Financial Posifon of Sahara Traders am at 25 February 20e1. Note: The Socemant of INFORMATION SAHMRA TFMDERS PAE-ADJUSTMENT TRUL. EALANCE AS AT 28 FERRUUET 221 ADOITIONAL INFORMATION ANO ADUUSTMENTS 1 The set proft tor the year ended 28 February 20021 acosenting to ne Stitiment of Comptehentive income, atwe taking bwe followity affutrerts inco aconurt is Rte2 060. 2. According to physical stocktaking on 2E Feberary 2c21, the following iventories were on hasct 2.t Trading enventory, At03 000 . 22 Consumatie steres. R200. with effect thom of Februmy 2021 4. A sebbor who owed R1 000 was declared insolvent Focy percent (4075) of the ancunt owing was recenved bom his insolvert ealrie on 27 Fetnory 2921 and recarded. The balance of his accocure mant now te withen of 5 The alowance for crest bosses must te decreased ty Raco 6. Provide for outstanding interest on the loan trom Mae Dark. The kan was setaned on 01 March 2020. Lasn repayments totaling R20 000 are expected to be made in the next francial year 7. The teipitone account bo fetriary 2tot has not yet been pait Attio. b. According to the bark statemett. service fees of Ravo ase levied ty the bark. This has not yet been recorded. 9. Receved a cheque lor Rsc0 tom H. Hilion whice account was witien of presiously. No entry has yet teen made for this. Financial Posifon of Sahara Traders am at 25 February 20e1. Note: The Socemant of INFORMATION SAHMRA TFMDERS PAE-ADJUSTMENT TRUL. EALANCE AS AT 28 FERRUUET 221 ADOITIONAL INFORMATION ANO ADUUSTMENTS 1 The set proft tor the year ended 28 February 20021 acosenting to ne Stitiment of Comptehentive income, atwe taking bwe followity affutrerts inco aconurt is Rte2 060. 2. According to physical stocktaking on 2E Feberary 2c21, the following iventories were on hasct 2.t Trading enventory, At03 000 . 22 Consumatie steres. R200. with effect thom of Februmy 2021 4. A sebbor who owed R1 000 was declared insolvent Focy percent (4075) of the ancunt owing was recenved bom his insolvert ealrie on 27 Fetnory 2921 and recarded. The balance of his accocure mant now te withen of 5 The alowance for crest bosses must te decreased ty Raco 6. Provide for outstanding interest on the loan trom Mae Dark. The kan was setaned on 01 March 2020. Lasn repayments totaling R20 000 are expected to be made in the next francial year 7. The teipitone account bo fetriary 2tot has not yet been pait Attio. b. According to the bark statemett. service fees of Ravo ase levied ty the bark. This has not yet been recorded. 9. Receved a cheque lor Rsc0 tom H. Hilion whice account was witien of presiously. No entry has yet teen made for this