Find the percentage of values that falls between the mean of a given set of population data and a Z score of +0.35. (Hint: Use table A.1 in appendix A.) +0.35 = 13.683%
Given a set of data with a mean of 25.7 and a standard deviation of 5.2, calculate the Z score equivalents of the following raw scores: (a) 21.6, (b) 28.9, and (c) 24.5. What is the interpretation of the Z scores? z A = -0.79
B = 0.62
C = -0.23
Use table A.1 in appendix A to determine the equivalent percentile rank of each of the scores in problem 2.
Convert the Z scores calculated in problem 2 to T scores.
What is the stanine value for each of the scores in problem 2? (Hint: Use figure 6.6.)
Calculate the odds associated with the following probability (p) values: (a) .50, (b) .25, (c) .10, (d) .05, and (e) .01. 4:52 . LTEO Q Aa TABLE A.1 Area Between the Mean and Z (in Percent) in the Normal Distribution Area (%) Z Area (%) Area (%) 0.35 0.70 25.803 0.00 0.000 13.683 0.01 0.399 0.36 14.057 0.71 26.114 0.798 0.37 14.430 0.72 26.423 0.02 1. 197 0.38 14.802 0.73 26.730 0.03 1.596 0.39 15.172 0.74 27.034 0.04 0.05 1.995 0.40 15.541 0.75 27.337 0.06 2.393 0.41 15.909 0.76 27.637 0.07 2.791 0.42 16.275 0.77 27.935 0.08 3.189 0.43 16.639 0.78 28.230 28.523 0.09 3.587 0.44 17.002 0.79 0.45 0.80 28.814 0.10 3.984 17.363 0. 11 1.381 0.46 17.723 0.81 29. 103 4.777 0.47 18.081 0.82 29.389 0.12 0.48 18.438 29.673 0. 13 5.173 0.83 0. 14 5.568 0.49 18.792 0.84 29.955 0.15 5.963 0.50 19.145 0.85 30.234 0.16 6.357 0.51 19.496 0.86 30.511 0. 17 6.750 0.52 19.846 0.87 30.785 . 18 7.143 0.53 20.193 0.88 31.057 31.327 0.19 7.535 0.54 20.539 0.89 7.927 0.55 20.883 0.90 31.594 0.20 0.21 8.317 0.56 21.225 0.91 31.859 0.22 8.707 0.57 21.565 0.92 32. 122 9.096 0.58 21.903 0.93 32.382 0.23 0.24 9.484 0.59 22.239 0.94 32.640 0.25 9.871 0.60 22.574 0.95 32.895 .26 10.257 0.61 22.906 0.96 33.148 0.27 10.642 0.62 23.236 0.97 33.398 .28 11.026 0.63 23.564 0.98 33.646 0.29 11.409 0.64 23.890 0.99 33.892 0.30 11.791 0.65 24.214 1.00 34. 135 0.31 12.172 0.66 24.536 0.32 12.551 0.67 24.856 0.33 12.930 0.68 25.174 0.34 13.307 0.69 25.490 (continued) 248 Area (%) Area (%) Area (%) 34.376 1.36 41.309 1.71 15.637 1.01 1.02 34.614 1.37 41.467 1.72 45.728 1.03 34.850 1.38 41.622 1.73 45.818 35.084 1.39 41.774 1.74 45.907 1.04 35.315 1.40 41.925 1.75 45.994 1.05 1.06 35.544 1.41 42.074 1.76 46.079 1.07 35.770 1.42 42.220 1.77 46,163 1.08 35.994 1.43 42.365 1.78 46.246 1.09 36.215 1.44 42.507 1.79 46.327 1.10 36.434 1.45 42.648 1.80 46.407 46.485 1.11 36.651 1.46 42.786 1.81 36.865 1.47 42.923 1.82 46.562 1.12 37.077 1.48 43.057 1.83 46.637 1.13 1.14 37.287 1.49 43.189 1.84 46.711 46.784 1.15 37.494 1.50 43.320 1.85 1.51 43.448 46.855 1. 16 37.699 1.86 1.17 37.901 1.52 43.575 1.87 46.925 46.994 1.18 38. 101 1.53 43.700 1.88 38.299 1.54 43.822 47.061 1. 19 1.89 1.20 38.494 1.55 43.943 1.90 47.128 1.21 38.687 1.56 44.062 1.91 47. 193 1.22 38.878 1.57 44.18 1.92 47.256 1.23 39.066 1.58 44.295 1.93 47.319 1.24 39.252 1.59 44.409 1.94 47.380 1.25 39.436 1.60 44.520 1.95 47.440 1.26 39.618 1.61 44.630 1.96 47.499 39.797 1.62 44.739 1.97 47.557 1.27 1.28 39.974 1.63 44.845 1.98 47.614 1.29 40.148 1.64 44.950 1.99 47.670 1.30 40.321 1.65 45.053 2.00 47.724 1.31 40.491 1.66 45.154 1.32 40.659 1.67 45.254 247 of 3124:52 . LTEO X : = Q Aa W 45.994 1.05 35.315 1.40 41.925 1.75 1.76 46.079 1.06 35.544 1.41 42.074 35.770 1.42 42.220 1,77 46.163 1.07 46.246 1.08 35.994 1.43 42.365 1.78 46.327 1.09 36.215 1.44 42.507 1.79 46.407 36.434 1.45 42.648 1.80 1.10 42.786 1.81 46.485 1.11 36.651 1.46 42.923 1.82 46.562 1.12 36.865 1.47 46.637 1.13 37.077 1.48 43.057 1.83 1.49 43.189 1.84 46.711 1.14 37.287 1.15 37.494 1.50 43.320 1.85 46.784 46.855 1. 16 37.699 1.51 43.448 1.86 37.901 1.52 43.575 1.87 46.925 1. 17 46.994 1.18 38.101 1.53 43.700 1.88 47.061 38.299 1.54 43.822 1.89 1. 19 47.128 1.20 38.494 1.55 43.943 1.90 38.687 1.56 44.062 1.91 47.193 1.21 1.22 38.878 1.57 44.18 1.92 47.256 1.58 1.93 1.23 39.066 44.295 47.319 1.59 44.409 1.94 47.380 1.24 39.252 1.25 39.436 1.60 44.520 1.95 47.440 1.26 39.618 1.61 44.630 1.96 47.499 1.97 47.557 1.27 39.797 1.62 44.739 39.974 1.63 44.845 1.98 47.614 1.28 47.670 1.29 40. 148 1.64 44.950 1.99 1.30 40.321 1.65 45.053 2.00 47.724 1.31 40.491 1.66 45.154 1.32 40.659 1.67 45.254 1.33 40.825 1.68 45.352 1.34 40.989 1.69 45.449 1.35 41.150 1.70 45.543 continued) 249 Z Area (%) Z Area (%) Z Area (%) 2.71 19.663 2.01 47.778 2.36 49.085 47.830 2.37 49.110 2.72 49.673 2.02 47.881 2.38 49.133 2.73 49.683 2.03 49.157 2.74 49.692 2.04 47.932 2.39 2.40 49.179 2.75 49.701 2.05 47.981 48.029 2.41 49.201 2.76 49.710 2.06 2.07 48.076 2.42 49.223 2.77 49.719 2.08 2.43 49.244 49.727 48. 123 2.78 2.09 48. 168 2.44 49.265 2.79 49.736 2.10 48.213 2.45 49.285 2.81 49.744 48.256 2.81 2.11 2.46 49.304 49.752 2.12 48.299 2.47 49.323 2.82 49.759 2.13 48.340 2.48 49.342 2.83 49.767 2.49 49.360 2.84 49.774 2.14 48.381 2.85 49.781 2. 15 48.421 2.50 49.378 2.16 48.460 2.51 49.395 2.86 49.788 2.52 49.412 2.87 49.794 2.17 48.499 49.801 2.18 48.536 2.53 49.429 2.88 2. 19 48.573 2.54 49.445 2.89 49.807 49.460 2.91 2.20 48.609 2.55 49.813 49.819 2.21 48.644 2.56 49.476 2.91 48.678 2.57 49.491 2.92 49.824 2.22 2.93 49.830 2.23 48.712 2.58 49.505 2.59 49.519 2.94 49.835 2.24 48.744 2.25 48.776 2.60 49.533 2.95 49.841 2.26 48.808 2.61 49.546 2.96 49.846 2.97 49.851 2.27 48.839 2.62 49.559 2.98 49.855 2.28 48.869 2.63 49.572 2.99 49.860 2.29 48.898 2.64 49.585 2.30 48.926 2.65 49.597 3.00 49.865 48.954 2.66 49.608 3.10 49.903 2.31 2.32 48.982 2.67 49.620 3.20 49.931 2.68 49.631 3.30 49.951 2.33 49.009 49.966 2.34 49.035 2.69 49.642 3.40 49.977 2.35 49.060 2.70 49.652 3.50 4.00 49.997 4.50 49.998 5.00 50.000 Tablevalues were generated using Lab VIEW programming software. 248 of 312