#include #include "lab02.h" int fact(){ int result =1 , i ; for(i=2 ; i fib.c
#include #include "lab02.h" int fib (){ int f1 = 0 , f2 = 1 , result =0 , i ; if(n == 1) result =1 ; else for(i=0 ; i output.c
#include #include "lab02.h" void output(int result){ printf("the result is :%d ", result); }
input.c #include #include "lab02.h" void input (){ printf("enter an integer: "); scanf("%d", &n); }
#include #include "lab02.h" int main (){ input(); fact(); fib(); return 0; }
please help me with the code and the command please
(in C programming language and Unix ) computer system lab 222
8- Modify the "main.c" to call the function: double pow(double x, double y): computes value of x raised to the power of y. Then calls the output function with the result as an argument. Also, it returns the value of the result. Name the modified source file "main3.c". Use the following interposition techniques: a) None: Use the standard pow function. Name the file "mypow1.c" and generate the executable object file "lab02e" Compile-time: Name the file "mypow2.e" and generate the executable object flc "lab02f b) c) Link-time: Name the file "mypow3.c" and generate the executable object file "lab02g". d) Run-time: Name the file "mypow4.c and generate the executable object file "lab02h". Include all the source files, commands used and their results with the execution of each file in your report