features, senior management maintains a sharp focus on keepmy manufacturing costs low. Sourcing of parts and components is done on a global scale. Sourcing from hundreds of high-quality suppliers ensures flexibility in logistics and production The diversity of partners and international environments helps Lenovo acquire new technical and managerial knowledge, new know Lenovo double-dic prow AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills Case Questions 11-4. What is strategy? How does Lenovo use strategy to succeed in the global marketplace? What strategies does Lenovo employ to maximize company efficiency and flexibility? What does Lenovo management do to foster organizational learning? 11-5. Describe Lenovo's organizational culture. What are the char- acteristics of Lenovo's culture? How does the culture help Lenovo achieve its international goals? 11-6. What is the nature of Lenovo's international strategy? Is the firm's strategy primarily multidomestic or global? Justify your answer. What advantages does Lenovo derive from the par- ticular international strategy(s) that it pursues? 11-7. Examine Lenovo in terms of the integration-responsiveness framework. What are the pressures that Lenovo faces for lo- cal responsiveness? What are the pressures that Lenovo faces for global integration? What advantages do local responsive- ness and global integration each bring to Lenovo? Sources: Smartpho Ignatius, Business Plots Glo 31, 2011 2012, p. Fast Com Woyke, Forbes, Internal of Chin Betty S. Tan END OF CHAPTER REVIEW features, senior management maintains a sharp focus on keepmy manufacturing costs low. Sourcing of parts and components is done on a global scale. Sourcing from hundreds of high-quality suppliers ensures flexibility in logistics and production The diversity of partners and international environments helps Lenovo acquire new technical and managerial knowledge, new know Lenovo double-dic prow AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills Case Questions 11-4. What is strategy? How does Lenovo use strategy to succeed in the global marketplace? What strategies does Lenovo employ to maximize company efficiency and flexibility? What does Lenovo management do to foster organizational learning? 11-5. Describe Lenovo's organizational culture. What are the char- acteristics of Lenovo's culture? How does the culture help Lenovo achieve its international goals? 11-6. What is the nature of Lenovo's international strategy? Is the firm's strategy primarily multidomestic or global? Justify your answer. What advantages does Lenovo derive from the par- ticular international strategy(s) that it pursues? 11-7. Examine Lenovo in terms of the integration-responsiveness framework. What are the pressures that Lenovo faces for lo- cal responsiveness? What are the pressures that Lenovo faces for global integration? What advantages do local responsive- ness and global integration each bring to Lenovo? Sources: Smartpho Ignatius, Business Plots Glo 31, 2011 2012, p. Fast Com Woyke, Forbes, Internal of Chin Betty S. Tan END OF CHAPTER REVIEW