Discussthe 7 steps to data collection found picture. By your interpretation, what step in this process is the most important to achieving the correct hypothesis. ( add sources, and main points, and why is the most important.
> Collect the Data Data collection E] involves the collective actions that field a measurement instrument. The following tasks are included: . Train the data collectors. Determine the data collection timeline. Determine and implement an instrument disposition process. Invite the chosen participants. Activate the survey. . Remind the participant to complete the survey and return the instrument. ovewwe . Enter the data. Train the Data Collectors Training is a critical step if the measurement instrument is complex or the interviewer has some latitude in selecting participants. Knowing how to follow skip directions and other instructions is crucial to data quality. While computer-assisted interviewing feeds the questions to the interviewer, they need to know the whole instrument and where likely pitfalls are located. Interviewers are also trained in approaching prospective participants and minimizing bias, including word emphasis, facial expressions, use of response aids, etc. Making sure the interviewer knows how to submit the completed measurement instrument is usually also part of training. Determine the Data Collection Timeline While your research study has a timeline, your actual data collection needs its own timeline. At minimum, it needs to include the survey activation dates and times (start and stop times), when data entry starts and is expected to finish, when data editing starts and finishes, and when the clean data file is ready. It may also include dates and times for training of data collectors when phone and personal interviewers are used. Determine and Implement Instrument Disposition Completed measurement instruments are of little value unless they are returned. Instrument disposition E] refers to the procedure(s) by which the completed instrument is returned to the researcher. Some paper-andpencil instruments are mailed, others are inserted in drop boxes, emailed, or uploaded. Each of these methods needs prior setupobtaining and placing drop boxes, setting up a special email account or post-office box, and determining a cloud upload location. These methods also need directions, which can be included with the instrument or provided separately. If the sample case is pre-recruited for the survey, the researcher might send directions for instrument completion and collection before the survey starts. Computer-based surveys still need a process for submitting, although if you are using survey software, this process is embedded in the instrument. It might be as simple as adding a line to your instrument's conclusion: \"Please click the FINISHED button to send us your answers.\" If activities other than the measurement instrument are included, such as video or photo elements prepared by the participant, these need to be uploaded. Invite the Chosen Participants The invitation is critical to gaining cooperation and it is the first step in building rapport with the participant. Regardless of the mode by which the survey is conducted, participants may be invited by phone, email, or mail. Participants may also be prescreened as part of this invitation process. Preparing the screen questions and preparing the invitation script, email, or letter are part of the data collection process. Even if a firm is hired to recruit a sample, the researcher will want some say W in what the participant is told, what compensation is offered, etc. For intercept studies, the invitation approach is part of interviewer training. Activate the Survey The researcher must determine when the instrument is ready to launch. Survey activation E] is the decision that launches the survey; it indicates the researcher has addressed all known measurement instrument problems, and the process is as error-free as he or she can make it. Remind the Participants Participants are busy people. They have lives, and participating in research is not a top priority for most of them. Recognizing this, a researcher can dramatically increase the study's response rate by reminding participants if measurement instruments are not submitted or returned. Reminders often use email or phone contact. Multiple reminders are possible, depending on the nature of the probability sample the researcher is using. Enter the Data Data entry is a set of processes that including coding (some done prior to data collection when closed questions are used and some done following data collection) and data file creation. Without data entry, the researcher has nothing to analyze. This is the critical last step of data collection and prior to data preparation