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Example: Using sample page from 1930 census showing number of living people by age, sex, and ethnicity to calculate survivorship curve for survival of

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Example: Using sample page from 1930 census showing number of living people by age, sex, and ethnicity to calculate survivorship curve for survival of African American women in Arkansas Year class (5 year intervals % of Population until last stage!) In This Stage nx: Number survivors per 1000 at beginning of age interval (assume all from this stage and those past it!)(Not use of $ signs in formula! It locks the row and/or columns if you copy the formula to another lx: Proportion surviving to age (x) cell) 0 10.5 1000 1.000 5 11.5 895 0.895 10 10.9 780 0.780 15 11.4 20 10.9 25 8.9 30 7 35 7.4 40 5.7 45 5.1 50 3.9 55 2.2 60 1.7 65 1.1 70 0.7 75 0.4 80 85 0.3 0.2 Ix: Proportion surviving to age (x) vs. Year class (5 year intervals until last stage!) Ix: Proportion surviving to age (x) 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Year class (5 year intervals until last stage!) 100.0 Per cent. 10.5 Under 5 years. 11.5 5 to 9 years.. 10.9 10 to 14 years.. 11.4 15 to 19 years.. 10.9 20 to 24 years.. 8. 9 25 to 29 years... 7.0 30 to 34 years. 7.4 35 to 39 years.. 5.7 40 to 44 years. 5. 1 45 to 49 years.. 3.9 50 to 54 years.. 2.2 55 to 59 years.. 1.7 461927 60 to 64 years.. 1.1 65 to 69 years. 0.7 70 to 74 years.. 0.4 75 to 79 years. 0.3 80 to 84 years... 0.2 17432 85 and over.. TABLE 24.-AGE BY 5-YEAR PERIODS, BY COLOR, NATIVITY, AND SEX, BY DIVISIONS AND ST 1920-Continued ALL CLASSES DIVISION OR STATE AND AGE NATIVE WHITE- NATIVE PARENTAGE NATIVE WRITE-FOREIGN OR MIXED PARENTAGE Total Foreign par entage Mixed par entage FOREIGN-BORN WHITE Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male MISSISSIPPI All ages.. Under & years.. 5 to 9 years... 1,005, 141 118,142 1, 004, 680 116, 153 125,871 123, 527 490,005 5,612 60,941 478, 670 10,589 10,565 5,016 4,904 5,553 5,589 56,488 651 663 253 398 382 4,347 7 1,700 498, 338 3 58,66 38,983 941 814 440 413 501 TEP 16 18 63,761 10 to 14 years. 116451 111,803 66,073 53,251 824 912 494 398 418 26 30 50,294 15 to 19 years.. 109,700 112,702 52,788 52,433 915 888 529 517 386 871 78 77 5751 20 to 24 years. 254 105, 108 44,973 47,857 782 437 391 345 386 142 25 to 29 years. 75.405 83,318 35,971 37,891 568 212 205 300 359 250 30 to 34 years 60,977 65,234 -31,045 31,507 633 067 257 271 316 396 386 35 to 39 years. 60,827 65, 166 29,753 29,715 718 760 300 418 483 461 29.771 40 to 44 years... 41,381 52,026 26,028 25,021 718 730 264 280 164 150 521 323 24,001 45 to 49 years.. 45,129 47,523 23,239 22,313 721 287 277 290 444 447 487 217 21.39 30 to 54 years. 46,534 38385 21,580 18,808 778 733 318 321 460 470 206 23631 55 to 59 years. 32,767 25, 099 15,813 13,724 676 643 335 200 341 353 319 207 15,827 60 to 64 years. 25,971 20,626 11,910 10,412 579 586 299 328 280 258 367 196 13,067 65 to 49 years.. 16,408 13,779 7,949 7,480 403 216 200 195 173 282 123 7,742 70 to 74 years 11,770 10,406 6678 5,973 204 161 165 128 129 207 108 4,577 75 to 79 years. 7,005 6,663 3,175 3,795 168 508 101 82 63 136 78 2,70 80 to 84 years. 3,509 3,706 1,825 1,902 60 70 25 35 35 34 76 542 85 to 89 years.. 1,230 1,501 535 702 27 16 10 17 21 22 640 90 to 94 years.. 389 577 202 267 95 to 99 years. 118 163 20 33 2 94 100 and over. 97 202 10 9 Unknown.. 406 403 182 170 215 Per cent. 100. 100.0 100.0 100. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under 5 years. 11. 12.0 118 6.2 6.3 50 5.7 7.2 6.9 0.2 al ILS 5 to 9 years.. 12.5 12.3 12.4 12.3 8.9 8.0 8.3 9.0 7.7 07 12 10 to 14 years.. 11.6 11.1 11.4 11.1 8.5 8.6 9.9 9.9 7.2 7.5 15 to 19 years 10.9 11.2 10.8 11.0 8.7 8.4 10.5 10.4 7.0 6.7 28 20 to 24 years. 2.4 10.5 9.2 10.0 7.4 7.4 87 7.8 62 6.9 4.1 25 to 29 years.. 7.5 8.3 7.3 7.9 4.6 6.2 5.6 3.9 5.5 64 5.8 8.3 7.1 30 to 34 years 6.1 6.5 6.6 6.0 6.3 5.7 6.2 7.1 9.5 5.1 35 to 39 year. 6.1 40 to 44 years.. 5.1 5.2 45 to 49 years.. 4.G 50 to 54 years 46 35 to 3 years. 23 60 to 64 years 2.6 65 to 00 years.. 1.6 70 to 74 years.. 1.2 1.0 75 to 79 years. 0.7 07 80 to 84 years. 03 85 and over. 527801 0742 6.1 6.2 5.3 5.2 4.7 4.7 4.4 19 3.2 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.4 Prop poppe 7.1 6.0 7.5 8.7 10. 11.1 4.1 5.6 84 8.1 12.0 12.0 41 6.8 7.0 &.5 $.8 RO RO 11.2 ILO 4.1 7.0 6.3 8.3 7.4 10.8 9.8 41 8.8 6.I 63 0.2 7.7 5.0 8.4 3.9 3.8 3.5 4.6 1. 2.7 28 8.3 2.3 4.8 3.8 1.7 1.6 20 15 3.1 2.9 a 0.6 0.7 0.3 6N 0.7 0.6 2.0 01 0.4 LI ARKANSAS All ages. 938,843 914, 639 677, 734 651, 471 18, 321 17,007 8,640 7,490 8,881 9,517 227 481 470 6,008 4,167 134,90 24.60 Under 5 years.. 5 to 9 years.. 10 to 14 years. 05,201 PUS, 50% 79,760 77, 143 547 114, 170 111,658 85,535 82, 838 1,049 968 351 106,667 104,346 78,795 76,701 1,277 1,188 483 450 794 26,51 15 to 13 years. 101,209 301,825 74,620 72,516 1,455 1,375 612 808 843 25,0 20 to 21 years. 84,488 10,820 60,206 62,849 1,205 1,370 571 828 724 22,83 25 to 29 years. 6,276 73, 146 48, 194 49,973 1,296 1,312 587 368 679 754 176 207 18,54 30 to 34 years. 5,934 39,842 40,60 41,233 1,394 1,400 600 636 704 764 298 262 14,5 35 to 39 years 58,845 60,247 41,409 40,510 1,566 1,536 795 729 761 805 468 365 15.35 40 to 44 years.. 4936 4,089 34,621 33,458 1,479 1,398 732 629 747 700 $14 333 12, 28 45 to 49 years.. 52, 202 44,200 34,506 30,037 1,472 1,364 399 790 745 662 400 50 to 54 years. 4,175 36.177 25,064 1,376 1,212 663 500 718 672 737 540 12, 17 55 to 59 years. 33,240 26,19 23,229 19, 333 1203 1,038 659 506 024 432 670 456 800 60 to 64 years. 24,650 19,351 17,098 13,931 1,049 831 579 434 470 397 707 434 5,78 65 to 69 years.. 16,883 18, 103 11,948 9,582 792 568 444 301 348 267 630 339 3,50 70 to 74 years. 12,392 1,989 229 7,551 566 430 317 248 249 182 443 280 2,13 75 to 79 years. 7,113 142 5,304 4797 293 180 153 96 142 84 281 141 1,23 80 to 84 years. 3,321 3,127 2,424 2,279 123 81 61 44 62 37 140 96 85 to 89 years. 1,245 1,234 824 855 42 43 25 17 26 44 49 90 to 9 years. 316 401 177 222 36 10 15 22 95 to 99 years. 79 110 47 100 and over. Unknown... 00 85 12 337 220 Per cent.. 100.0 100 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. Under 5 years. 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