Extended Leaming Exeroise. You have been asked to prepare a quick estinate of the construction cost for a coal-fred electrofy generabing plant and locieles A work breakdown structure (levels one through three) is shown in the table below Clck the icon to view the work treakdown structure. Click the icon to view the avaliable intormation - A coal-fired generating plant twice the size of the one you are estimating was built in 1996. The 1996 boiler (1.2) and boiler support system (1.3) cost $113 million. The cost index for boilers was 113 in 1996, it is 464 in 2019 . The cost capacity factor for similar boilers and support systems is 0.87 . The 590 -acre site is on property you already own, but improvements (1.1.1) and roads (1.1.2) will cost $2,100 per acre, and railroads (1.1.3) will cost $3,200,000. Project integration (1.9) is projected to cost 4% of all other construction costs. - The security systems (1.5.4) are expected to cost $1,600 per acre, according to recent (2019) construction of similar plants. All other support facilities and equipment (1.5) elements are to be built by Viscount Engineering. Viscount Engineering has built the support facilities and equipment elements for two similar generating plants. Their experience is expected to reduce labor requirements substantially; a 93% learning curve can be assumed. Viscount built the support facilities and equipment on their first job in 90,000 hours. For this project, Viscount's labor will be billed to you at $63 per hour. Viscount estimates that materials for the construction of the support facilities and equipment elements (except 1.5.4) will cost you $14,000,000. - The coal storage facility (1.4) for the coal-fired generating plant built in 1996 cost $5.4 million. Although your plant is smaller, you require the same size coal storage facility as the 1996 plant. You assume you can apply the cost index for similar boilers to the coal storage facility. PROJECT: Coal-Fired Electricity Generating Plant and Facilities \begin{tabular}{lll} \hline LIne No. & \multicolumn{1}{c}{ Title } & WBS Element Code \\ \hline 001 & Coal-fired power plant & 1.1 \\ 002 & Site & 1.1 \\ 003 & Land improvements & 1.1 .1 \\ 004 & Roads, parking, and paved areas & 1.1 .2 \\ 005 & Railroads & 1.1 .3 \\ 006 & Boiler & 1.2 \\ 007 & Furnace & 1.2 .1 \\ 008 & Pressure vessel & 1.2 .2 \\ 009 & Heat exchange system & 1.2 .3 \\ 010 & Generators & 1.2 .4 \\ 011 & Boiler support system & 1.3 \\ 012 & Coal transport system & 1.3 .1 \\ 013 & Coal pulverizing system & 1.3 .2 \\ 014 & Instrumentation and control & 1.3 .3 \\ 015 & Ash disposal system & 1.3 .4 \\ 016 & Transformers and distribution & 1.3 .5 \\ 017 & Coal storage facility & 1.4 \\ 018 & Stockpile reclaim system & 1.4 .1 \\ 019 & Rail car dump & 1.4 .2 \\ 020 & Coal handling equipment & 1.4 .3 \\ 021 & Support facilities and equipment & 1.5 \\ 022 & Hazardous waste systems & 1.5 .1 \\ 023 & Support equipment & 1.5 .2 \\ 024 & Utilities and communications system & 1.5 .3 \\ 025 & Security systems & 1.5 .4 \\ 026 & Project integration & 1.9 \\ 027 & Project management & 1.9 .1 \\ 028 & Environmental management & 1.9 .2 \\ 029 & Project safety & 1.9 .3 \\ 030 & Quality assurance & 1.9 .4 \\ 031 & Test, start-up, and transition management & 1.9 .5 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Extended Leaming Exeroise. You have been asked to prepare a quick estinate of the construction cost for a coal-fred electrofy generabing plant and locieles A work breakdown structure (levels one through three) is shown in the table below Clck the icon to view the work treakdown structure. Click the icon to view the avaliable intormation - A coal-fired generating plant twice the size of the one you are estimating was built in 1996. The 1996 boiler (1.2) and boiler support system (1.3) cost $113 million. The cost index for boilers was 113 in 1996, it is 464 in 2019 . The cost capacity factor for similar boilers and support systems is 0.87 . The 590 -acre site is on property you already own, but improvements (1.1.1) and roads (1.1.2) will cost $2,100 per acre, and railroads (1.1.3) will cost $3,200,000. Project integration (1.9) is projected to cost 4% of all other construction costs. - The security systems (1.5.4) are expected to cost $1,600 per acre, according to recent (2019) construction of similar plants. All other support facilities and equipment (1.5) elements are to be built by Viscount Engineering. Viscount Engineering has built the support facilities and equipment elements for two similar generating plants. Their experience is expected to reduce labor requirements substantially; a 93% learning curve can be assumed. Viscount built the support facilities and equipment on their first job in 90,000 hours. For this project, Viscount's labor will be billed to you at $63 per hour. Viscount estimates that materials for the construction of the support facilities and equipment elements (except 1.5.4) will cost you $14,000,000. - The coal storage facility (1.4) for the coal-fired generating plant built in 1996 cost $5.4 million. Although your plant is smaller, you require the same size coal storage facility as the 1996 plant. You assume you can apply the cost index for similar boilers to the coal storage facility. PROJECT: Coal-Fired Electricity Generating Plant and Facilities \begin{tabular}{lll} \hline LIne No. & \multicolumn{1}{c}{ Title } & WBS Element Code \\ \hline 001 & Coal-fired power plant & 1.1 \\ 002 & Site & 1.1 \\ 003 & Land improvements & 1.1 .1 \\ 004 & Roads, parking, and paved areas & 1.1 .2 \\ 005 & Railroads & 1.1 .3 \\ 006 & Boiler & 1.2 \\ 007 & Furnace & 1.2 .1 \\ 008 & Pressure vessel & 1.2 .2 \\ 009 & Heat exchange system & 1.2 .3 \\ 010 & Generators & 1.2 .4 \\ 011 & Boiler support system & 1.3 \\ 012 & Coal transport system & 1.3 .1 \\ 013 & Coal pulverizing system & 1.3 .2 \\ 014 & Instrumentation and control & 1.3 .3 \\ 015 & Ash disposal system & 1.3 .4 \\ 016 & Transformers and distribution & 1.3 .5 \\ 017 & Coal storage facility & 1.4 \\ 018 & Stockpile reclaim system & 1.4 .1 \\ 019 & Rail car dump & 1.4 .2 \\ 020 & Coal handling equipment & 1.4 .3 \\ 021 & Support facilities and equipment & 1.5 \\ 022 & Hazardous waste systems & 1.5 .1 \\ 023 & Support equipment & 1.5 .2 \\ 024 & Utilities and communications system & 1.5 .3 \\ 025 & Security systems & 1.5 .4 \\ 026 & Project integration & 1.9 \\ 027 & Project management & 1.9 .1 \\ 028 & Environmental management & 1.9 .2 \\ 029 & Project safety & 1.9 .3 \\ 030 & Quality assurance & 1.9 .4 \\ 031 & Test, start-up, and transition management & 1.9 .5 \\ \hline \end{tabular}