Dutrent Position Analytis a. Determine the (1) cumrent ratio and (2) quick ratio for both years, fopund to one decimal place. Current Positicen Andyous Sherwoed, Inc, the parent company of Frito-Loy snack foods and Sherwood hevereges, had the following currens assets and current liabilities at the end of two recent vears a. Determine the (1) current ratio and (2) quick ratio for both years. Round to one decimal placit b. The liguidity of Sherwood has: some over this tume period. Both the current and quick ratios have Sherwood is a company wiet resources for meeting short temm oblgations. Its louidity as in during this period. Current Position Analysis Sherwood, the., the parent company of Frito-Lay snack foods and Sherwood beverages, had the folloming current axuets and current liabisties at the end of two recent years! a. Determine the (1) carrent ratio and (2) quick ratio for both years. Round to one decimal place. b. The liquidity of Sherwood has some over this time period. Both the current and quick ratios have . Shernood isa company wit! resources for meeting short-term obligations, Its ligudity as measured ty the current and quick ratios has during this period. Current Position Analysis Sherwood, Ince, the parent company of frito-Lay snack foods and Sherwood beverages, had the followang curcent assets and ourrem liabalibes at the end of two iecert years: a. Determine the (1) current ratio and (2) quick ratio for both years. Pound to one decimal place. b. The liquidity of sherwood has some over this time period. Both the current and quick ratios have . Sherecod is a company wit! resources for meeting short-term obligationis. Its liquidity as measured ty the current and quick ratios has during this pe 4. Determane the (1) current ratio and (2) ausic ratio for both years. Mound to one decimal ploce. b. The liquidity of Sherwood has some over this lime period, Both the curtent and quick ratios have Sherwood is a company with resources for meeting short-rerm obligatuas. Its lquidify as measured by the current ard quici. ratios hai dianng this period