Edmonton Pools manufactures swimming pool equipment. Edmonton estimates total manufacturing overhead costs noxt yoar to be $1,500,000. Edmonton also estimates it wil use 31,250 direct labor hours and incur $1,000,000 of direct labor cost next year. In addition, the machines are expected to be run for 37,500 hours. Read the 1. Compule the predeterrined manufacturing overhead rate for next year assuming that the compary uses dicect labor hours as its manufacturing overhead allocaton base. Identify the formula and compute the predelormined manufacturing overhead rate for next year using direct labor hours as the manulacturing overbead allocation base. 2. Compute the predetermined manufacturing ovectead rate for next year assuming that the company uses direct labor cost as ts manufacturing overhead allocation base Ioentily the formula and compute the predetermined manufacturing overhead rate for next year using direct labor cost as the manutacturing overthead allocation base. ifriter the rate as o whole persent) 3. Compute the predetermined manufacturing overhead rate for next year assuming that the company uses machine hour as is manulacturing overhead allocation base. Idensty the formula and compute the predetermined manutacturing overhead rate for next year using machine hours as the manufacturing overhead allocation base Edmonton Pools manulactures swimming pool equipment. Edmonton estemates tobal manulacturing overhead costs next yoar fo bo $1,500,000. Edmonton asso estimates it will use 31,250 direct labor hours and incur $1,000,000 of diect labor cost next year, in addition, the machines are expected to be run for 37,500 hours. Read the 1. Compute the predelermined manufacturing overhead rate for next year assuming that the company uses direct labor houm as its manufacturing overhaad alocation base. Identify the formula and compste the predetermined manufactunng overhead rate for next year using diect labor hours as the manufacturing overhead alocation base 2. Compute the predelermined manufactuning ovechead fate foe next year aswuming that the company uses direct labor cost as its manufacturing overhead allocation base. whole perconti) 3. Compute the predetermned manubcturing cvechesd rate for next year assuming that the compary uses machine hours as to manufacturng ovechead allocaton base. Sentily the formuls and compulo the predetermined manutacturing overhead rase for neat year using machine hours as the manutacturing overhead allocatan base