Fill in the yellow blank
DOOFUS COMPANY One year Two Years ago ago This year INVENTORY 65,043 72,543 67,101 PURCHASES 471,734 444,234 490, 102 536,777 516,777 557,203 COST OF SALES 464,234 449,676 465,695 INVENTORYeoy 72,543 67,101 71,508 536.777 516,777 537,203 VOUCHERS PAYABLED 25,114 29,785 30,671 PURCHASES 471.734 444,234 490,102 496,848 474,019 520,773 CASH DISBURSEMENTS 467,063 443,347 488,250 VOUCHERS PAYABLE. 29,785 30,671 32.524 496,848 474,019 520.773 VOUCHERS PAYABLE 25.114 29.785 30,671 PURCHASES 444 234 490,102 471,734 496.30 474019 520.773 467.053 443,347 CASH DISBURSEMENTS VOUCHERS PAYABLE.. 488.250 32.524 29.785 30.671 496 548 474019 520,773 . Use THESE pointers below P SALES 582.312 588 235 004217 1-STANDARD DEVIATION LIMITS Two Years ago One you HIGH LOW OK? ago This year Standard deviation Average LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT PURICO 1.010 1.002 1,004 1.000 0.00 1.000 1.012 F PURINVO 6.500 6.620 6.14 6.52 0.0032 6.478 6,645 . PURCOS 1.016 09 1.002 1.002 00200 0.982 . COMNV 600 6.700 6512 0.2136 6337 1.022 6.764 0.070 VPCD 0.064 0.000 0.067 0.004 0.0030 0.063 COND 1014 0904 1004 0.0144 0.990 1.018 P 0.900 0714 CONSALES 0.712 0771 0.76 0745 0.790 BIU as Table $ -% 9 Cell Styles 4 x C D E F G H K M N PURICOS 1.016 1.052 1,002 0.0200 0.982 1.022 COSINE 6.702 6.512 6.550 0.2136 6.764 VPUCD 0.064 0.000 0.067 0.066 0.0038 0.063 0.070 ICOS CD 0994 1014 0.954 0.0144 0.990 1.018 P COS SALES 0.784 0.752 0.77 0.768 0.0227 0.745 0.790 B. There is a problem here. Analyze the above and describe what may be the cause of the observed behavior. 37 19 LO 41 42 00 49 DOOFUS COMPANY One year Two Years ago ago This year INVENTORY 65,043 72,543 67,101 PURCHASES 471,734 444,234 490, 102 536,777 516,777 557,203 COST OF SALES 464,234 449,676 465,695 INVENTORYeoy 72,543 67,101 71,508 536.777 516,777 537,203 VOUCHERS PAYABLED 25,114 29,785 30,671 PURCHASES 471.734 444,234 490,102 496,848 474,019 520,773 CASH DISBURSEMENTS 467,063 443,347 488,250 VOUCHERS PAYABLE. 29,785 30,671 32.524 496,848 474,019 520.773 VOUCHERS PAYABLE 25.114 29.785 30,671 PURCHASES 444 234 490,102 471,734 496.30 474019 520.773 467.053 443,347 CASH DISBURSEMENTS VOUCHERS PAYABLE.. 488.250 32.524 29.785 30.671 496 548 474019 520,773 . Use THESE pointers below P SALES 582.312 588 235 004217 1-STANDARD DEVIATION LIMITS Two Years ago One you HIGH LOW OK? ago This year Standard deviation Average LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT PURICO 1.010 1.002 1,004 1.000 0.00 1.000 1.012 F PURINVO 6.500 6.620 6.14 6.52 0.0032 6.478 6,645 . PURCOS 1.016 09 1.002 1.002 00200 0.982 . COMNV 600 6.700 6512 0.2136 6337 1.022 6.764 0.070 VPCD 0.064 0.000 0.067 0.004 0.0030 0.063 COND 1014 0904 1004 0.0144 0.990 1.018 P 0.900 0714 CONSALES 0.712 0771 0.76 0745 0.790 BIU as Table $ -% 9 Cell Styles 4 x C D E F G H K M N PURICOS 1.016 1.052 1,002 0.0200 0.982 1.022 COSINE 6.702 6.512 6.550 0.2136 6.764 VPUCD 0.064 0.000 0.067 0.066 0.0038 0.063 0.070 ICOS CD 0994 1014 0.954 0.0144 0.990 1.018 P COS SALES 0.784 0.752 0.77 0.768 0.0227 0.745 0.790 B. There is a problem here. Analyze the above and describe what may be the cause of the observed behavior. 37 19 LO 41 42 00 49