fockson County Senion Services is a nonprofit organizotion devoted to pronding essential services to seniois who ive in their own homes within the Jackson County area Three services are provided for sentors-home nursing, Meals On Wheels, and hoasekeeping Data on revenue and expenses for the past year follow? Allocated on the basts of program revenues. The head odministrator of Jackson County Senior Services. Judith Miyama, considers last yeor's net operating income of $40.400 io be unsatsflactory, therefore. she is considering the posibility of discontinulng the housekeeping program. The depreciation in housekeeping is for a smail van that is used to carry the housekeepers and their equipment from job to job. if the program were discontinued, the van would be donated to a charitable organization None of the general administrative overhead would be avolded if the housekeeping program were dropped, but the ilabaity insurance ond the salary of the program administrator would be avolded Required: to. What is the financial advantage (disadvantagel of discontinuing the Housekeepirig program?? 1.b. Based on the financial advantage (disadvantagef of discontinuing the Housekeeping program caiculated in requitrement Req 1 A. should the Housekeeping program be discontunued? 2-a Prepare a properly formatted segmented income statement. 2.b. Would a segmented income statement format be more useful to management in assessing the long-run financiat vabulity of the various services? fockson County Senion Services is a nonprofit organizotion devoted to pronding essential services to seniois who ive in their own homes within the Jackson County area Three services are provided for sentors-home nursing, Meals On Wheels, and hoasekeeping Data on revenue and expenses for the past year follow? Allocated on the basts of program revenues. The head odministrator of Jackson County Senior Services. Judith Miyama, considers last yeor's net operating income of $40.400 io be unsatsflactory, therefore. she is considering the posibility of discontinulng the housekeeping program. The depreciation in housekeeping is for a smail van that is used to carry the housekeepers and their equipment from job to job. if the program were discontinued, the van would be donated to a charitable organization None of the general administrative overhead would be avolded if the housekeeping program were dropped, but the ilabaity insurance ond the salary of the program administrator would be avolded Required: to. What is the financial advantage (disadvantagel of discontinuing the Housekeepirig program?? 1.b. Based on the financial advantage (disadvantagef of discontinuing the Housekeeping program caiculated in requitrement Req 1 A. should the Housekeeping program be discontunued? 2-a Prepare a properly formatted segmented income statement. 2.b. Would a segmented income statement format be more useful to management in assessing the long-run financiat vabulity of the various services