edit card while a college student is an excellent en becouse Getting it helps you learn about credit you can shop online and make reservations it works well for emergencies d. when used correctly it allows you to build up a solid credit history e all the above Having completed a personal finance class, you are now ready to give some dice to your responding friends Which one is unwise? a. Reduce the credit card balance b. Resolve any billing errors c. Quit using credit cards altogether d. Look for trouble signs in credit card spending e. Control your spending through discipline 21. What can a couple seeking to get out of debt do? a. Avoid future use of credit card debt, except on a emergency basis b. Use savings to pay off current debt c. See if their creditors will restructure their loans d. Seek help from a reputable credit counselor e. All of the above are correct 22. is when a borrower is allowed to temporarily stop making student loon payments for a qualified reason such as an illness, financial hardship, or serving in a medical or dental internship or residency a. Deferment b. Delinquency c. Forbearance d. Default 23. A key to negotiating a good price is? a. Knowing the salesperson b. Knowing how many are in stock c. Knowing the markup d. Knowing the retailer's revenue 24. Suppose that you were thinking about leasing a new vehicle. Which of the following should not be an important consideration? a. I drive less than 15,000 miles annually b. I like to get a new car every few years C. I dislike the hassle of trading-in or selling cars d. It's the only way I can afford the vehicle that I want e. I dislike the hassle of maintenance 12. Excise taxes a. are imposed on specific purchases, such as alcohol and cigarettes. b. are often aimed at reducing the consumption of the items being taxed. c. are referred to as "sin taxes" in some cases. d. all the above