Follow /FancyHouse Made with \( \begin{array}{ll}64 & \text { def draw_path }(\text { pen }): \\ 65 & \text { pen.setheading(90) } \\ 66 & \text { pen.color }(0,0,0) \\ 67 & \text { pen.fillcolor( "brown") } \\ 68 & \text { pen.penup( } \\ 69 & \text { pen.goto }(-65,-200) \\ 70 & \text { pen.begin_fill( ) } \\ 71 & \text { pen.pendown( }) \\ 72 & \text { pen.right }(10) \\ 73 & \text { pen.forward(203) } \\ 74 & \text { pen.right }(80) \\ 75 & \text { pen.forward }(40) \\ 76 & \text { pen.right }(80) \\ 77 & \text { pen.forward }(203) \\ 78 & \text { pen.right }(80) \\ 79 & \text { pen.end_fill }() \\ 80 & \text { pen.setheading }(90) \\ 81 & \\ 82 & \text { def draw_fence(pen): } \\ 83 & \text { pen.setheading }(90) \\ 84 & \text { pen.color }(\theta, \theta, 0)\end{array} \) Total Tips: mmands commands \( \begin{array}{ll}106 & \text { \#handle } \\ 107 & \text { pen.penup() } \\ 108 & \text { pen.goto(47,-140) } \\ 109 & \text { pen.pendown() } \\ 110 & \text { pen.fillcolor("black") } \\ 111 & \text { pen.begin_fill() } \\ 112 & \text { } \\ 113 & \text { pen.end_fill( }) \\ 114 & \text { pen.begin_fill( }) \\ 115 & \text { pen.fillcolor("white") } \\ 116 & \text { pen.penup() } \\ 117 & \text { pen.goto }(44,-140) \\ 118 & \text { pen.pendown() } \\ 119 & \text { } \\ 120 & \text { pen.end_fill( }) \\ 121 & \\ 122 & \text { \#hinges } \\ 123 & \text { coord1 }=[-50,-190] \\ 124 & \text { coord2 }=[-50,-130] \\ 125 & \text { I }=[\text { coordi,coord2] } \\ 126 & \text { for } y \text { in range(2): } \\ & \end{array} \) + Follow niamifancytouse description tands mmands \( \begin{array}{ll}148 & \text { pen.forward(150) } \\ 149 & \text { roof1 = pen.position() } \\ 150 & \text { pen.right(90) } \\ 151 & \text { pen.forward(300) } \\ 152 & \text { roof2 = pen.position() } \\ 153 & \text { pen.right }(90) \\ 154 & \text { pen.forward(150) } \\ 155 & \text { pen.right }(90) \\ 156 & \text { pen.forward(300) } \\ 157 & \text { pen.right(90) } \\ 158 & \text { pen.end_fill() } \\ 159 & \\ 160 & \text { \#roof } \\ 161 & \text { pen.penup() } \\ 162 & \text { pen.goto(roof1) } \\ 163 & \text { pen.fillcolor("orange") } \\ 164 & \text { pen.begin_fill() } \\ 165 & \text { pen.pendown() } \\ 166 & \text { pen.goto(-10,200) } \\ 167 & \text { pen.goto(roof2) } \\ 168 & \text { pen.goto(roof1) }\end{array} \) mands ands \( \begin{array}{ll}190 & \text { pen.penup( } \\ 191 & \text { pen.goto }(x, y+20) \\ 192 & \text { pen.begin_fill() } \\ 193 & \text { } \\ 194 & \text { pen.end_fill( ) } \\ 195 & \\ 196 & \text { def draw_window(pen, } x, y, \text { shape }): \\ 197 & \text { pen.width(4) } \\ 198 & \text { pen.color("black") } \\ 199 & \text { pen.fillcolor("lightblue") } \\ 200 & \\ 201 & \text { if shape=s"square": } \\ 202 & \text { pen.penup( } \\ 203 & \text { pen.goto(x,y) } \\ 204 & \text { pen.pendown() } \\ 205 & \text { pen.begin_fill( }) \\ 206 & \\ 207 & \text { for } y \text { in range(4): } \\ 208 & \text { for } x \text { in range(4): } \\ 209 & \text { pen.forward(20) } \\ 210 & \text { pen.right(90) }\end{array} \) Made with ef Python Total Tips Tip sin1k You previously created a house using turtle graphics. Today we are going to create a fancy house using turtle graphics Starter Code Fork this REPL - Fancy Turtle House . and run the code to see what it does. Instructions This code has all the required instructions to draw a fancy house, but they are being processed in the wrong order. Fix the code and submit the repl link in the weblink entry for the assignment Some clues: - All corrections should be made in the main function. - The draw function for the house, path, bush, fence, grass, and cloud are in the wrong order. - There are five errors. The house is supposed to look like this: ( )