Excel Question: turn in your final spreadsheet with the assumptions you use for purchase price and rents. FOR SALE= 2758 36th Ave,San Francisco, CA
Excel Question: turn in your final spreadsheet with the assumptions you use for purchase price and rents. FOR SALE=2758 36th Ave,San Francisco, CA 94116 this is the house price $1,488,000 Est. $10,265/mo this is the "Subject Property" Along with the purchase price and estimated rental rates, please use the following assumptions for the purposes of your analysis: Closing costs = 1% of purchase price Interest Rate = 4%, 80% LTV, 30yr fully amortized Home Price Appreciation = 5% Annual Rent Increase = 4% Homeowners Insurance = $1,000/yr (increases 4% each year) Property Taxes = 1.2% of purchase price (increases 2% each year)
Water, Sewer, Garbage = $80/mo (increases 5% each year) Annual Maintenance = $2,000 (increases 4% each year) Depreciation: Tax Life = 27.5 years Depreciation: Building = 80% of Total House Price Marginal Tax Bracket = 40% Capital Gains Tax Rate = 25% Please calculate the following : A. Make sure your spreadsheet shows a First Year Operating Projection, 10 Year Operating Projection, Sales Analysis After 10 Years and Rate of Return Analysis After 10 Years
example should look like this: