e Eromdthn Options Window Help Create script that allows users to enter values for employee print( 'Enter Employee Name: ', end-, ') #Enter Employee Name employeeName input() #Create variable for 'employeeName print ("Enter Employee SSN:,, end-, ') #Enter Employee SSN employe eSSN.. input() #Create variable for 'employeessr print ('Enter Employee Phone Number (ex. (xxx) xxx-xxxx): , end- employeePhone nput() #Create variable for 'employeePhone print ('Enter Employee Email: ', end-, ') #Enter Employee Email Addr employeeEmail input() #Create variable for 'employeeEmail' print ('Enter Employee Salary:", end-, ,) #Enter Employee Salary employeeSalary float (input()) #Create float variable for employ print (' ') print ( ' ' ) #line break # line break print (employeeName. center (60, '-')) #print Employee Name centered/ print (' ') #line break print ('SSN: ', employeeSSN) #print Employee SSN print (' ' ) #line break print(' Phone: ', employeePhone) #print Employee Phone Number print ( ' ' ) #line break print ('Email:', employe eEmail) #print Employee Email Address print ( , ' ) # line break print (Salary: ${ :.2t}".format (employeeSalary)) #print Employee sa print ( ' ') #1 ine break print( ai ea np ea . Separate Functionality 1 (developed in Week 1) into the following two functionalities Add Employee- this functionality will allow users to add new employee to the system. View all Employees -this functionality will view all employees in the system. Use global variables to develop a counter to keep track of the number of employees in the system. A good employee management system should always give brief information about the existing number of employees. This counter can be shown to the user when they run the script as the following message There are (3) employees in the system