Evaluation This assignment shall be graded A rubric has been created in Canvas that identifies building the criteria that shall be used to evaluate your t reet NameStr Description Follow the steps below to complete this assignment. gStreetWunberOs String getstreetNane:String 1. Develop a solution that has three classes, as described in steps 2 through 4. The class diagram to the right shows the relationship between two of these classes. 2. Develop a class named building that has the following attributes and methods. a. Attributes thouse i. streetName-a String value that dentifies the name of the street this building is on. Any non-empty value is alowed for this attribute ii. streetNumber-a String value that contains the building's street number. Any non-empty value is allowed for this attribute. i yearBuilt- an int value that indicates the year the building completed construction. The year must be in the range [1975, 2019 b. Methods i. Constructor with three formal parameters-creates a building object by initializing the three attributes to their corresponding parameter variables i Default constructor-creates a building object by initializing each attribute to a value you deem appropriate ii. getStreetName)-returns this building's street name. iv. v. getYearBuilt) returns this building's year built. )-returns this building's street number. 3. Develop a class named house that has the following characteristics. a. A house is a buiIding b Attributes i. numberBathrooms- a double value that identifies the number of bathrooms in this house. This value must a number greater than zero with an optional fraction value of O.5. For example, 1.5 and 0.5 are valid values while 2.7 and 0.4 are not valid Page 1 of 2 CSC 176 Assignment S ii. numberBedrooms-an int value that identifies the number of bedrooms in this house. Any number greater than or equal to zero is valid C. Methods i. Constructor with five formal parameters- creates a house object by initializing the three building attributes and two house attributes to their corresponding parameter variables ii. Default constructor-creates a house object by initializing each attribute to a value you deem appropriate. ii. getNumberBathrooms)- returns this house's number of bathrooms iv. geNumberBedrooms)-returns this house's number of bedrooms. 4. Develop a class that contains a main method, and perhaps other methods, that use the building and house classes. The purpose of this class is to test the code in your building and house classes