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E. For the following problem, consider the parametric curve 1' = t + 2, y 2 ft. for t 2 U. {a} {2 points] Fill

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E. For the following problem, consider the parametric curve 1' = t + 2, y 2 ft. for t 2 U. {a} {2 points] Fill in the following chart for the parametric curve: {h} {2 points] Draw the parametric curve using the points you found in part a. Remher to include an arrow to indicate direction. {c} {1 point} Are there any restrictions on r? If so state the restrictions. {You can use words, interval notation? or inequality notation.) {d} {1 point} Are there any restrictions on y? If so state the restrictions. {You can use words? interval notation? or inequality notation.)

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