ele or services to be provided to other sovernmental units D) None of the ahove. 4s, Which financial statements are required for a proprietary Fund Net Position and Statement of Net A) Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in B) Income statement, Statement of Net Position Position Position and Stae Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Position, Statement of Net and Statement f d Changes in Fund Balance and Statement of Net and Statement of Cash Flows of D) Statement 46. The categories of Net Position for a proprietary fund are classified within which of the categories? A) Committed Net Position, Assigned Net Position and Unassigned B) Net Investment in Capital Assets C) Spendable D) Restricted Fund balance, Committed Fund Net Position Restricted Net Position and Unrestricted Net Position Net Position and Spendable Net Position Nonspendable Fund Balance balance, Assigned Fund Balance, and 47. GASB requires enterprise funds to be used under which of the following circumstances? A) When the legal requirement exists that the cost of providing services for an activity, including capital costs, be recovered through fees or charges. B) When debt is backed solely by fees and charges. C) When a government has a policy to establish fees and charges to cover the cost of providing services for an activity D) All of the above. 48. The Statement of Cash Flows for a proprietary fund would include which of the following? A) Operating, investing, financing B) Operating, capital and related financing, investing C) Operating, investing, fiduciary and capital related financing activities D) Operating, investing, capital and related financing and noncapital related financing 49 Capital assets of an enterprise fund should be reported in the: A) Government-Wide Statement of Net Position only. B) Proprietary Fund Statement of Net Position only. C) General Fixed Asset Account Group only D) Government-Wide Statement of Net Position and Proprietary Funds Statement of Position