Ethical Issues He leaned forward slight moved slowly down the hall, reading back over his report as he neared Josey's e. He was pleased with his work, but he needed to ask a few clarifying questions ne went on. As he started to knock, though, he stopped cold, one hand raised. ned forward slightly, listening for just a moment before he moved quickly back to his office, deeply troubled. ad clearly heard Jeremiah and Josey arguing through the door about the new system. Josey was completely against the waste of resources, especially the time she would have to spend making sure that it was done correctly. Jeremiah had sounded defensive in his insistence. If he lost.... Jordan shut his door and sat down at his desk. The company had hired Li specifically to help with the ABC system. If they dropped the system, they would have to let her go, and that was very depressing. He enjoyed working with Li. She was a great colleague who worked extremely hard and did excellent work. He paused again. Would they really let Li go? The company was family-owned and operated, but they were still trying to diversify their employee base. He only had about six months seniority, not really enough to be sure that they would keep him if they downsized the department. With political pressures, the company might choose to downsize him instead. He tried to push his worries away and get back to work, but he couldn't. The possibility that he might lose Li as a colleague had been troubling; the possibility that he might lose his own job in this economy was far more than troubling. He was now downright scared sed on your opinion of ABC costing, do you think that Jordan's fear that e company will drop the ABC system is justified? Defend your answer. b. If the company does choose to downsize the accounting department, do you think that gender and/or ethnicity will play a part in the decision of who will be let go? Should these factors be considered? Why or why not? Should Jordan discuss his fears with Li? With Josey? What should Jordan do in this situation