to compel the payment of dividends. Discuss Bob's options and any other factors that might be relevant to the outcome of such a suit. What other options, if any, does Bob have under UK law and under Vietnamese law? GROUP 5: Acorn Plc. was formed 2 years ago at which time it issued 1,000 shares of stock in so luong khac nhau cho 130 co dong khac nhau. Ba co dong moi nguoi nam giu 200 co phieu; 127 co dong con lai nam giu 400 co phieu con lai. Muc dich da neu cua Acorn Corporation la "mua may tinh moi de ban lai cho nguoi tieu dung va de tien hanh tat ca cac su co kinh doanh doi voi viec mua va ban lai may tinh moi. "Justin, Jessica va Jeremy, ba co dong cua 200 co phieu moi co phieu, la nhung nguoi quang ba cua cong ty va duoc du dinh la ban giam doc ban dau. Cac bai bao cua cong ty da duoc nop dung cach, va Giay chung nhan thanh lap da duoc nhan mot thoi gian ngan sau do. Justin duoc dat ten la dai ly da dang ky trong cac bai bao cua cong ty. Justin, Jessica va Jeremy dam nhan cac nhiem vu dieu hanh cong ty, nhung chua bao gio nam giu mot to chuc gap go. Ho da dieu hanh cong ty trong 3 nam va khong ai trong so ho cac co dong da phan doi thuc te rang cuochop to chuc da khong