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Emplyment Discrimination Tim, the only male waiter at Sunnyside Caf, was on the cusp of being late for his shift.When he arrived, all of the

Emplyment Discrimination

Tim, the only male waiter at Sunnyside Caf, was on the cusp of being late for his shift.When he arrived, all of the designated employee parking spots were full, so he parked in a customer parking spot.A few minutes after time arrived, a customer complained there was nowhere to park.When the manager, Sue Smiley, noted Tim's car in the customer area, she terminated Tim on the spot, pursuant to the Sunnyside Caf Code of Conduct.Tim protested that other employees had previously parked in the customer area without being disciplined.The manager who fired Tim also made the original decision to hire him.

Tim plans to sue Sunnyside for discrimination.

What method of proof will Tim use (the direct or the indirect method)

How might Sunnyside be able to satisfy its burden.

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