elesstian : Qulas ion Case study putaishing af book. The firm frodoces borks on to the shelves and delinering thonks pering. Two big businesses. In thieir thind year thoy got wery hasy thanks to their thied major cunnmer, a focal nollere that necded motomined eBooks. They hirnd aeveral part - time empleynets an heip them with their publesting butiness. Hewever, by the end of thied year of bperation. NKC.PAC. Hooks started reperiencing critiral problem; they. Were unalele to leverage all the new employses eflectively, unable to ativet. eBooks to their cusionien cia schactele, unable to provide quality tersts, time and money was being rpenit fixing defects in their products. Heable to control coste, their businesi was nof profitable in the third year. Hence, thene was a donss tutn generally in the busincas. One of then new part-1ime tamployecs, Kwabena, had thien a projest management course al college, and therefoce saw the current siluation in the firm as an opportumity to folish his project tharacement. shils. Kvabena was Eiven the opportunity with resources io assist the firm in. solving this fermoral problem and also a ppecific time period to solve the sisue. Kwabcra made sure to thits the objectives, constrainte and moceis criteria for hit pian which yas diveussed and fithotisted by rianagcinent. from varives units bo form a committee to solve the issues af the firm. In the process of sotvint the issees, hwabena forecasted that if most of their revenue is tpent os solving, defects and theif books. Kuabena realizted that most emplopecs were not pervy fo oxactly: what they had to dis sin. the job and at what time, hence he desigred a hicrarchy of tacks, which also stiguiated task. dependencies, highlighting. why some tacks must beigin at the saene time, ponve must end at the same time and some cannot start until the wher tasks have finished, and also eitimated taik. durations and cost. Kwabcna aiso advistu management pegarding issaes of procureancent activities in the firm; he crmphasizod on the fact that managicmerit has 10 get to lonow its suppliers Well, and each party stusald identify issees of concerts and solve them, lastly, effective bar zaining. Should be carricd out before cancessions are made. It is important to note that pricir to these activities K wabena locked at ingues. segathing bow fensitsle his ideas were to the attainment of the firm's objective. i. ldentafy and discuss the tool used by Kwabcha in securing sthkcholdcr comminitavent at foe atifith. A wand 1 itiarke for cortcutly deintifying the howh elesstian : Qulas ion Case study putaishing af book. The firm frodoces borks on to the shelves and delinering thonks pering. Two big businesses. In thieir thind year thoy got wery hasy thanks to their thied major cunnmer, a focal nollere that necded motomined eBooks. They hirnd aeveral part - time empleynets an heip them with their publesting butiness. Hewever, by the end of thied year of bperation. NKC.PAC. Hooks started reperiencing critiral problem; they. Were unalele to leverage all the new employses eflectively, unable to ativet. eBooks to their cusionien cia schactele, unable to provide quality tersts, time and money was being rpenit fixing defects in their products. Heable to control coste, their businesi was nof profitable in the third year. Hence, thene was a donss tutn generally in the busincas. One of then new part-1ime tamployecs, Kwabena, had thien a projest management course al college, and therefoce saw the current siluation in the firm as an opportumity to folish his project tharacement. shils. Kvabena was Eiven the opportunity with resources io assist the firm in. solving this fermoral problem and also a ppecific time period to solve the sisue. Kwabcra made sure to thits the objectives, constrainte and moceis criteria for hit pian which yas diveussed and fithotisted by rianagcinent. from varives units bo form a committee to solve the issues af the firm. In the process of sotvint the issees, hwabena forecasted that if most of their revenue is tpent os solving, defects and theif books. Kuabena realizted that most emplopecs were not pervy fo oxactly: what they had to dis sin. the job and at what time, hence he desigred a hicrarchy of tacks, which also stiguiated task. dependencies, highlighting. why some tacks must beigin at the saene time, ponve must end at the same time and some cannot start until the wher tasks have finished, and also eitimated taik. durations and cost. Kwabcna aiso advistu management pegarding issaes of procureancent activities in the firm; he crmphasizod on the fact that managicmerit has 10 get to lonow its suppliers Well, and each party stusald identify issees of concerts and solve them, lastly, effective bar zaining. Should be carricd out before cancessions are made. It is important to note that pricir to these activities K wabena locked at ingues. segathing bow fensitsle his ideas were to the attainment of the firm's objective. i. ldentafy and discuss the tool used by Kwabcha in securing sthkcholdcr comminitavent at foe atifith. A wand 1 itiarke for cortcutly deintifying the howh