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Annual Report Balance Sheet DEFINITIONS: Common Size. The commin pae column simply represents each ltem as percentage of total assets for that year. Ca Your end-of-year cash position. Accounts Recelvabie: Refects the lag between dolisery and payment of youf produchs. Inventori purent valus of your inventary across al products. A zero indicatos your cormpany. shocked out Unmet demand would, of coures. Iall lo your competilort. Plant 8 . Equlpment: The curreft value of your plaft. Accum Depe the tobal acoumulated depreciation from your plant, Accts Payable: What the company currently owes suppliers for malerials and servites, Current Debt: The debt the cormpated lo pary during the next yoar of eperstions. It includes emergency icans used io Accounts Payable cedp your company sclvont should you run put. Furtent Debt of cash during the yoar. Long Term Debt: The company's long term debt is in the form of bands, and this represents the total value of. your bonds. Comsman Stock. The ameunk of youir bondis. Comital imvested by shareholders in the compary Retalined Earnings: The prefis that the compary chose to keop instead of paying to Definitons: Sailes: Unt sales temes lint price. Direct Labor Labor cosis incumed to peoduco fo oroduct that was sold. Ieventery Carry Cost: the cost to carry uneold goodt in inventory Depreciation: Calculated on straightiline 15-year depreciation of plant value. RSD Conts: ALD departement expendtures for eoch product. Admin: Administrition overhess is estimated af 1.5t: of sales. Promotions: The promotion budget for ebch produst. Sales: The sales force budget for each product. Other Charges not indluded in ether categeries such as Fees. Wrine Cth, and roM. The fees include money paid to ikestment bankers and brokerage fims to issue nee ctocks or bonds plus consuling fees your instructor might assess. Wrile-ots induse the loss rou might experience when you seil capseily or liguldate inventory as the result of eliminating a Froduction line. If the amourk appears as a negatve amount, then you actully made mohty on ze ficuidation of capacity or invertory. EaIT: Earnings Betore inferest and Tsxes. Shert Ten Interest interest expense based on iast years cumben dobe indading short loem debt, long terholes that have becteme duat, and emergency loans. Leeg Term lnlerast irlerest paid on weth employees under the laber contract. Net Profa. EBIT minus inheent, taves, and proflit Saring. Annual Report Balance Sheet DEFINITIONS: Common Size. The commin pae column simply represents each ltem as percentage of total assets for that year. Ca Your end-of-year cash position. Accounts Recelvabie: Refects the lag between dolisery and payment of youf produchs. Inventori purent valus of your inventary across al products. A zero indicatos your cormpany. shocked out Unmet demand would, of coures. Iall lo your competilort. Plant 8 . Equlpment: The curreft value of your plaft. Accum Depe the tobal acoumulated depreciation from your plant, Accts Payable: What the company currently owes suppliers for malerials and servites, Current Debt: The debt the cormpated lo pary during the next yoar of eperstions. It includes emergency icans used io Accounts Payable cedp your company sclvont should you run put. Furtent Debt of cash during the yoar. Long Term Debt: The company's long term debt is in the form of bands, and this represents the total value of. your bonds. Comsman Stock. The ameunk of youir bondis. Comital imvested by shareholders in the compary Retalined Earnings: The prefis that the compary chose to keop instead of paying to Definitons: Sailes: Unt sales temes lint price. Direct Labor Labor cosis incumed to peoduco fo oroduct that was sold. Ieventery Carry Cost: the cost to carry uneold goodt in inventory Depreciation: Calculated on straightiline 15-year depreciation of plant value. RSD Conts: ALD departement expendtures for eoch product. Admin: Administrition overhess is estimated af 1.5t: of sales. Promotions: The promotion budget for ebch produst. Sales: The sales force budget for each product. Other Charges not indluded in ether categeries such as Fees. Wrine Cth, and roM. The fees include money paid to ikestment bankers and brokerage fims to issue nee ctocks or bonds plus consuling fees your instructor might assess. Wrile-ots induse the loss rou might experience when you seil capseily or liguldate inventory as the result of eliminating a Froduction line. If the amourk appears as a negatve amount, then you actully made mohty on ze ficuidation of capacity or invertory. EaIT: Earnings Betore inferest and Tsxes. Shert Ten Interest interest expense based on iast years cumben dobe indading short loem debt, long terholes that have becteme duat, and emergency loans. Leeg Term lnlerast irlerest paid on weth employees under the laber contract. Net Profa. EBIT minus inheent, taves, and proflit Saring