DuPont identity. Given the data in the popup window, , for the following five actively traded companies: Microsoft (MSFT), Boeng (BA), Waimart (WMIT), Proctar and Gamble (PG), and Waste Nanagement (WM). Use the theee cornponents of the DuPort idensty-cperating efficiency, as measured by the profit margin (net income'sales); asset managernent efficiency, as measurnd by asset furnover (saleshotal asseis), and fnancial leverage, as measured by the equity multipler (total assetshotal equity) - to find the refum on equity for these five companies. Based on these components and the ROE, which coenpany do you think is doing the best joo for its shareholders? First, find the equity of each compary. The oquity for Microsoft is 1 milion. (Round io tre nearest milion dollars.) The nquaty for Eoeing is $ frilion. (Roand to the nearest mieion dolars) The equaty for Waimart is 1 mulion. (RRound to the nearest mation dotare) The equity for froclor and Gamble in feikion. (Roune so the masest milion sollars ) The egent for Wasie Management is 1 milion (Rourd to the nharest mulion dolars) Next, canciate fine three componants of the DuPont identily The renfit magin for Microsott is of (Round so ino decimal places) The froft margen for tloning is (s) (fexind to two decinal places ) The profa maren for Waimant is \%. (Round to tae decimul places) The profit margin for Walmart is %. (Round to two decimal places.) The profit margin for Procter and Gamble is \%. (Round to two decimal places.) The profit margin for Waste Management is \%. (Round to two decimal places.) The asset turnover for Microsoft is . (Round to four decimal places.) The asset turnover for Boeing is . (Round to four decimal places.) The asset turnover for Walmart is . (Round to four decimal places.) The asset turnover for Procter and Gamble is . (Round to four decimal places.) The asset turnover for Waste Management is . (Round to four decimal places.) The equity multiplier for Microsoft is (Round to four decimal places.) The equity multiplier for Microsoft is (Round to four decimal places.) The equity multiplier for Boeing is (Round to four decimal places.) The equity multiplier for Walmart is (Round to four decimal places.) The equity multiplier for Procter and Gamble is (Round to four decimal places.) The equity multiplier for Waste Management is (Round to four decimal places.) Last, use the three components of the DuPont identity to find the ROE. The ROE for Microsoft is \%. (Round to two decimal places.) The ROE for Boeing is \%. (Round to two decimal places.) The ROE for Walmart is \%. (Round to two decimal places.) The ROE for Procter and Gamble is \%. (Round to two decimal places.) The ROE for Walmart is 6. (Round 10 two decimal places) The ROE for Procter and Gamble is N. (Round to two decimal places.) The Roe for Wasie Management is 4. (Round to two decimai places) Based on these components and the ROE. Which company do you think is doing the best job for as shareholders? (Select the best response) A. Microsoh is the mout optrationaby officien, Waimart is the most efficient in management, and Booing is the most efficent in thancial levenige. Walmat is the "best" to as shareholders with the highest ROE of the five. 8. Microsof is the mout coperationolly efficient, Bceing is the most efficient in management, and Wainart is the most efficient in financial leverage. Microson is the "best" to its ahureholders Whth the highest ROE of the five C. Microsoff is tha most cperationaly efficent, Walmart is the most ettcient in management and Boeing in the most efficent in finanoil ioverige. Boeing is the "besr to its shareholfers with the highest ROE of the five. D. Waiman is the most operatonally eficient, Morosoft is the most effoient in mansegement, and Boeng is the most officient in financial leverage. Boeing is the "best to its thareholders with the Kighest ROE of the five. Data table Click on the following Icon in order to past this table's content into a spreadsheet. Financial Information (\$ in millions)