eBook Direct Method, Vanable versus Fixed Costing and Performance tallation AirBorne's a small sirime operating out of Boise, Idaho Is the lights travel to Sarikety Reno, and Portland. The owner of the sto se most of operating each flight. As part of this assessment, the costs of two court departments (maintenance and baggae must be allocated to the these wort departments that support all three flights are located in Boise (any maintenance or taggage costs at the destination arpets are rectly traocular to this montual fligte) Budoeted and actual data for the year are as follows for the support departments and the three lights the rounded values for subsequentato Support Centers Flights Maintenance Baggage Salt Lake City Red Portland $240,000 $110,000 120.000 318 000 Budgeted data Fixed Overhead Variable overhead 550.000 $30,000 $64.000 $10,000 $5,000 2.000 4.000 2.00 S. 10,000 15,000 Hours of thight time Number of passenger cial data 500 >.000 $35.000 Feed 315.000 . 517.000 511.000 000 50.000 Ve veshead 1.00 100 . . . Hours of that Number of pages Non activity levels O My Work Round all allocation ratios and variable rates to four significant dia. Round all allocated amounts to the nearest dolla. Required: 1. Using the direct method, allocate the support service costs to each right, assuming that the objective is to determine the cost of proting each light, Allocation ratios for fixed costs SIC Reno Portland Hours of flight time Number of passengers Variable rates Minienance per lght hour Bagong per parenov Cost Allocation Portland Menance feed Maintenance variable Nagbund Power School Porschacks ebook Cost Allocation SIC Reng Port Maintenance-fixed Maintenance-vanable Baggage-fixed Baggage-variable: 2. Using the direct method, allocate the support service costs to each light, that the cristaluate perform SIC Reno Portland Menance-fixed: Maintenance variable Beted Bavaria