Ex ? Which method would you use to solve the differential equation 1.!\" = is" C:- Method of Separable Variables would be used to solve this Differential Equation If) FirstOrder, Linear Differential Equations would be used to solve this Differential Equation If} Both Separable Variables and First-Order, Unear Differential Equations would be used to solve this Differential Equation '3' Neither Separable Variables nor FirstOrder, Linear Differential Equations would be used to solve this Differential Equation Which method would you use to solve the differential equation is\" = 3 X + 5 V ? If} Method of Separable Variables would be used to solve this Differential Equation If} FirstOrder, Linear Differential Equations would be used to solve this Differential Equation If} Both Separable Variables and First-Order, Unear Differential Equations would be used to solve this Differential Equation If} Neither Separable Variables nor FirstOrder, Linear Differential Equations would be used to solve this Differential Equation Which methodr ifany, would be used to solve the differential equation 1.!" = 31.!\" EXP? Q Separable "ul'ariables would be used to solve the Differential Equation. Q FirstOrder, Linear Differential Equations would be used to solve the Differential Equation. Q Neither Separahle Variables nor FirstOrder, Linear Differential Equations would he used to solve the Differential Equation. Q Both Separable Variables or First-Order, Unear Differential Equations could be used to solve the Differential Equations. Which method, ifany, would be used to solve the differential equation 1.!\" = J XV ? If} Separable Variables would be used to solve the Differential Equation. If} FirstOrder, Linear Differential Equations would be used to solve the Differential Equation. If} Neither Separable Variables nor FirstOrder, Linear Differential Equations would be used to solve the Differential Equation. If} Both Separable Variables or First-Order, linear Differential Equations could be used to solve the Differential Equations