ECO-700-01: Communicate economic principles, problems, findings, and Proficient Not Proficient risk in effective verbal, written, visuel, and graphical formats 100%% Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to understand and assess the economic problem from the audience's point of view, thus effectively communicating the analysis of research findings in a professional and pleasing manner? Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to communicate economic principles in a clear and concise mann er to a specified audience? Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to maintain technical accuracy and develop a logical flow of ideas while conveying key concepts to : non-economic audience? Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to present findings that offer actionable items that either seek to mitigate or address the economic problem or establish a need for future studies? Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to articulate findings in a way that moves the audience to make a decision? Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to convey business professionalism through written, visual, and graphical fo mats? ECO-700-02: Integrate appropriate economic theories and principles into Proficient Not Proficient the analysis of real-world organizational, social, and political issues 1003% Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone submission demonstrate competence in understanding and synthesizing the linkages between theory and date? Does the capstone submission demonstrate competence in the student's ability to employ appropriate economic theories to address the salient features ofthe problem in relation to economic, social, or political environments? Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to use economic theory effectively by arriving at new insights or conclusions? Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to make appropriate assumptions based on research goals? ECO-700-03: Design and execute sound research studies that effectively Proficient Not Proficient and appropriately incorporate quantitative date analysis, econometrics, 100%% and other key economic tools and methods Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to think creatively and employ outside-the-box thinking and quantitative data analysis? Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to properly employ econometrics, using the appropriate and correct techniques to address the particular question: Does the capstone submission demonstrate the student's ability to critically and objectively evaluate the pros and cons of a research technique