Eaining taciey ard bet et cart. nindtie tivititista sesot per student include trainers whges, shudy materaks, and gasoline. Anhaal ficed costs of training facity and leet of cars. Fead the reovicements Requirements 1. For each of the following independert satuabons, calculate the corulbution margin per unit and the breakeren point in unts by fict ielering ta the ariginal daca provided: a. Breakeven point with no change in intormation. b. Decrease sales price to $544 per student. c. Decrease varible casts to $349 per shadent. d. Decrease fixed conts to $53,040 2. Coirpare the impact of changes in the sales price, variabie costs, and foxed costs on the cortribvion maegin per unit and the brekiment poirs in urits. Mi Tienta Drivng School charges $580 per student to prepare and administet writlen and driving tests. Variable costs of $408 per student indude trainers' wages, study materials, and gasoine. Annual fixed costs of $63.920 include the training tacility and teet of cars: Read the roeuindments Fequirement 1. For each of the sollowng independent stdabions, calculate the contribution margin per unit and me breakeven point in units Begin by showing the formula for coninbuhon margin per unit and then enter the amounts to calculats the conthbujon margin per unit for each stuaton. (Abbreviajen used. CM = contritusion margin) Mi Therra Driving School charpes $680 per student to prepare and administer written and driving tests. Variable costs of $408 per studentinclude trainers' wages, study materials, and gasoline. Annuat fxed costs of $63,920 include the training taclity and teet of cars. Read the reovirements. Requirement 1. For each of the following independent situations, calculale the contnbuson margin per unit and vie breakeven point in units: Begin by showing the formula for coninbusion margin per unit and then enter the amounts to caiculate the contrbufion margin per unt for each sizabon. (Abbreviabon used CM= contrbution margin)