Discount 921 769 848 1399 Toyota is one of the leading manufacturers of 1019 906 1309 1240 plug-in cars and among many cars they 647 624 892 1387 631 1232 942 1514 produce, "Prius" is the most famous plug-in 889 1207 electric car. In a dealership in Southern 969 1109 1032 836 1060 1423 California, a newly hired salesman is 975 963 1070 999 determined to use science of Statistics to 970 852 964 1408 meet his sales target. After some research, he 890 870 1087 1185 realizes that gender and age could be among 594 826 855 1636 some of the factors that affects negotiation 860 1069 1168 1486 process (or discount asked) between him and 702 616 955 993 the buyers. So, over a period, he took a sample 635 887 1211 1444 of 150 offers made by different male and 956 697 1302 1203 female shoppers in different age categories on 802 1036 729 1103 a $35,000 MSRP Prius. The data that he 704 1027 959 728 collected includes, gender of the shoppers, 707 1142 773 1189 age category of the shoppers and the amount 610 447 1376 1183 of discount that is below the MSRP. 883 782 980 1218 Phase 1: 830 975 1053 1320 850 951 1191 1383 The salesman would like to first get some 894 1205 959 1337 870 insight on the most important aspects of the 683 1248 1302 discount which is below the MSRP. The data 452 814 845 1244 566 1016 for the sample is in the file named 1075 1195 "Dealership". 995 1249 1355 1294 534 1162 1411 1510 903 1228 1146 949 687 a. Describe the problem background, 782 1128 1074 673 930 objective of study and identify the type of 1191 1275 970 1273 1041 1079 721 997 b. Identify the variable in question 1125 1281 1163 878 1262 852 979 1172 c. Use the appropriate descriptive statistics to 1297 1012 1498 explore and summarize the data. You need to 960 983 1162 interpret the results based on what you 701 706 learned in the course. 1124 955 966 1178 1007 874 d. What is the probability that the amount of 1051 1579 discount is between $800 and $1,100? e. If a shopper's discount offer is at the top 5 percent, what should be his/her discount