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Exchange:Ticker Total Revenue [CY 2008] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2009] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2010] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY

Exchange:Ticker Total Revenue [CY 2008] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2009] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2010] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2011] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2012] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2013] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2014] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2015] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2016] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2017] ($USDmm, Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 2018] ($USDmm, Historical rate) 1) Calculate average annual revenue growth rate from 2013 to 2018 2) Estimate revenue 2019 based on historical growth 3) Insert a graph, showing on X axis total revenue 2018, and on Y axis average annual growth rate 13-18 for all companies. Do you see a correlation or not?
NasdaqGS:TWOU - - - 29.7 55.9 83.1 110.2 150.2 205.9 286.8 411.8
NasdaqGS:ADBE 3,579.9 2,945.9 3,800.0 4,216.3 4,403.7 4,055.2 4,147.1 4,795.5 5,854.4 7,301.5 9,030.0
BME:AMS 3,500.5 3,416.5 3,477.8 3,584.4 3,837.2 4,274.2 4,136.9 4,249.5 4,721.7 5,568.2 5,651.1
NasdaqGS:ANSS 478.3 516.9 580.2 691.4 798.0 861.3 936.0 942.8 988.5 1,095.3 1,293.6
ASX:APX - - - 21.6 34.5 54.3 41.7 60.2 80.3 130.1 256.7
NasdaqGS:TEAM - - - - - - - 387.3 531.2 744.3 1,030.2
NasdaqGS:BL - - - - - 32.0 51.7 83.6 128.0 175.6 227.8
AIM:PRSM - - - - - - - 9.09 15.5 44.4
AIM:CRW 20.6 25.6 31.7 40.3 42.4 42.5 43.0 46.4 53.5 62.1 71.8
NasdaqGS:CYBR - - - 36.4 47.2 66.2 103.0 160.8 216.6 261.7 343.2
ENXTPA:DSY 1,865.1 1,793.4 2,097.0 2,316.4 2,674.3 2,845.3 2,777.1 3,083.9 3,225.6 3,876.1 3,981.5
NasdaqGS:DBX - - - - - - - 603.8 844.8 1,106.8 1,391.7
NYSE:ESTC - - - - - - - - - - 240.6
NasdaqGS:FTNT 211.8 252.1 324.7 433.6 533.6 615.3 770.4 1,009.3 1,275.4 1,494.9 1,801.2
NYSE:GWRE - - - 202.9 260.1 315.2 369.4 395.8 449.8 576.5 738.1
TSX:KXS - - - 38.0 46.7 60.8 70.1 91.3 116.0 133.3 150.7
NasdaqGS:MDSO 105.7 140.4 166.4 184.5 218.3 276.8 335.1 392.5 458.5 544.2 635.7
NasdaqGS:MIME - - - - - - - 135.7 171.0 240.9 321.6
XTRA:NEM 211.6 196.0 203.1 214.5 233.7 258.8 265.0 310.5 357.8 475.0 528.2
NasdaqGS:NTNX - - - - - - - 329.0 642.3 1,020.4 1,241.8
NYSE:PAYC - - - 57.2 76.8 107.6 150.9 224.7 329.1 433.0 566.3
NasdaqGS:PCTY - - - - - 90.5 127.8 187.6 264.1 333.8 417.7
NasdaqGM:PFPT 38.2 48.5 64.8 81.8 106.3 137.9 195.6 265.4 378.3 519.7 717.0
NasdaqGS:QLYS - 57.4 65.4 76.2 91.4 108.0 133.6 164.3 197.9 230.8 278.9
NYSE:SAIL - - - - - - - 95.4 132.4 186.1 248.9
NYSE:CRM 1,076.8 1,305.6 1,657.1 2,266.5 3,050.2 4,071.0 5,373.6 6,667.2 8,437.0 10,540.0 13,282.0
NYSE:NOW - - - 128.1 243.7 424.7 682.6 1,005.5 1,391.0 1,918.5 2,608.8
NYSE:SHOP - - - - 23.7 50.3 105.0 205.2 389.3 673.3 1,073.2
NasdaqGS:SSNC 280.0 270.9 328.9 370.8 551.8 712.7 767.9 1,000.3 1,481.4 1,675.3 3,421.1
SWX:TEMN 406.9 370.3 448.0 473.5 450.2 467.8 468.7 542.5 634.0 735.4 840.9
NasdaqGS:TENB - - - - - - - - 124.4 187.7 267.4
TSX:DSG 66.0 73.8 99.2 114.0 126.9 151.3 170.9 185.0 203.8 237.4 275.2
NasdaqGM:TTD - - - - - - 44.5 113.8 202.9 308.2 477.3
NYSE:VEEV - - 29.1 61.3 129.5 210.2 313.2 409.2 550.5 690.6 862.2
ASX:WTC - - - - - - - 62.9 90.6 137.5 200.8
NasdaqGS:ZS - - - - - - - - - 154.3 242.9

Please help, questions are in the yellow columns. Calculate average annual growth rate. Estimate rev 2019 based on historical growth.

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Total Revenue ICY 20081 SUSDmm Historical rate) Total Revenue ICY 20091 SUSDmm. Historical rate) Total Revenue [CY 20101 $USDmm Historical rate) Total Revenue ICY 20111 SUSDmm. Historical ratel 29.7 Total Total Revenue Revenue ICY 20121 ICY 20131 SUSDmm. SUSDmm. Historical Historical ratel ratel 55.9 83.1 Total Revenue ICY 20141 SUSDmm Historical rate) 110.2 Total Revenue ICY 20151 SUSDmm Historical rate) 150.2 Total Revenue ICY 20161 SUS.Dmm Historical rate) 206.9 Total Revenue ICY 20171 USDmm. Historical ratel 286.8 Total 1) Calculate Revenue average annual 2) Estimate 31 Insert a graph, showing on X axis ICY 20181 revenue revenue total revenue 2018, and on Yaxis $USDmm. arowth rate 2019 based average annualarowth rate 123.18 for Historical from 2013 to on historical all companies. Do you see a rate) 2018 growth correlation or not? 411.8 Exchange:Tick 3,579.9 2,945.9 3,800.0 4,216.3 4,403.7 4,055.2 4,147.1 4,795.5 5,8544 7,301.5 9,030.0 3 .416.5 4.136.9 3.500. 5 478.3 3.477.8 580.2 3,584.4 691.4 3.837.2 798.0 4,274.2 861.3 4.249.5 942.8 4,721.7 988.5 5.568.2 1,095.3 5,651.1 1,293.6 516.9 936.0 21.6 34.5 543 NasdaqGS:TW OU NasdaqGS:ADB BME:AMS NasdaqGS:ANS ASX:APX NasdaqGS: TEA NasdaqGS:BL AIM:PRSM AIM:CRW NasdaqGS:CYB ENXTPA:DSY NasdaqGS:DBX NYSE:ESTC Nasdaq GS:FTN 256.7 1,030.2 227.8 32.0 60.2 80.3 130.1 387.3 531.2 83.6_128.0_175. 6 9.09 15.5 46.4 53.5 62.1 160.8 216.6 261.7 51. 7 20.5 25.5 31. 7 40. 3 36.4 42.4 47.2 42.5 66.2 71.8 343.2 1,865.1 1.793.4 2,316.4 2,674.3 2,845.3 2.777.1 3,083.9 603.8 3,225.6 844.8 3,876.1 1,106.8 3,981.5 1,391.7 240.6 1,8012 211.8 252.1 324.7 433.6 533.6 615.3 770.4 1,009.3 1.275.4 1.494.9 NYSE:GWRE TSX:KXS NasdaqGS:MD So NasdaqGS:MIM 202.9 38.0 184.5 260.1 46.7 218.3 3152 60.8 276.8 369.4 70.1 335.1 396.8 91.3 392.5 449.8 116.0 458.5 576.5 133.3 5442 738.1 150.7 635.7 105.7 140. 4 166. 4 135.7 171.0 240.9 321.6 211. 6 196. 0 203. 1 214.5 233.7 258.8 265.0 XTRA:NEM NasdaqGS:NTN NYSE:PAYC NasdaqGS:PCT 76.8 310.5 329.0 224.7 187.6 357.8 642.3 329.1 264.1 475.0 1,020.4 433.0 333.8 528.2 1.241.8 566.3 417.7 107.6 90.5 150.9 127.8 38.2 Nasdaq GM:PF NasdaqGS:QLY 48.5 57. 4 64.8 65. 4 81.8 76.2 137.9 108.0 195.5 133.6 265.4 164.3 378.3 197.9 519.7 230.8 717.0 278.9 91.4 1,076.8 1.305.6 1,657.1 NYSE:SAIL NYSE:CRM NYSE:NOW NYSE:SHOP NasdaqGS:SSN 2,266.5 128.1 3,050.2 243.7 23.7 551.8 4,071.0 424.7 50.3 712.7 5,373.6 682.6 105.0 767.9 95.4 6,667.2 1,005.5 205.2 1,000.3 132.4 8,437.0 1.391.0 389.3 1,481.4 186.1 10,540.0 1.918.5 673.3 1,675.3 248.9 13,282.0 2,608.B 1,073.2 3,421.1 280.0 270.9 370.8 406.9 406. 9 370.3 473.5 450.2 467.8 SWVX TEM NasdaqGS:TEN 468.7 542.5 634.0 124.4 735.4 187.7 840.9 267.4 66.0 8 73. 9 9.2 114.0 126.9 151.3 170.9 185.0 113.8 203.8 202.9 2374 308.2 275.2 477.3 44.5 TSX:DSG NasdaqGM:TT NYSE:VEEV ASX:WTC Nasdaqgs:zs 61.3 129. 5 210.2 313.2 409.2 62.9 550.5 90.6 690.6 137.5 154.3 8622 200.8 242.9

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