Foohling Medical Center has a single operating room that is used ty local physicians to perform surgical procedures. The cost of using the operating room is. accumulated by each patiant procedure and indudes the direct materials costs (drugs and medical devices), physidan surgical time, and operating ropm onerhead, On January 1 of the current year, the annual operating room overhead is estimated to bes? The overhead costs war be assioned to procedures, based on the number of surgicad room hours, Poehing Medical center bxpects to use the operating reom an average of eioht hours per day, seven days per week. In addition, the operating room wall bo shut down two weeks per vear for general repairs. This information has been collected in the Microsoft Dxcel Online file. Open the spreadiheat; perform the required analysis, and input your answers in the questions below. Open spreadehest a. Dotermine the pecdetermined coerating room overhesd rate for the year. Round your answer to the nearest dollari per hour b. Eall Harris had is three bour procedure on January 22 . How much operating ream orentead would be charped to fis procedure, using the fate determined in part (a) r Round your answer to the nearest dallar: The overhead costs will be assigned to procedures, based on the number of surgical room hours, poelving Medical Center expects to use the operating room an average of eight hours per day, seven days per week. In addition, the operating room will be shut down two weeks per year for general repairs. This information has been collected in the Microsoft Excel Online file. Open the spreadsheet, perforn the required analysis, and input your answers in the guestions below. Open spreadsheet a. Determine the predetermined operating room overhead rate for the year. Round your answer to the nearest dollar. per hour b. Bell Harris had a three-hour procedure on January 22. How much operabing room overhead would be charged to his procedure, usinp the rate delermined in part (a)? Round your answer to the nearest dollar. c. During January, the operating room was used 220 hours. The actual overhead costs incurred for January were $6,000. Determine the oprerspplied operating