For each variable explain what kind of chart/graph should be used.
1. p_unemployment: the percentage of the population that is unemployed 2. p_cashassistance: the percentage of the population that uses cash assistance programs 3. p_fstamps: the percentage of the population that uses food stamp programs 4. PERBLACK: the percentage of the population that identifies as black or African American 5. PERHIS: the percentage of the population that identifies as Hispanic 6. UnderDeg: 1 = 0-9.9 percent of the population has a bachelor's degree, 2 - 10-19.9 of the population has a bachelor's degree, 3 = 20-20.9 percent of the population has a bachelor's degree, 4 = 30 percent or more of the population has a bachelor's degree . GradDeg: 1 = 0-9.9 percent of the population has a graduate degree, 2 - 10-19.9 percent of the population has a graduate degree, 3 - 20 percent or more of the population has a graduate degree 8. veterans: the number of veterans in the community 9. p_foreign_born: the percentage of foreign-born members of the community 10. SOUTH: whether the community is located in the Southern US 11. FE. Cleaned: the number of officer-involved fatal encounters in the community 12. vc_rate: the violent crime rate 13. FTSWORN: the number of full-time sworn officers 14. FTCIV: the number of full-time civilian employees in the department 15. CP_TrnRec: 0 = the agency does NOT require recruits to undergo at least 8 hours of community policing training, 1 = the agency does require recruits to undergo at least 8 hours of community policing training 16. CP_TrnIns: 0 = the agency does NOT require currently employed officers to undergo at least 8 hours of community policing training, 1 = the agency does require currently employed officers to undergo at least 8 hours of community policing training 17. CP_SARA: 0 = the agency does NOT engage in the SARA process, 1 = the agency does engage in the SARA process 18. CP PTNR: 0 = the agency does NOT participate in community problem-solving partnerships, 1 = the agency does participate in community problem-solving partnerships 19. Swat: 0 = the agency does NOT have an internal SWAT team, 1 = the agency does have an internal SWAT team