Eimira Tool and Die makes machine tools to ordet. The following transactions occurred in October: 1. Issued $4,800 of supplies from the materials inventory. 2. Purchased $52,000 of materials. 3. Issued $47,600 in direct materials to the production departiment. 4. Paid \$45,800 for misceltaneous herns for the manufacturing plant. Accounts Payable was credited. 5. Returned $9,400 of the materials issued to production in (3) to the materials inventory. 6. Direct labor employees earned $82,000,50% of which was paid in cash and the remainder credited to Wages Payable. 7. Purchased $22,000 of materials on account. 8. Recognized depreciation on manufacturing plant of $96,000 9. Paid for the materials purchased in transaction (2). 10. Applied manufacturing overhead for the month. Elmira uses normal costing. It applies overthesd on the basis of materlais costs using an annual predetermined rate. At the beginning of the year, management estimated that materias costs for the year would be $540,000. Estimated overhead for the year was $2,214,000, The following balances appeared in the imventory accounts of Elmira Tool and Die for October: Required: a. Prepare journal entries to record these transactions; b. Prepare T-accounts to show the flow of costs during the period from Materials Imventory through Cost of Goods Sold, Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Prepare yournal entries to record these transoctions. Inumal entru warkeheat Elmira Tool and Die makes machine tools to ordec. The following transactions eccurred in October: 1. Issued $4,800 of supplies from the materials inventory. 2. Purchosed $52,000 of materials. 3. Issued $47,600 in direct materiaks to the production department. 4. Paid $45,800 for miscellaneous items for the manufacturing piant. Accounts Payable was credited. 5. Returned $9,400 of the materials issued to production in (3) to the materials inventory. 6. Direct labor employees earned $82,000,50% of which was paid in cash and the remainder credited to Wages Payabie. 7. Purchased $22,000 of materials on account. 8. Recognized depreciation on manufacturing plant of $96.000. 9. Paid for the materials purchnsed in transaction (2). 10. Applied manufacturing overhead for the month. Elmira uses normal costing, it applies overhead on the basis of materials costs using an annual, predetermined rate. At the beginning of the year, management estimated that materias costs for the year would be $540,000. Extimated overthead for the year was $2,214,000, The following balances appeared in the inventory accounts of Elmira Tool and Die for October: Required: a. Prepare journal entries to record these trensactions. b. Prepare T-accounts to show the flow of costs during the period from Materials inventory through Cost of Goods Sold. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below: Frepare journal entries to record these transactions. Journal entry worksheet Elmira Tool and Ole makes machine tools to ordec. The following transactions occurred in October: 1. Issued $4,800 of supplies from the materiats inventory. 2. Purchased $52,000 of materials. 3. Issued $47,600 in direct materials to the production department. 4. Paid \$45,800 for miscellaneous items for the manufocturing piant. Accounts Payable was credited. 5. Returned $9,400 of the materials issued to production in (\$) to the materials imventory. 6. Direct labor employees eamed $82,000,50% of which was poid in cash and the remainder credited to Wages Payable. 7. Purchased $22,000 of materials on account. B. Recognized depreciation on manufacturing plant of $96,000. 9. Paid for the moterials purchased in transaction (2) 10. Applied manufocturing overhead for the month. Elmira uses normal costing. It applies overhead on the batsis of materlals costr uning an annuak predetermined rate. At the beginning of the year, management estimated that malerials costs for the year would be $540,000. Estimated overhead for the year was $2,214,006. The following balances appeared in the inventory accounts of Elmira Tool and Die for October Required: a. Prepare joumal entries to record these transactions. b. Prepore T-accounts to show the flow of costs during the period from Materlas inventory throogh Cost of Goods Sold. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Prepare journal entries to record these transactions. Journal entrv workshaet wote pond oeben Lefire eredth Emira Tool and Die makes machine soots to order. The following transactions occurred in October: 1. ksued 54.800 of supples from the materisis inventory. 2. Purchasied $52,000 of materials. 3. Issued $47,800 in diect materlaks to the production department. 4. Paid $45.800 for miscellaneous items for the manutacturing plant. Accounts Payable was ciedited. 5. Returned $9,400 of the materisls issued to production in (3) to the miterials inventory. 6. Direct isoor employees eamed $82,000,50% of which was paid in cash and the remainder credited to Wages Payoble. 7. Purchased $22,000 of materials on account. 8. Recognized depreciation on manulocturing plant of $95,000 9. Paid for the materials purchased in transoction (2). 10. Applied manufacturing overtsead for the month. Flimira uses nomut costing It applies overhead on the bisis of materiais costs using an annual, pecdetermined rate. At the beginning of the yeas, management estimated that materials costs for the year would be $540,000. Estimated ovechead for the year was 52.714000 . The following balances appeared in the inventory accounts of Elrira Tool and Die for October: Required: a. Prepare journal entries to record these transactions. b. Prepare Taccounts to show the flow of costs during the peciod from Matends inventory throogh Cost of Coods Sold. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Prepare journat entries to record thete transactions. Journal entry worksheet A 8 c dR E F o. H I J > Fald $45,300 for miscellaveous inems for the matufocturing plant. Accosunts Paroble mas credied. Emirar Tool and Die makes machine tools to ordet. The following transactions occurred in October: 1. Hiwed $4,800 of supplies from the materials imventory. 2. Purchased $52.000 of materials. 3. Issued $47,600 in direct materias to the procuction depanthent? 4. Paid $45,800 for miticellaneous herns for the manufacturiog plant. Accounts Payable wars credited. 5. Returned $9,400 of the materisls issued to production in (3i) to the materiats inventory. 6. Direct labor employees earned $82,000,50% of which was paid in cash and the remainder credited to Wages Payable. 7. Purchased $22.000 of materials on account. 8. Recognired depreciation on manutacturing plant of $95,000 9. Paid for the materiels purchered in transoction (2). 10. Applied manufacturing overhesd for the month. Elmira uses normal cosfing. it apples overhead on the bisis of materiah costs using an annual predetermined rate At the beginnin of the yeas management estimated that materials costs for the year would be $40,000. Estimuted overhead for the year was $2.214008. The following balances appeared in the inventory accounts of Bimira Tool and Die far October Required: a. Prepere joumal entries to record these transections. b. Prepare Faccounts to show the flow of costs during the period from Materials inventory through Cost of Goods Sold Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Pepare jeurnal entries to record Uiese trahtactions. Journal entry worksheet Ketumed 59,400 of the matertas issued to probuction in (9) to me muterials inventery. Elinira fool and Die makes machine toots to ordee The following transactians occurred in October: 1 tssued $4,800 of supolies froen the materials inventory. 2. Purchased $52,000 of manerials 3. Issued $47600 in direct materials to the procluction department: 4. Paid \$45,800 for miscellaneous isems for the manulacturing plant. Accounts Payabie was credited 5. Roturned $9.400 of the materias issued to production in (3) to the materists inventory. 7. Purchased $22.000 of materials on actoumt. 8. Aecognized depreciation on manufacturing plant of $96,000 9. Paid for the materials purchased in vansaction (2) 10. Applied manufactuting overhead for the month. Elmira uses noemul costing. It applies overhead on the basis of materias costs using an annual, predetemined rabe. At the beginning of the yea, manogement estimated that materials costs for the year would be $590,000. Eatimated overthead for the year was 52.214,000. The following balances appeared in the inventory accounts of Eimina Fool and Die for October Aequired: a. Prepare joumal entries to recoed these transactions. b. Prepare Taccounts to show the flow of costs during the period from Materials invernory through Cont of Goodis Sold Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. hepare joumal entries to recoed these transactions. Journal entry worksheet A o E G H 1 J D E > Direct labor emplopees tamed $82,000, sow of which was paid is cash and the remainder credited to Wages Payable. Elmira Foot and Die makes machine tools to order The followhg transactions occurred in October: 1. lssued $4,800 of supples from the materials inventory. 2. Purchased $52,000 of materias. 3. Issued $47,600 in direct materish to the probuction department. 4. Pald $45,800 for miscelaneous items for the manufocturing plant. Accounts Payable was credited 5. Returned $9,400 of the materias issued to peoduction in (3) to the materials inventory. 6. Direct labor employees earned $82,000,50% of which was paid in cash and the remainder credited to Wages Payabie. 7. Purchased $22,000 of materials on account. 8. Recognized depreciation on manulacturing plant of $96,000 Q. Phild for the materials purchased in transiction (2). 10. Applied manulocturing overhead for the month. Elmira uses normal costing it applies overhead on the basis of materials costs using an annual, peedetermined rate. At the beginning of the yea, manygement estimated that materials costs for the year would be $540,000. Estmated overhesd for the year was 52.214006 . The following balances appeared in the inventory accounts of Eimira Fool and Dio for October: Pequired: a. Prepare joumal entries to record these transactions. b. Prepare T-accounts to show the flow of costs during the period from Materials inventary through Cost of Goods 5old. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Popare foumal entries to rtcord these tranisctions. Eimira Tool and Die makes machine tools to ordee The following trantactions occurred in October: 1. tssubd $4.800 of supplies from the materlais inventory 2. Purchased $2.000 ol mmerials 3. Issued $42,600 in direct materials to the production department. 4. Pald \$45,800 for miscelianeous items for the manufacturing plant. Accounts Payable was crediled. 5. Retumed $9,400 or the materials issued to production in (3) to the materials imventory. 6. Direct labor employees eamed $82,000,50% of which was paid in cash and the remainder credted to Wages Payable. 7. Purchased $22.000 of materials on account. 8. Recognited deprecistion on manufacturing plant of $96,000. 9. Paid for the materials purchased in transaction (2) 10. Applied manulscturing everhead for the month. Emire uses normal costing, It applies overtead on the basis of materials cotts using an annual predictanmined rute. At the beginning of the yeas management estimated that materials costs for the yeor would be $540,000. Estimated orertheid for the year was $2,214,005 The following balances appeared in the inventory accounts of Elmina Tool and Die for October Required: a. Prepare journs entries to record these transictions. b. Prepare Faccounts to show the fiow of conts during the period from Materiats inventory through Cost of Gocds Sold. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Prepare journal entries to record these transuctions. Inumal antru winelehaat Elmira Tool and Die makes machine tools to ordes. The following transactions occurred in Octaber: 1. Issued $4,800 of supplies from the materials inventory. 2. Purchased 552,000 of materials. 3. Issued $47600 in direct materials to the production department. 4. Paid $45800 for miscelianeous toms for the manufacturing plant. Accounts Paryable was credited. 5. Returned $9.400 of the moterlals issued to production in ( $ ) to the materials imventory. 6. Direct labor employees earned $82,000,50% of which was paid in cash and the remeinder credited to Whges Payable 7. Purchased $22,000 of materials on account. 8. Recognized depreciation en manulacturing plant of $95,000 9. Paid for the materials purchased in transaction (2). 10. Applied manufacturing overhead for the month. Elmira uses normat costing, it applies overhead on the basis of materiais costs using an annual, predetermined rate. Au the beginheg of the yeas manogement estimated that materials costs for the year would be $540.000 fitimated overthead for the year was $2,214,000 The following bolances appeared in the inventory accounts of Elmita Tool and Die for October: Required: a. Prepare journal entries to record these transactions. b. Prepare Taccounts to show the flow of costs during the perlod from Materials Imventory through Cost of Goods Sold Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Prepare journal entries to record these transactions. Clmira Tool and Die makes machine toots to ordek. The following transactions occurred in October: 1. Issued $4,800 of supples from the malerials hventory. 2. Purchased $52.000 of materials 3. Issued $47,600 in dired materias to the production department. 4. Paid \$45,800 for miscelisneous isems for the manufacturing plant. Accounts Payable was credited. 5. Aeturned $9.400 of the materia's issued to production in (3) to the materiais inventory 6. Direct labor employees eamed $32.000,50% of which was pald in cash and the remainder oredited to Wages Payoble. 7. Purchased $22,000 of matetials on account. 8. Recognized depreclistion on manufacturing plant of $96,000 9. Paid for the materials purchased in transaction (2). 10. Applied manufacturing overhead for the month. Eimira uses normal costing. It applies ovechead on the basis of cnaterials costs using an annual, predetemined rate, At the beginning of the yeas, management estimated that materials costs for the year would be $540,000 fistimated overhead for the year was 52.214 .006 The following balances appeared in the inventory accounts of Elmira Tool and Die for October: Required: a. Prepare journal entries to record these transsctions. b. Prepare T-accounts to show the flow of costs during the period from Materials inventory through Cost of Goods Sold Complete this questlon by entering your answers in the tabs below. Prepere journal entries to record these transactions: Inarnal entrv werkeheat Brepaben