Financial ratios: Financial leverage. The financial stalements for Tyler Toys, inci are shown in the popup window: Calculase the debt rabo, tmes interest eacned ratio, and cash coverage ratio foe 2013 and 2014 for Tyler Toys. Should ary of these ratios or the change in a rato warrant concern for the managers of Tylar Toys or the shareholders? What is the debt ratio for 2014 ? (Found to four docimal places.) What is the debt ratio for 2013 ? (Round to four decimal places.) What is the tirses mierest eaned ratio for 2014 ? (Found to four decimal places.) What is the temes interest earned ratio for 2013? (Round to four decimal placos.) What in the cash comprage rato for 2014 ? (Round to four decimai places) What is the cash coverage rato for 2013? Financial ratios: Financial leverage. The financlal statoments for Tyler Toys, Inc, are shown in the popop window: [ill. Calculato the debt ratio, times interest eamed ratio, and cash coverage ratio for 2013 and 2014 for Tyler Toys. Should any of these ratos or the change in a ratio wartant concern for the managers of Tyter Toys or the shareholders? (Round to tour decemal places.) What is the cash coverage ratio for 20147 (Round to four decimal places.) What is the cash coverage ratio for 2013 ? (Round to four decimal places.) Should any of these ratios or the change in a ratio warrant concern for the managers of Tyler Toys or the ahareholders? (5elect the best rosponse.) A. The debt rabo is very high and would warrant concern if the cash coverage raso or the times interest earnod ratio was high, but with low ratios this means thoy are handing their large debe 8. The debt tatio in very high and would warrant concern if the cash coverage ratio or the times interest earned moto was low, but weh tigh rabos this means they aro handing their iarge dabe well c. The debt rakio is very low and would wartant concern it the cash coverage ratio of the times interest eamed ratio was high, but with low fatios this means they are handing their large deof woll: D. The debt ratio is very low and would warrant concern if the cash coverage ratio or the Smes intorest eamed rabo was low, but with high rabos this means they are handing their large dobe highlighted texts in the popup dialogue box and select Copy in order to paste its ontents into a spreadsheet