Find a company on the NYSE and explain their current liabilities. Why do companies buy debt or sometimes hide debt? Or sometimes sell debt? What is payroll considered? Show us the payroll of your company also. iscussion Board Rubric Each student must post their initial posting by Saturday of the week. 10 points per week. 2 points for posting your thread by Saturday, 2 points for proper referencing, 2 points for a proper thesis statement, 3 points for properly responding to other students and 1 point for grammar. . 3 total posts per week, one is your initial posting, the 2 others are your responses to other students. All discussion boards close at midnight on Monday night, Western standard time. 5. Students must post 3 references in terms of their initial posting. 1 of the references can be from the book, however, 2 outside sources are additionally required, do not use Wikipedia, all sources have to be proper per MLA or APA standards. Find a company on the NYSE and explain their current liabilities. Why do companies buy debt or sometimes hide debt? Or sometimes sell debt? What is payroll considered? Show us the payroll of your company also. iscussion Board Rubric Each student must post their initial posting by Saturday of the week. 10 points per week. 2 points for posting your thread by Saturday, 2 points for proper referencing, 2 points for a proper thesis statement, 3 points for properly responding to other students and 1 point for grammar. . 3 total posts per week, one is your initial posting, the 2 others are your responses to other students. All discussion boards close at midnight on Monday night, Western standard time. 5. Students must post 3 references in terms of their initial posting. 1 of the references can be from the book, however, 2 outside sources are additionally required, do not use Wikipedia, all sources have to be proper per MLA or APA standards