Fictional situational brief: Imagine that your team are a not for profit or social enterprise that operates in a selected developing nation (i.e., specify which not for profit or social enterprise your team represents and which developing nation you are operating in). Your goal is to partner with 1) a multinational enterprise (that operates in the developing nation) and 2) the national government of the developing nation in order to win a $10 million dollar grant offered collectively by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Brisbane City Council (BCC). The grant is awarded to the not for profit or social enterprise that partners to pitch the most visionary and actionable strategy to be implemented over the next 5-7 years that inspires the selected developing nation to more effectively participate in, and support the Brisbane 2032 Paralympics. In order to develop an effective video pitch, you should consider: - How the grant will build greater diversity and inclusivity in your developing nation and build global awareness of the developing nation and various inequalities; - How the social enterprise or not for profit, multinational partner and national government will work with stakeholders such as the IOC, BCC, paralympicns, and other potential partners to bring your idea to fruition; - How the funding will be allocated (e.g., staff costs, educational campaigns); and - Identifying shorter and longer-term benefits secured for your developing nation (e.g. economic, social, educational, investment) as well benefits globally (e.g. increase global participation in world events), through the strategy Final reminder: While this is a fictional exercise, please select one developing country to focus on, and imagine that you are an actual/real-world not for profit or social enterprise and multinational enterprise operating in that country that would be capable of implementing your strategy (providing rationales as to your selection). While students are not to literally contact particular not for profits, social enterprises or multinationals in your selected developing nation (as this is a fictional activity only!) the process of identifying actual stakeholders makes the assessment more realistic