elect "true" or "false" for each of the following statements concerning the data in case Exhibit 1 a Net sales increased from $31.6 billion in fiscal 2000 to $116.1 billion in fiscal 2016, equal to a compound average growth rate (approx. CAGR of 8.5% since 2000, this growth rate is respectable, given the tough economic conditions that existed from 2008-2011 True b. Leverage ratios decreased over the years indicating less debt financing in comparison to assets and stockholder's equity. False c Total revenues (sales plus membership fees) increased from $322 billion in fiscal 2000 to $118.7 billion in fiscal 2016, equal to an average annual compound rate of 8.5% from 2000 through 2016 False d. Net income rose from $631 million in 2000 to $235 billion in 2016, a compound average growth rate of 8.6%. False e. Selling, general, and administrative expenses have decreased since fiscal 2000 Fas 1. Diluted net income per share increased from $135 in 2000 to $5 33 in 2016, a compound average growth rate of 8.9%. False Costco's financial performance has been in a state of volatility between 2012 to fiscal year 2016 h. Merchandise cost as a percent of net sales ha dedined ightly in recent fiscal years and in 2016 was 886, which was the lowest unce 2000 False Net cash provided by operating activities Costce trended upward over the period 2000 to 2015, climbing from $107 billion in fiscal 2000 to $177 billion in 2005 to $3.44 infiscal 200 Sabaton in 2014 and 43 billion in 2015 in 2016. net cash fell to 53.3 billion Colect O RBA en States From fiscal 2005 through fiscal 200 Total C olect) k From fiscal 2005 through cal 2016 opettatore CARRO elect "true" or "false" for each of the following statements concerning the data in case Exhibit 1 a Net sales increased from $31.6 billion in fiscal 2000 to $116.1 billion in fiscal 2016, equal to a compound average growth rate (approx. CAGR of 8.5% since 2000, this growth rate is respectable, given the tough economic conditions that existed from 2008-2011 True b. Leverage ratios decreased over the years indicating less debt financing in comparison to assets and stockholder's equity. False c Total revenues (sales plus membership fees) increased from $322 billion in fiscal 2000 to $118.7 billion in fiscal 2016, equal to an average annual compound rate of 8.5% from 2000 through 2016 False d. Net income rose from $631 million in 2000 to $235 billion in 2016, a compound average growth rate of 8.6%. False e. Selling, general, and administrative expenses have decreased since fiscal 2000 Fas 1. Diluted net income per share increased from $135 in 2000 to $5 33 in 2016, a compound average growth rate of 8.9%. False Costco's financial performance has been in a state of volatility between 2012 to fiscal year 2016 h. Merchandise cost as a percent of net sales ha dedined ightly in recent fiscal years and in 2016 was 886, which was the lowest unce 2000 False Net cash provided by operating activities Costce trended upward over the period 2000 to 2015, climbing from $107 billion in fiscal 2000 to $177 billion in 2005 to $3.44 infiscal 200 Sabaton in 2014 and 43 billion in 2015 in 2016. net cash fell to 53.3 billion Colect O RBA en States From fiscal 2005 through fiscal 200 Total C olect) k From fiscal 2005 through cal 2016 opettatore CARRO