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Find attached Ingredients: Water, MCC, Salt, Nicotine, pH regulator, sweeteners and flavours I am wondering why the decision to go with LYFT. I understand migrating

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Ingredients: Water, MCC, Salt, Nicotine, pH regulator, sweeteners and flavours I am wondering why the decision to go with LYFT. I understand migrating to LYFT would be easier from sells perspective but we all know the name is taken sooner or later we will have to change the name before lawsuit follows. Hi Group 20, I randomly joined the group. I hope everyone is okay. Please let me know if you are waiting for someone. 1) 39111915 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) This is year is yet another year where I (we) learned by doing. It started as we will be working a lot with development work but ended up working on different tasks. Many hours of team work are spent by supporting the end market, helping with the Navision, helping with the TaO, new and existing factory support, recipe management and Knowledge transfer. Additional big tasks completed in this year are to lead the setting up of the Ifuse system and developing standard operating procedure by improving the process for the better and writing standard operating procedure manual that will be used in all factories moving forward. There was no standard operating procedure manual before. 8) 9) MCC+NaCl(1g to 0.4g)+Alginate+Bicarbonate+Sweeteners(1g to 10g water) + blend it until all ingredients are mixed( approximately mix it for 5 minutes with 1 revolution per second blender) 10) Add water until the moisture is around 20-22% - mix it for 15 min. with 2 revolution per second blender (in the safety hood) 3. Add the mixed Nicotine+PG mix it for 5 min. with approximately 5 revolution per second blender 4. Add Flavor then massage the blend for 4 minutes inside the plastic bag. 5. Hi, 6. I am out of office currently. I will be back in office on 1st of Oct, 2018. If immediate attention is needed, please contact my line manger Johan Gustafon. His email address is. A request in fulfilment of PSD for product compliance analysis can stamper problem resulting in overhanging pouches and pouch maker overfilling . Can stamper problem was resolved during the test by changing the parts that needs to be replaced. There was a problem with the labelling machine. Technicians from the manufacturers were called form the factory to fix the problem. The problem was fixed Thank you for the effort to bring the best product to my birth place East Africa! It is exciting! 2018 has been very productive year where the team worked with global projects. I am very happy with our capacity to deliver in such a small team with a limited project timeline. I should highlight that Johan Gustafson was my right hand always with improved version of himself. I have included project specific comments and additional projects delivered in the attached file. I Will bring the samples shortly Hi Annelie, Thank you for the email, I have asked the driving school for the certificate of completion to the driving course. please find the certificate for the application 510594,513036 and 513044. If you have any question you can reach me 0721277908 Best Regards, Andinet. . Hi All, GLP will send a tobacco for ifuse. The tobacco that we will receive is the same grade as we are using currently and having the same standard cost. Ifuse recipe will always be the same. Does anyone see any problem of using the existing tobacco article numbers for the ucoming shipment to F&L for Ifuse? This will eliminate the change of BOM every time we change article number and the logistics department will always know what to keep in F&L stock without asking which article to take. The disadvantage that I see is a lack of trackability which I think it can be fixed by registering the lot number of each shipment(each shipment have a unique lot number). Hi Andinet, I have some more questions regarding the PG in LYFT (UK, RU) and EPOK (CH), but first I thought I should let you know that we will be relying on the grace period once again to file patent applications for PG in a pouched product to reduce irritation. We shall also be filing a patent application directed to the improved process, which brings me onto the following questions. Please can you let me know the amount of PG present in each product which has been launched? It is 0.6% You say that you have forwarded all test results to me, but I was wondering whether you may have more results, i.e. perhaps you had to perform several tests before arriving at the optimum amount of PG to add? Yes, all experiments are captured in the documents I sent you. I did not experiment on the level of PG as it was working and there is no time go in to details. Are you able to explain chemically why the PG reduces irritation? Let me give you broader explanation. From consumer survey of Epok in UK it was evaluated as Epok is too irritant. We identified that nicotine is the main reason of irritation. We needed something to bound the nicotine, so it is released slowly during snusing. One method is bounding molecules and creating emulsion. if you refer to literatures, emulsion is formed when two non-soluble liquids are mixed(agitated). Often oil and water are agitated resulting oil in water or water in oil dispersion(emulsion). My hypothesis is that emulsion is formed when PG and Nicotine is mixed. To make sure that emulsion is formed, PG and nicotine is mixed together before adding to the rest of the ingredients. The formation of emulsion between PG and nicotine resulted the nicotine molecules to be released slowly and reducing the level of irritation. Might you be able to investigate alternative amounts of PG which we could use to support a patent application? In particular, the amounts of PG would have to be different to those used in the products which have been launched, so that we would not have to rely on using the grace period. Would that mean every data provided is invalid? I not confident enough that I will get the same result if I repeat the experiment. AS I commented in the report the results have no significant difference but the trained of the graphs indicates that there is reduction of irritation with the presence of PG and oil. Why does the PG reduce irritation to a greater extent than the olive oil? It could be that there is stronger emulsion formation with PG and Nicotine than oil and Nicotine. What about PG and olive oil make them candidates for reducing irritation? Are there other similar chemicals which you would expect to also reduce irritation? theoretically any kind of oil like Palm oil, Avocado oil, Mustard oil, Peanut oil and any fat molecules should be able to have the same effect. What is it about the revised process which assists in decreasing irritation? With the revised process we make sure that the Nicotine and PG are mixed separately to created emulsion before adding to the rest of the ingredients. Please check the blending steps 6 bellow. Would the revised process result in decreased irritation is another chemical other than PG/olive oil is used? This is what happened when developing the product, PG was identified as the ingredient that will be used to create the emulsion. The process for producing only these products with low irritation level (some people call it low sensation products) was adjusted in a way that the PG and nicotine is mixed together and added to the rest of the ingredients. Richard has provided me with this process for blending LYFT: the process of LYFT with less irritation products is a bit different. Blending process of Lyft less irritating SKUs 1. MCC, Sodium Alginate and Salt are weighed up according to recipe and put into the blender. 2. The dry ingredients are mixed in a paddle blender. 3. Half amount of total water (hot), Sodium Bicarbonate and sweeteners stirred until going into full solution. 4. This solution is then sprayed into the blender, while mixing, using a pressure vessel. 5. Flavour is then added and sprayed into the blender, while mixing, using a pressure vessel. 6. Nicotine and 0.6% PG is poured into the pressure vessel. The pressure vessel is manually shook for 1 minute and sprayed into the blender . (To make sure emulsion is formed between PG and nicotine prior adding to the blend) 7. This emulsion is then sprayed into the blender, while mixing, using a pressure vessel 8. 1/3 of the remaining water (cold) is poured into the pressure vessel and sprayed in to the rest of the blend while mixing. 9. When all steps above are done, a final blending step finalizes the blending cycle At what stage is the PG and nicotine mixed to create an emulsion? It is at step 6? Please see above process step. Once, we have answers to some of the above question, I will likely look to organise a meeting to discuss this invention further. Sounds good! Thanks, Chris Christopher Newcombe European Patent Attorney BAT Patents Department, R & D Centre, Regents Park Rd, Southampton, SO15 8TL Tel: +44 (0) 2380 793626 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only) Tel (at Venner Shipley): +44 (0) 20 7600 4212 (other days) Email: I would like to add a comment about the type of snus styles used in Kenya research and open it for discussion. When comparing the food culture of Sweden and Kenya. Swedish food is very salty(salt and pepper are often used) as compared to Kenyan dishes while Kenyan dishes are more sweeter(they have dishes from coconut, banana, corn and bean) than Swedish food. If a dish is a bit sweet in Kenya, often the sweetness comes from a fruit or cereal not from sweeteners. Finally, the most common stimulant used khat in East Africa is a green leave that tastes like bitter, sour, grass ... Considering these facts, I expect Hybrid style to be favored or American/Sweet style/. We will see the research outcome. My comment is that among the 7 products used for Kenya research to determine the type of snus style that will be used. 5 of the products are American/sweet style. I think it is unbalanced representation of the style types unless there is good explanation that I missed. The boxes contain Snus and bottom label. I will bring the boxes shortly. For the feature we should develop a product having a base taste of green, bitter, sweet and salty specifically for that region! Hi Andinet, Thank you for forwarding this information. It seems as though one invention is that the inclusion of PG resulted in a product which decreased irritation but that such a product has been launched in UK, CH, and RU. As this has launched in CH, am I correct in thinking that this is present in the Swiss-style EPOK? Yes, it is present in Swiss style, but this product is launched in 2019 for both Swiss and RU. For UK it is launched at the end of 2018. Basically, the product was developed for UK then more markets became interested. Please find attached brief for UK. Before the brief was sent to us there was a research concluding that the current Epok products are too irritant for new users, so we developed less irritating blend. Another invention seems to be that the addition of oil results in a decrease in irritation. Which oil in particular was used to achieve this reduction? The oil used was olive oil. Has any product been launched which contains oil in order to reduce irritation? No but because adding PG has more effect reducing irritation than oil the final product contains PG. Have any further tests been carried out on oils which reduce irritation? No all the test and results are summarized in the PDF and PP that I sent you. If no products have been launched, please could you let me know if any disclosure has been made about the inclusion of the oil in a pouched nicotine product and the effect this has on irritation? If no disclosure has been made, we should pursue this idea in a patent application. Regarding to the Oil very few people know about but the inclusion of PG for UK style LYFT since the product is launched to public it will put it automatically to disclosure. Perhaps we can use the grace period? I remember Phil mentioned about a process step which was different to how EPOK/LYFT were previously made which resulted in a product having less irritation. I thought there was something to do with a different order for adding ingredients which is now being used to prepare EPOK/LYFT. Is this correct? And is this due to the addition of PG? Yes, it is related to creating a less irritating product (UK style LYFT). I make sure that the PG and Nicotine mixed to create emulsion and adding it separately to the rest of ingredients. Then as I mentioned earlier the samples with PG inclusion resulted a less irritating product. When this step is implemented in the production, the PG and nicotine is added separately and mixed to maintain the effect we got in experiments. Are you currently investigating any other methods for reducing irritation/harshness? No I note that page 10 of the pdf document (a copy of which is attached for ease of reference) discusses a couple challenges which still require addressing. This includes the fact that mint flavours and nicotine amplify irritation and how additives could help control release of nicotine. Have any investigations been carried out on either of these challenges? Do you have any solutions to these challenges? No once we share the samples that contain PG to respective people and do the research again it was positive feedback so there was no need for more investigation. I look forward to hearing from you - as always, if you have any questions, please ask. M8,ST1 ,M9, Nya 20190220 A request infullfilment of PSD for product compliance analysis. The blend might be too fresh to run. and phone number is +46 40 635 99 77 7. 8. Kind Regards, 9. 10. Andinet. 11. Intersted SUNLER FE12558 SUNLER (ZT-878-783-2) PEPPERMINT OIL Co03 Menthol PENZAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Dry stuff enters the Blender Dry stuff are mixed Water+ Bicarbonate SC is blended SC-solution enters the PC (pressure canister) PC is pressurized PC is opened and SC is sprayed into the blender, whilst mixing. Mixing De-pressurizing of PC Water+ Xylitol, Potassium sorbate, Ammonium chloride, and Acesulfam K +Flavours + Nicotine etc. is blended Solution enters the PC PC is pressurized PC is opened and the content is sprayed into the blender, whilst mixing. Mixing De-pressurizing of PC Emptying of Blender Buffer of White-snus, before MP Making of pouches/Packing I am out of office currently. I will be back in office on 23rd of Nov, 2018. If immediate attention is needed, please contact my line manager Phlipe Hunt. The package shipped via FedEx to you today and it is expected to arrive on Monday. The tracking number is 811882710711. I am attaching a scan of the proforma invoice as well as sample code list. The sample code list is attached in the package also. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. It has been 7 months since my first work permit application and almost 3 months for the second work permit application. There is no reply from migrationsverket. During this time, I was not able to travel for work or personal matters. I am missing workshops and can't fully perform my responsibilities. If this continues like this at least I will miss the trainings that I applied for my development plan in the near future. I would like a support from you or the external BAT contractors that help process work permits. As I am also BAT employee, I believe I have the right to get help from BAT contractors. If it is impossible for you to help with my case, I would like you to request for help to them. The base blend has 2.5% salt content and 0.15% AC.K combination. Just tasting the base blend, it tastes salty and the aftertaste gives the combination of sweet and salt taste. These samples are produced after receiving sucralose. These samples have 2.3% salt and Ac. K 0.049% + sucralose 0.039%. This base blend tastes sweet and the aftertaste gives the combination of sweet and salt taste. Uk Sensory Evaluation. The Uk market is need of a product with less mouth irritation/burning sensation/, suitable flaviour and taste. The project breakdown 1- Identifying the main cause of irritation. 2- Adjust the ingredients that cause irritation. 3- Adjust the ingredients salt, flaviour... and build the formulation. The objective of the test is to identify the main cause of the mouth irritation and find out the possibility to reduce the mouth irritation (burning sensation). Method. The following four samples were produced in the pilotplant without flaviour. Sample 1 0% Sodium bicarbonate 0 Sample 2 Sample 3 0.26% Sodium bicarbonate( the amount in the commercial Epok) (0% Sodium bicarbonate 0 8 Sample 4 0.26% Sodium bicarbonate( the amount in the commercial Epok) 8 Result The following table shows the pH change as the result of adding Sodium bicarbonate or the nicotine. Note: The nicotine that winnington uses is 99% concentrated nicotine having 11 pH. Sample 1 Sodium bicarbonate amount 0% Sodium bicarbonate Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 0.26% Sodium bicarbonate( the amount in the commercial Epok) (0% Sodium bicarbonate 0.26% Sodium bicarbonate ( the Nicotine(mg/g ) pH value 0 0 8 8 6.2 7.6 8.5 8.6 amount in the commercial Epok) Conclusion The main reason for the increase in PH with white tobacco to 8.5 is the addition of the nicotine. The main reason for the mouth irritation is ..... Further study. The impact of Sodium bicarbonate is unknown on the stability of the Nicotine over time with could be related to the absorption of Nicotine to the consumers. Method Sample 2 Sample 3 0.26% Sodium bicarbonate( the amount in the commercial Epok) (0% Sodium bicarbonate 0 8 7.6 8.5 Sample 4 0.26% Sodium bicarbonate( the amount in the commercial Epok) 8 8.6 This will be studied and discovered by doing stability study with Sample 3(have only Nicotine) and Sample 4(have both Sodium bicarbonate and Nicotine) storing 3 cans of sample 4 and sample 3 in room temperature. Here is the information that form a colleague. A sample around 30gms should not be a problem. If the sample is above that you should follow \"dangerous goods\" shipment requirement. If you are sending with FEDEX, you can find the requirements for shipping \"dangerous goods\" in the link below. Day 1(12Feb2018) Check Nicoti and P value Shipping address To - Andinet Gessesse B.A.T./Fiedler & Lundgren AB. Stenldersgatan 23 21376 MALM Sweden Phone number +46 (0) 40 635 99 12 Email - Slim DK Chew Test Summary. The objective of the project is to produce 0.7 g slim snus from 75% cut tobacco blend. With the given blend, a number of tests have been conducted but the OEE was very low(20%). The machine could run with only a maximum of 15-20 minute without stop.Approximately 90% of the stops is caused by accumulation of tobacco between the drum and the pipe. As shown in the figure 1 below. Figure1. a picture taken from the 0.7 g slim snus test on GD machine. The following combination have been Test on GD machine. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Slim drum setting The standard drum setting with slim pipe 10 side scraper and circular scraper Adjust the distance between the drum and the pipe Develop a new funnel which has the same dimeter to the standard drum and the same diameter to the pipe 6. Develop the funnel with longer distance 7. Adjust the Speed from 1000 -750 pouches/minutes 8. Adjust the distance between the scraper and the drum. The following parameters have been tried to adjust. T Design new funnel Hi Donato, The previous sample sent was a research sample with no commercial value. Developing, producing and sending of prototype samples to respective market is the responsibility of Product Development. I participated in Kenya prototype sample development and distribution as I am product developer. When it comes to commercial distribution, the logistics department takes over. Kenya LYFT products will be produced in in Pc - Hungary. For Kenya commercial shipment process, the logistic department in Pc - Hungary should take responsibility in collaboration with Sweden and Kenya logistics department. If the process of getting COC document for research sample is the same as commercial product then I am very happy to assist about the process. If I must take this responsibility, then it should be aligned with the tasks in hand and my line managers. Cheers, Andinet. Hi All! Thank you for your valuable ides! A short summary from yesterday's eeting. Action Plan. PRODUCE A BLEND WITH 58% CUT, 28% MOISTURE CONTENT AND 50% MOISTURE CONTENT. GD Technology 1. USE THE ABOVE BLEND AND PERFORM A TEST. 2. SEND ALL THE TEST DATA FOR GD COMPANY AND TOBACCO SAMPLE 1- THE PROJECT MANAGER(CRAIG) IN GD WAS HERE IN MALM, ME @Per-Ola Olsson ANS @Johan Gustafson HAD A CHANCE TO MEET AND EXPLAIN HIM WHAT WE HAVE DONE AND THE POSIIBILITY HOW THEY COULD HELP US. WE GAVE HIM A SAMPLE FROM THE TEST TOBACCO , PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATION, FLEECE TYPE AND ALL THE INFROMATION THAT HE ASKED. HE WILL DISCUSS WITH HIS TEAM IN US. HE PROMISED HE WILL FIND THE BEST POSSIBLE SOLUTION AND COME BACK TO US. MERTZ Technology 1. SEND THE TOBACCO SAMPLE TO MERTZ 2. PERFORM A TEST IN THE PILOT PLANT WITH TOBACCO BLEND OF 58% CUT, 28% MOISTURE, CHECK THE QUALITY, COMPARE THE RESULT WITH THE PAST TEST DATA, REPORT THE RESULT Hi All! Thank you for your valuable ides! A short summary from yesterday's meeting. Action plans. Produce a blend with 58% cut, 28% moisture content and 50% moisture content. GD technology 3. Use the above blend and perform a test. 4. Send all the test data for gd company and tobacco sample 2- The project manager(craig) in gd was here in malm, me @per-ola olsson ans @johan gustafson had a chance To meet and explain him what we have done and the possibility how they could help us. We gave him a sample from the test tobacco, product, product specification, Fleece type and all the information that he asked. He will discuss with his team in us. he promised he will find the best possible solution and come back to us. Mertz technology 3. Send the tobacco sample to mertz 4. Perform a test in the pilot plant with tobacco blend of 58% cut, 28% moisture, check the quality, compare the result with the past test data, report the result to the team. Hi Team! A quick update about the upcoming Slim Dk chew test on Mertz machine. The test is postponed for Thursday next week/ week 5/. Cheers, Andinet. HI, I OULD LIKE To GIVE THE APPLICATION TOMORROW JUST BEFORE COMING TO WORK. I WOULD APPRICIATE IF YOU COULD GIVE ME 10 MINUTES. Follow-up meeting - Slim DK Chew Test 2 on Mertz Machine The Slim DK Chew Mertz test conducted yesterday does not give us what we expected. The problems we had in the previous test was not solved. We still have some work to do. I would like to invite you to this meeting so that we can have a good action plan that could potentially solve the issues we had during the test. Nic(mg/pouch ) pH (0% Sodium bicarbonate) 7 8.5 0 0 8 8.5 8 6 8 (0% Sodium bicarbonate) 7 CHEERS, ANDINET. 76 product development scientist applies his or her knowledge of sensory sciences to the food science and technology industries. Some of the responsibilities working as a Product Developer in Fiedler & Lundgren AB are to establish and develop smokeless product, develop new innovative product in cooperation with existing market, develop new flavors, process optimization, maintain sensory, physical, chemical and microbial requirement . I travel to CPH frequently for work. Hi All!! My account is not integrated. This was the problem that Veronica was trying to solve I WOULD LIKE to GIVE THE APPLICATION TOMORROW JUST BEFORE COMING TO WORK. I WOULD APPRICIATE IF YOU COULD GIVE ME 10 MINUTES. Hi All!! We are planning a test on Tuesday (24 Jan,2018) for Slim Dk Chew. We appreciate your input for the test as always. This test will be conducted on line 1 with the help of the parts that Mazlam is working on. If things are accordingly, we will have the parts on Friday. Shortly, I will book those persons that we need during the test. Andinet. On Thursday, we will have Slim Dk FAT test. The brand team is expecting the outcome of the test. They want the final decision on launch. The reason I am inviting you for this meeting is because we need to look the OEE and the quality of the test outcome before we proceed to the decision to launch or not. Hi Veronica! I am replying to the email "CH1629282 - We need your input - Third email" Hi Veronica! This comment is a reply to a mail "Request CH1629282 - Request for a remote session - Second" I will be available at 09:30 Swedish time (UTC +1), 2018-01-19 or the same time 2018-01-22. Cheers, Andinet. I have got the welcome email containing account details but my account is not integrated with my Skype for Business account yet. Regards, Andinet. 150 cans - 16 cans I just looked at the quality report data to find the deviation of the number of pouches over the past 6 months. Since we have more data on Granit white product, I selected this product to count the deviation. In the past 6 months 150 cans have been sampled for quality analysis. 1-2 cans/day is the sample size. Arroxiatly (1-2 cans/day). From sampled cans, 16 of the cans does not have the correct number of pouches. This data suggests that if we have checked each can, we would have got a lot of cans not having the right number of pouches. Another thing to consider is that consumers mightnot have information is that the number of consumers that have information that we have control over the weight of the can not the number of the pouches. The speciality of the product is that the produce being able to form with a pressed by finger wijh Dear Devid, I got information about you from Tomas Essen(Malm) White formable lutsch-tabak is a type of tobacco product contained in a pouch having the ability to have viscous product like a gum when pressure is applied. The product physical property is between the traditional Swedish snus and Chewing Gum. The White formable lutsch-tabak will be launched in 2018, week 7. The market place is Switzerland. Basically, the new product is a white snus, the specialty of the product is its ability to act as viscus material with only 50% moisture content and containing a white tobacco(Epok). The white tobacco has very fine particle size (around 0.4 micrometre). For that reason, the powder cannot be formed to dough like structure with all of hydrocolloids and other additives tested. The only additive that can make it formable like dough and increase its viscosity is Guar Gum. We have developed a new snus type that will be launched next year in week 7. The market place is Switzerland. Basically, the new product is a white snus but the specialty of the product is its formability like a dough at 50% moisture content containing a white tobacco(Epok). The white tobacco has very fine particle size (around 0.4 micrometre). For that reason, the powder cannot be formed to dough like structure with all of hydrocolloids and other additives that we tested. The only additive that is able to make it formable like dough is Guar Gum. This product has a high expectation of generation high income in new market like Swiss. Present day, there is no product like this in the market having similar characteristics. The Epok brand that we have in the market and other competitor products cannot be sold in the swiss market due to legal requirement that the snus should be formable. We would like to patent the product. Do you think there is a possibility that we could patent it? nick091043 Considering the composition of the Epok snus and the level of high pH, it is less preferable place for the growth of the microbes and moulds. In the other side, the product is stored in room temperature, it has high water activity and there is always risk of contamination during processing. I think the off-white /light yellow/ colour we noticed from the study might come from the sorbate discoloration. Which means it might still be active despite the high pH. Therefore, I wouldn't dare to remove the sorbate completely without a definitive study suggestion. I would suggest to do accelerated microbial study asap before the decision is made. screen shot of talent portal For this project one crush test and 3 FAT tests has been conducted. The last FAT was conducted in 2017Nov-23. The tests were unsuccessful compared to other brands because the GD machine is originally designed to produce standard pouch with particle size distribution of 0.3cm to 1cm and the regular tobacco is in this size range. But 40 % of Danish cut chew tobacco has a particle size of 1cm to 2 cm long which results for several stops because of different particle size distribution than the specification of the machine. Consequently, Grant standard white has 70% OEE, this test has OEE of 20.8 %. Standard chew has 33.79 % and Slim (Ice Blue, X-intense, Skne) has 34.87% OEE. The test data collected is attached with this report below. After the test, follow-up meeting was held on 2017-Nov-24 and 29 and action plan was established by analysing the test data and outcome. It is important to mention that the quality of the pouches is acceptable quality while commercial production is impossible due to very low OEE compared to other products. Hi Ali! We planned to do the DK slim test before charismas. In the meeting brand team, supply chain, Stefan and Joakim were there. They want us to inform them the exact data so they can join during the test. Do you think we can get a day before the week Christmas ( Week 51, Thursday). Vikt per portion Chew Slim 15:00 0.900 0.800 0.700 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 01 11 21 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 I Chart of 35mm . Spe Summary Report Process Characterization Examine the process center and variation. Look for patterns and trends. 0.8 Individual Value 0.7 0.7 0.6 _ X=0.5385 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1 5 9 13 17 21 Observation 25 29 33 37 41 Statistics N Mean StDev(overall) StDev(within) 41 0.53854 0.084934 0.091999 Figure 1. Samples of 0.6 g Slim Dk pouches produced with Mertz machine on 09-Jan-2018. From this figure, we can see that there are many pouches below the accepted standard weight limit (0.5 and 0.7 is the weight limit, check the red line in the figure). This is because the tobacco is cut tobacco having higher volume as compared to the regular tobacco. This leads to the machine to struggle to load enough tobacco in to the pouches. For the refferrence check figure 2 showen below for differenct slim product with acceptable weight variation. Figure 2. Reference product - accepted weight variation assessment of a reference product. I Chart of 35mm . Spe Summary Report Process Characterization Examine the process center and variation. Look for patterns and trends. 0.8 0.7 Individual Value 0.65 0.6 _ X=0.5385 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.3 0.2 1 5 9 13 17 21 Observation 25 29 33 37 41 Statistics N Mean StDev(overall) StDev(within) 41 0.53854 0.084934 0.091999 Figure 3. Evaluation of weight variation of 0.6 g Slim Dk pouches, if we aimed to make the pouches 0.55g In Figure 3, we have more pouches in the weight limit as compared to the sample shown in figure1. In conclusion, to deliver a product with consistent quality, we might have to launch a Slim Dk Chew having 0.55 g pouches and the nicotine content will be 13mg. My talent portal does not work Only me and my line manager will be affect. Adding 1,2,3, 5 % and 6 % Guar Gum and raising the MC to 50 % The note is written respective to the picture. The libelling on the n. NOTE Tests starting from October , 2017 are performed with 15 minute break with each sample. This box of data is collected during the morning and afternoon(by error) which resulted in deviation of the data. The data is excluded from the result. In this project 3 FAT tests and one crushe test has been conducted. FAT TEST October 10, 2017. Following the FAT test on October 10, 2017, follow-up meeting was held and 3 action plan was established. The major problem of the tests was the accumulation of tobacco between the drum and the pipe causing the machine to stop. To solve this, a number of options has been tried. For examples: changing the distance between the pipe and drum, pressure adjustment, angle adjustment, The outcome was not satisfactory. After the test, follow-up meeting was held leading to establishment of three action plan. 1. Design new funnel for the tube and use standard valve and drum to solve the issues with angle of dose. The company Hemek will be contacted by Per-Ola. 2. Make a test by changing the speed. 3. Make a test by changing/cleaning/ the vacuum filter. FAT TEST October 18, 2017. In this Test the new deigned funnel was tested. The new deigned funnel helped to improve the OEE as compared to the test performed on October 10, 2017 but comparing to the OEE to other products it is still low and there were a number of stops which happen only on this product only. The major problem of the tests was the accumulation of tobacco between the drum and the pipe causing the machine to stop. Follow-up meeting was held after the test. The action plan was to conduct the 3rd ted with different design of the funnel. This funnel has wider area(1.1cm) as compared to the previous funnel. FAT TEST November 23, 2017. In this Fat the modified funnel having 1.1 cm width were tested. In addition, changing the machine speed to 700 pouch per minute. machine speed and designed a new funnel specifically for this test. Understand the change of new product formulation characteristics over time, determine the shelf life prior to the launch of the product. 9 cans are placed at room temperature and fridge and will be analyzed every month for qualities listed below Quality = OK, Initial analysis of the product shows that the product has the desired quality attributes. Sample products produced in the pilot plant are sent to swiss marketing representatives. analyzing waiting for the reply. Temperature process modification in the packing machine. A newly designed tube for merz machine have been produced. This new modification could possibly increase the moisture content to higher level prior to the filling the tobacco in to snus. Test underway if the modification could work. Guar gum has shown very good capacity in terms of creating a formable Epok snus that is fit for swiss regulation. Plan a new study to determine the nicotine uptake effect of the guar gum. Test in the pilot plant after the newly designed Based on the reply that we will get from the swiss marketing representatives, determine either to launch the product or work to modify it. Based on the result of the nicotine uptake study, optimize the new Swiss Epok recipe. Investigate and compare the nicotine uptake profile of the Swiss Epok products with 1 and 2 % guar gum inclusion, Epok Ice cool mint and Granit stark portion. Create a reference profile for the snus engine. Nicotine uptake study plan drafted. Study will start on the selected subjects when receiving the samples from Winnington . Quality = OK, after month of storage, quality analysis of the product shows that the product has the desired quality attributes. A mixture of guar gum and CMC was tested but it was not applicable to our process. Epok snus samples containing 1 and 2 % guar gum is produced and distributed to subjects (Phil and Oskar) for Nicotine uptake study. Project mecca The objective of this project is cost saving. Method By optimizing Mocca snus processing time to a shorter period. Mocca snus is production takes about 18 hours. This long processing time can be reduced to 12 hours by optimizing the amount of time the tobacco stays in the mixer and the ingredients used with without affecting the originality of the product in terms of sensorial and chemical quality. This projects aims to reduce the Mocca mixing time from 12 hours to 6 hours without affecting the originality of the product in terms of sensorial and chemical quality. Particle size analysis Sieve size Sieve weight Net weight tobacco weight percentage Comparisons. Note: The good thing about the new batch produced on May 15, 2017 is that we have additional 5.3 percent >2mm particle size tobacco than previous batch. Research on improving the consumer experience while using a snus by preventing the formation of drip in the mouth. Developing an experimental method in the Laboratory that could predict the how much the snus can have a drip during use could help to assess products and new formulation that potentially have less drip. The concept of the work is based on that developing a method in the laboratory for measuring a drip. Using the developed method, analyze the existing products, come up with new formulation, find a correlation between the products, select the products with less drip and develop the best product with less drip for the market. products w analyses the products with on the ability of the pouches to extened the Experimental hypothesis and procedure developed Collect data for the method development. October Assessing the moisture uptake barrier potential of epok cans August Swiss chew tobacco Key words - Swiss chew brown - a brown portion snus capable of forming a paste. Swiss chew White - a white portion snus capable of forming a paste. Swiss Chew Epok - a white tobacco snus capable of forming paste. Introduction The addition of different binders, stabilizers, anti-caking agents during the process can significantly alter the final properties of the tobacco. Smart modification of the Merz packaging machine could help produce different product with lower investment cost. Objective To produce a formable chew tobacco that fits regulatory standard of Swaziland government. Under this project, there are four sub projects: Swiss chew brown Swiss chew White Swiss Chew Epok Nicotine uptake study / alginate, Guar gum, different nicotine loading/ Swiss chew brown - Samples of Swiss chew brown pouches are produced in the pilot plant and sent to Swiss marketing guys. The stability and changes to the product are being monitored through time. Swiss chew White - The investigation of this product on Merz machine is in progress. So far, several stabilizers (Guar gum, CMC, Alginate, Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVP), glycerol and anti-caking) have been tested but it is not possible to produce the product to the level of efficiency that we want. Low cost investment modification of Merz machine will proceed to achieve the objective of producing it in efficient way. Swiss Chew Epok - In this project, we will produce a product with 1% and 2% inclusion Guar Gum and 6 %, 8% and 12% Me and Nicklas wants to be in that group. Please check the screenshot and Lena's account when you have time. Let u know what you can help us. As we need the results to continue the daily activity in the lab and product development process, I would like to have access to the email. ALcontrol Laboratories is the company that we send samples and receive the results through group email. To have accesses to this group email, the previous IT guy sets up the individual outlook setting and everybody in the group will get the results. As I need the results to continue the daily activity in the lab and product development process I would like to have access to the email. Microsoft outlook Company : Brenntag Nordic A/S Borupvang 5B DK 2750 Ballerup Project Optimization Trade name: GUAR GUM PROCOL F PWD FD / BAG 25 KG Substance name: Guar gum CAS-No.: 9000-30-0 EC-No.: 232-536-8 Introduction. We all know that dc_product_id=15079&lang=en&ctry=EU HI! My name is Andinet from British American Tobacco Fiedler & Lundgren - Malm, Sweden company. We bought SMC ALF400-03B lubricator, auto feed from your company. We are planning to order more items but with increased capacity for flowing more viscouse fluid( fluids having viscosity of more than Glycerine). I would like to get your advice and order if you have any. Please let me know what you have. Cheers! ANDINET Product Developer +46 (0) 766 49 89 12 +46 (0) 40 635 99 00 Visiting address: Stenldersgatan 23-25 SE-213 76 MALM As you know we were working to have a recipe that is formable as a paste and runnable through the Merz machine to Swiss market. I would like to present to you what we have done so far. Based on what we have done so far, I hope we will come with interesting ideas that will give a result. I hope to see you in the meeting on Wednesday. Cheers! Background There is a need for identifying instrumental methods that could quantify the formation of the dripping effect as a function of reformulating snus recipes to minimise the dripping side effect. A texture analyser could be one option that could represent what will happen in oral cavity. This method works based on the assumption that there is a constant production of saliva for every given snus over time and the amount of pressure applied on the snus by oral cavity to extract the juice is always the same. A Granit Vit snus was pouched (used) for 6 min,11 min,20 min, 20 min and 63 minutes. The moisture change over time in oral cavity was determined. Graph1 shows the moisture increase of Granit Vit snus over time in oral cavity. Moisture increase-Time Moisture increase in oral cavity 25 22.39 20 16.8 15 10 Moisture increase 11.43 9.55 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Time(min.) Graph 1- Moisture change of Granit Vit snus over time in oral cavity. Objective Develop instrumental method for determining snus extraction in oral cavity. 1. The first step is to determine the moisture change of the different snus types in oral cavity at 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes. 2. Which of the products do you want to be studied? 3. By using the data from the first step, prepare the artificial artificial saliva and soak the snus pouch. For example, let us say we have graph 1 thus the amount of artificial saliva sample produced prepared will be 9.55 ml, 11.43 ml, 16.8 ml ,19.5 ml and 22.39 ml. The snus pouch will be soaked in the prepared artificial saliva samples 1 minute. 4. 5. 6. 7. wrap the soaked snus pouch cigarette filter pad (prepared for the laboratory) Place the soaked snus pouch on the texture analyzer platform. Apply 0.098 N (10g) force for 1 minute using 14 mm texture analyser cylindrical probe.' Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 for samples soaked in different amount of artificial saliva (9.55 ml, 11.43 ml, 16.8 ml ,19.5 ml and 22.39 ml.). 8. Collect the cigarette filter pads, extract the juice and analyse for nicotine content and flavours. 9. Validate the amount of nicotine content and flavours (limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate, citronellol, geraniol) absorbed by the cigarette filter pad is comparable to the existing data collected from snus users. Background There is a need for identifying instrumental methods that could quantify the formation of the dripping effect as a function of reformulating snus recipes to minimise the dripping side effect. A texture analyser could be one option that could represent what will happen in oral cavity. This method works based on the assumption that there is a constant production of saliva for every given snus over time and the amount of pressure applied on the snus by oral cavity to extract the juice is always the same. A Granit Vit snus was pouched (used) for 6 min,11 min,20 min, 20 min and 63 minutes. The moisture change over time in oral cavity was determined. Graph1 shows the moisture increase of Granit Vit snus over time in oral cavity. Moisture increase-Time Moisture increase in oral cavity 25 22.39 20 16.8 15 10 Moisture increase 11.43 9.55 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Time(min.) Graph 1- Moisture change of Granit Vit snus over time in oral cavity. Objective Develop instrumental method for determining snus juice extraction in oral cavity. 1. The first step is to determine the moisture change of the different snus types in oral cavity at 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes. 2. By using the data from the first step, prepare the artificial artificial saliva and inject the snus pouches. For example, let us say we have graph 1 thus the amount of artificial saliva sample prepared will be 9.55 ml, 11.43 ml, 16.8 ml ,19.5 ml and 22.39 ml. 3. The snus pouch will be injected with 9.55 ml artificial saliva sample for 1 minute. 4. wrap the injected snus pouch in cigarette filter pad (prepared for the laboratory) 5. Place the injected snus pouch on the texture analyzer platform. 6. Apply 0.098 N (10g) force for 1 minute using 14 mm texture analyser cylindrical probe. 7. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 for by injecting the snus pouches in different amount of artificial saliva (11.43 ml, 16.8 ml ,19.5 ml and 22.39 ml). 8. Collect the cigarette filter pads, extract the juice and analyse for nicotine content and flavours. 9. Validate the amount of nicotine content and flavours (limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate, citronellol, geraniol) absorbed by the cigarette filter pad is comparable to the existing data collected from snus users. 10. If not validated, optimize the steps. Moisture uptake determination. Test in the lab Prepare sensory questioner form and samples for the panellist Conduct moisture uptake study Vacation With the texture analyser and for nicotine content Screened Drip-Stop instrumental method development timeline Optimize Cheers 44.325 44.537 44.554 44.013 44.309 44.453 Rejected app. Fleece sealed according to the specification 200 C,290N and 0.3 Sec. target 6 N CONTENTS FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES ONLY - NOT PERMITTED FOR CONSUMPTION, DISTRIBUTION OR SALE Jo Soffe Proof of Concept Scientist Discovery - Exploration British American Tobacco R&D Southampton, UK Tel: +44(0)23 8058 8894 Mob: +44(0)77 1115 0116 Email: Ruth Wilson | Senior Counsel | R&D & Leaf British American Tobacco Tel: +44 (0)20 7845 2462 Mobile: +44 (0)7703 654039 Email: Southampton Postal address Regents Park Road, Millbrook Southampton SO15 8TL United Kingdom Contact Country code: +44 Main telephone: (0) 23 8077 7155 Main fax: (0) 23 8078 0332 Just a question: Here is one of the requirement that I got from Philip for sending samples to and from Sweden. Copy of project brief to be included in inner package, which would explain the purposes for which the samples were being transported. The project brief should be redacted to remove confidential information. [Jo - once signed I will redact the project briefs for you] The SOW that you sent for Feather project have detailed information(please find attached file). I thought the project brief to be attached with the sample was supposed to be redacted(but I don't know how much of sensitive information is there). Total amount of white tobacco produced/after adding water by Merz machine Amount of nicotine , flavour , amount of white tobacco , amount of water that will be added by Merz machine. Percentage Calculation initial pouch weight weight after injectin g 6g saliva weight after pressin g initial pouch weight weight after injectin g 6g saliva weight after pressin g We understand that the pouches in the mouth will have the same moisture content after 5 minutes despite the difference in initial moisture content and format/fleece type, size/. If we assume that there is proportional amount of saliva being swallowed, it implies that the salivation rate for different formats is different. Drip stop data instrumental method development. Andinet Gessesse Performance Objective 2017 1. Factory Dashboard Overall cost saving mindset Analyse the possibility of reusing discarded apertured fleece by designing factorial experiment.Q1 Identify the best setting to have the maximum seal strength by designing experiment using the heat sealer and texture analyzer. Q1 Cost Saving - do a project that could reduce the amount of time required on the mixer by optimizing the process. Q4 Keep cost saving mindset and put anything recyclable material to the recycling bin. Full year. Out standing Prove that the mixing time on the mixer can be reduced significantly. 2. Snus Portfolio Performance Deliver competitive snus portfolio to support short to midterm snus market share growth strategy Fresh breath - Suggest/Identify additives that could provide prolonged shelf life to our current products.Q3 Understand the overall performance, acceptance, quality and safety of our brands relative to the competitor brands. Provide information to the products that are to be launched. Work on Drip stop project - write proposal, suggest a new method, additive, coordinate production and sensory evaluation. Q3 Conduct Epok stability study at three different storage environments and report the result every month. Summarize the result every three month and act if needed. Design a factorial experiment on Epok nicotine uptake potential with different Alginate loading, publish the result to the team Q4 Conduct Epok can side seal moisture permeability study.Q3 Understanding Swedish snus and Epok - Full year. Outstanding If the Amino Acid Glycine is proven to add flavour stability of snus and fit for Patent. 3. Product Innovation. Develop recipe, provide flaviour and sample support for Danish Chew and Swiss products. Test additives such as Guar Gum, Xanthom Gum, Alginate, CMC, CaCl 2, mix with each other and try different process steps for Swiss product. Q4 Develop a new product using a Epok tobacco - white Pre-backed snus. Q2 Develop a new product for swish chew product - Swiss white chew with Guar Gum Q2 Outstanding Find a solution to produce Swiss Chew with a regular tobacco. Full year Develop a valid instrumental method for determination of Nicotine uptake that could replace the Snus Engine in a better way but the validation might take more time. Q3 People objective Have presentation in every other week and discusses the success and challenges presented during work in the product development team. Full year Have a weekly meeting with pilot plant team. Full year Collaborate with a project and get to know the people with quality department. Full year Get to know everybody in the factory. Full year Learn all the process of product development from flaviour development, tobacco blending, making recipe, mixing, packing and sensory evaluation. Full year Learn how to run the mixer and the packaging machine. Q4 Take any opportunity to get to know more and what is happening with stockholders. Full year Know about developing leadership skill and effective way of working with stockholders. Full year Measure of success Read at least 3 books about developing leadership skill and stockholder management. Full year Know how to form a flaviour, tobacco blending making recipe, mixing, packing and sensory evaluation. Q4 Participate in the weekly pilot plant team meeting and have short presentation in the product development meeting. Full year Hold at least one presentation/ seminar/ to a group of people or to the factory workers. Full year Development Plan Key Strengths Key Development Areas 70:20:10 Appropriate background education to be a product developer. Understands engineering, technology, science of food and food related product processing. Have a very good understanding of chemical reactions, rheology, toxicology, microbiology and food processing. Quick learner. Being able to easily understand and convert consumer needs, wants and feelings to a relevant profitable product by applying the background knowledge that I have and the knowledge that I will gain in the company. Learn the whole process of product development from operating the mixer, packaging, PSC management to final product launch. Work with different part of organization for example, engineering, brand, senior management, guest and innovation incubator group. BAT induction. -Q1 Follow the brand share performance. -Full year Training how to operate mixer, packaging machine, blending tobacco, conduct sensory evaluation and flaviour development. -Q3 Read all about the invitation pipeline. -Full year Take and look any opportunity to work with the project that includes any of the following groups engineering, brand, senior management, guest and innovation incubator group. -Full year Himbor V1 - berry flaviour Major Something A pinch Smelled Hi Jo! If you prepared the questioner for the sensory panel, you would have probably suggested to included runniness or drip sensory attributes. The reason that I did not include runniness and drip attributes in the questioner is that because everybody has different view of the terms. Therefore, we decided to use sensory attributes that the panel have common understanding and is related to the runniness. These sensory attributes are mouth irritation, throat irritation and salivation. The other sensory attributes are the standard sensory attributes commonly used in every test we use. Which is good to compare the overall performance of the product. Even if we repeat the sensory analysis, I don't think that there is any additive in the list that will stand out in terms of reducing runniness and still has no(positive) effect on the overall profile of the product. I did not discuss the result with my team yet. Please let me get back to you after discussing it with the team. First of all thank you for the hard work you put in yesterday. As you know you have been fighting from 9:00 to 16:00 to make a succesful test but the test out come was not fruitful. We know that it is not going be easy running slim chew portion. We noted also a different settings that will be imput for the future test. Is it possible to sit and discuss what the problems were, how we should try to solve it and the way moving forward

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