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For Stakeholders Engagement Matrix: take example of a company Citipark Inc. which is a car parking company, and assume that the following types of failures

For Stakeholders Engagement Matrix:

take example of a company Citipark Inc. which is a car parking company, and assume that the following types of failures occurs in your company:

1. Failure because of Scope Creep.

2. Failure because ofScheduling.

3. Failure because ofBudgeting.

4. Failure because ofsome risk part.

Assuming if these failures occurs in your company taking example of all 4 failures explain how are you going to handle the Stakeholders?

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9:53 d' y D 0.06 KB/S 61% Group - 12 Final Presentation - to S... Introduction About Based in Toronto, Citipark Inc. has been in the parking business for over 80 years. They are members of the Canadian Parking Association (CPA) and the National Parking Association. Vice President Operations Tom Dunn has 37 years' experience having been in the industry since February 1985 Established ACCESSIBILITY Serving ontario since 1937. Based Citipark Inc. is committed to providing all in Toronto, Citipark inc. has been in our customers and members of the the parking business for over 80 public with convenient, safe and years. We are members of the accessible parking facilities and Canadian Parking Association services. CPA) and the National Parking P Association.. Commitment Locations Citipark strive to provide our parking citipark Cumberland Parkade, Yorkville facilities and services in a way that 65 King Street East respects the dignity and The Atrium Garage independence of people with Scotia Plaza Garage disabilities 100 Yonge Street Garage Key Objectives OPERATIONAL CHECK UP Every parking facility is unique and 01 Are your parking rates maximizing your revenue? Is your parking facility equipment wo an operation and revenue security Are your revenue security features activated and check-up must be tailored to fit the being monitored? location. Are effective operational procedures in place? We can tailor an Operational check up to suit your needs REFRESH YOUR EXISTING FACILITY 02 Do you need to update/change your parking ROOFTOP VENUE IN BLOOR- equipment/system? Is it customer friendly? YORKVILLE Imagine a unique in a meeting current government accessibility dayight time roof top event in standards? Bloor-Yorkville. Vell Lit? Do you have effective signage? PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION AND 03 RESTORATION MOVIE/FILM - If you need to film Review architectural designs a scene in a parking facility or if Egress and ingress configuration Are structural protective systems in place? you need space for crew parking Do you have a restoration plan in place? we can accommodate you Objectives Powerpoint Template Need Analysis Location Pricing Strategy Identify areas where there is a high demand for Citi Parking's pricing strategy is likely based on parking services, such as busy commercial districts, demand and location, Parking rates in high-demand tourist attractions, or public transportation hubs areas such as downtown or near popular attractions are likely to be higher than in less populated areas Customer profiles Parking technology Determine the demographic and psychographic Determine the level of technology and innovation profiles of potential customers, including their age, required to meet the needs and preferences of income level, occupation, and lifestyle preferences. potential customers, such as automated payment systems, mobile apps, or reservation systems Existing competition Lorem ipsum Assess the level of competition in the area and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur identify gaps in the market that the parking company can fill. adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. P citipark Objective, Scope and Budgeting P citipark O O9:54 dy O 0.18 61% Group - 12 Final Presentation - to S... CITIpark Objective, Scope and Budgeting P citipark" scope Objectives The scope of a parking company like Citipark would include acquiring and leasing parking spaces in strategic locations The main objective of a parking company like Citipark is within the city, managing those parking spaces efficiently, and to provide safe, convenient, and affordable parking services to customers. services to customers in urban areas, These services could include valet parking, parking The company should aim to maximize its revenue by enforcement, maintenance of parking equipment, and utilizing its parking spaces to their full capacity, while customer support (8 providing excellent customer service and maintaining a high level of safety and security Budgeting Overall, the total budget for a parking company like Citipark could range from $100,000 to $500,000 per year, depending on the size and complexity of the operation Parking Space Acquisition and Leasing - $500 to $3,000 per month per parking space Equipment and Maintenance . $10,000 to $50,000 Miles and Wages - $50,000 to $250,000 per year Marketing and Advertising - $5,000 to $50,000 per year Insurance and Legal Fees - $5,000 to $50,000 per year. Objectives Powerpoint Template 5 Stakeholder Sales Pitch P citipark Identify the problem Introduce the solution Outline the benefits Next, introduce Citipark as the solution to Explain the benefits of Citipark to Begin by identifying the problem that the problem. Highlight how Citipark stakeholders. These benefits could include Citipark aims to solve This could be the provides safe, convenient, and affordable increased revenue, reduced operating lack of parking spaces in urban areas, parking solutions to customers in urban costs, improved customer satisfaction, traffic congestion caused by cars looking areas. reduced traffic congestion, and for parking, or the high cost of parking in sustainability the city Provide evidence Address potential objections: Call to action: Support your claims with evidence. This Anticipate and address any potential End with a call to action. This could be an could include data on the demand for objections or concerns that stakeholders invitation to schedule a meeting to discuss parking spaces, testimonials from may have. This shows that you have Citipark further, or an offer to provide more satisfied customers, or case studies of thought carefully about the risks and information about Citipark's services. successful parking companies challenges of the project and have plans in place to mitigate them 6 Cost-Estimation Analysis P citipark" Increased Revenue Customer Convenience Employment Opportunities By utilizing parking spaces to their By providing safe, convenient, and By creating jobs in the parking industry, Citipark full capacity, Citipark can generate affordable parking services, Citipark can ignificant revenue from customers attract a large number of customers who contribute to the local economy and provide need parking solutions. Employment opportunities for people in the in urban areas community. Reduced Traffic Congestion Sustainability By reducing the number of cars By utilizing technology and innovation, Citipark circling the streets looking for parking, Citipark can help reduce can help promote sustainable transportation traffic congestion and improve air solutions and reduce the carbon footprint of its operations 7 quality in the city. IDENTIFYING Key STAKE HOLDERS Customers: People who use Citipark's parking services, such as drivers, commuters, and visitors. yees: People who work for Citipark, such as parking attendants. maintenance staff, and administrative personnel. Owners/Shareholders: People or organizations that have invested in Citipark and have a financial stake in the company's success Government agencies: Entities that regulate Citipark's operations, such as local or state transportation departments, zoning commissions, and city councils. Suppliers: Companies that provide Citipark with goods and services, such as parking equipment manufacturers, payment processing companies, and marketing acepie O O9:54 d' yo 0.84 KB/S 60% O F Group - 12 Final Presentation - to S... IDENTIFYING Key STAKE HOLDERS Customers: People who use Citipark's parking services, such as drivers, commuters, and visitors. Employees: People who work for Citipark, such as parking attendants, maintenance staff, and administrative personnel. . Owners/Shareholders: People or organizations that have invested in Citipark and have a financial stake in the company's success. Government agencies. Entities that regulate Citipark's operations, such state transportation departments, zoning councils. Suppliers: Companies that provide Citipark with goods and services, such as parking equipment manufacturers, payment processing companies, and marketing agencies. Community groups: Organizations or individuals that are affected by Citipark's operations, such as neighborhood associations, business improvement districts, and environmental groups. Competitors: Other companies that offer parking services in the same or similar markets as Citipark. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): NGOs that work on issues elated to transportation, parking, and urban planning may have an interest in Citipark's operations and policies, LEVEL OF COMMITMENT AND RESISTANCE OF STAKEHOLDERS Customers: Customers are likely to likely to have a high h level of commitment to Citipark if they find the parking services treated fairly, have opportunity level of commitment if they see that Citipark is profitable and has a to be convenient, affordable, and growth and developmin sustainable business model. However secure. However, they may also have valued by the co some resistance if they experience may also have resistance if they feel they may also have resistance if they feel that the company is not meeting issues with availability or acce ibility that their wages of working conditions of parking spots, pricing, or are Inadequate, or if they perceive a their financial expectations of if they lack of job security. disagree with the company's strategic direction emment agencies Govern ps-Commun agencies may have a high level of Suppliers: Suppliers may have a high may have a high level of commitment commitment to Citipark if the company level of commitment to Citipark if the to Citipark if the company engages complies with regulations and laws, company pays on time and has a good with them in a can purge any and operates in an environmentally reputation for fair and ethical business collaborative manner, and takes their esponsible manner, However, they may practices. However, they may also have concerns into account in its operations, However, they may also have also have resistance if the company 's resistance if they feel that Citipark Is operations have negative impacts of not a reliable or responsible customer resistance if they perceive negative public space, traffic, or the environment impacts on the community from Non-governmental organizauona Competitors: Competitors are likely to (NGOs): NGOs may have a high level of have a high level of resistance to commitment to Citipark if the company ark as they co ate for the same Is seen as socially and environmentally market share. How share. However, if Citipark is responsible, and engages in seen as a fair and ethical competitor, it sustainable practices. However, they may be possible to build a more may also have resistance if they feel positive relationship over time. that Citipark is not doing enough to address social or environmental issues. Concerns and issues Customers. The availability and accessibility of parking spots, the pricing and payment options, the safety and security of the parking lot, of Stake Holder and the convenience of the parking services. Employees: Fair wages and working conditions, job security, and opportunities for advancement and training. Owners/Shareholders: Return on investment, financial stability and growth, and long-term business sustainability. Government agencies. Compliance with regulations and laws, environmental impact, and the efficient use of public space. Stakeh Suppliers. Quality and reliability of the products and services provided, eholder timely payments, and fair contracts, Community groups. The analysis amunity, such as traffic congestion, noise pollution, and the use of public space. Competitors The level of competition and market share, pricing strategies, and the quality of services offered. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): The sustainability of Citipark's operations, environmental impact, and social responsibility. STAKEHOLDERS ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES Identifying Stake holders Should identify its stakeholders and understand their needs, interests, and concerns. This can be done through stakeholder mapping and analysis Communication Should communicate regularly and transparently with its stakeholders. This can be done through newsletters, emails, meetings, social media, and other communication methods Feedback mechanisms Should establish feedback mechanisms to gather input from its stakeholders. This can be done through surveys, suggestion boxes, comment cards, or online feedback forms. O O9:54 dy 21.0 KB/S 60% O Group - 12 Final Presentation - to S... STAKEHOLDERS ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES Identifying Stake holders Should identify its stakeholders and understand their needs, interests, and concerns. This can be done through stakeholder mapping and analysis. Communication Should communicate regularly and transparently with its stakeholders. This can be done through newsletters, emails, meetings, social media, and other communication methods. Feedback mechanisms Should establish feedback mechanisms to gather input from its stakeholders. This can be done through surveys, suggestion boxes, comment cards, or online feedback forms. Engagement events Conduct engagement events, such as open houses, town hall meetings, or focus groups, to gather feedback and engage with stakeholders. Collaborative decision-making Should involve stakeholders in decision-making processes by creating stakeholder advisory groups, partnering with community organizations, or holding public consultations. Training and capacity-building Should provide training and capacity-building programs for employees and stakeholders. For example, Citipark can provide training on customer service, sustainability, or health and safety Reporting and accountability Should report on its performance and impact to its stakeholders. This can be done through sustainability reports, annual reports, or other reporting mechanisms. Stakeholder Management Keep Satisfied Manage Closely Competitors Managers Owners Stake holders Government Agencies Power of Influence Monitor Keep Informed Employees Customers LOW Suppliers Non-Governmental Organization Tools and equipment Low Level of Interest High STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Stakeholder Power/interest Unaware Resistance Neutral Supportive Leading Owners C D Customers W/H C D Employees M/H C D Suppliers L/L C D Government organization H/L C D Non Governmental L/H C D organizations Community L/L Engagement strategies and techniques Community Meetings: Organizing Advisory Committees; Citipark can community meetings can be an create an advisory committee ge stakeholders in composed of representatives from the design and implementation of different stakeholder groups such as Citipark projects. These meetings allow neighborhood associations, stakeholders to share their ideas and businesses, and advocacy groups. This concerns about the project and provide committee can provide feedback and feedback to Citipark. guidance to Citipark and implementation of projects. O O9:54 dy 0.65 KB/S 60% O Group - 12 Final Presentation - to S... Engagement strategies and techniques Community Meetings: Organizing Advisory Committees: Citipark can community meetings can be an create an advisory committee ffective way to engage stakeholders in posed of representatives from the design and implementation of different stakeholder groups such as jects. These meetings allow neighborhood associations, stakeholders to share their ideas and businesses, and advocacy groups. This concerns about the project and provide committee can provide feedback and feedback to Citipark. quidance to Site Visits: Citipark can organize site Surveys; Citipark can use surveys to visits to the project area to engage gather feedback and opinions from stakeholders in the design and stakeholders on specific aspects of the implementation process. These visits project. Surveys can be conducted can provide stakeho online, through email or regular mail, or understanding of the project and allow in person. them to provide feedback on specific aspects of the project. Social Media: Citipark can use social media to engage stakeholders in the Workshops: Citipark can organize design and implementation process workshops where stakeholders can This can include creati collaborate with project designers to website or social media page to provide provide input on the project design and information and updates on the project implementation. These workshops can and to solicit feedback from also be used to educate stakeholders stakeholders. about the project and its goals. Communication needs assessment Identify communication objectives: Start by identifying the communication objectives of Citipark. This will help you understand what the organization hopes to achieve through its communication efforts. For example, Citipark may want to increase public awareness of its services customer satisfaction, or promote a new initiative Determine target audiences: It's important to identify the target audiences for Citipark's communication efforts. These may include customers, employees, stakeholders, and the general public. Understanding the needs and expectations of these groups is critical to developing effective on strategies Assess existing communication practices: Evaluate the existing communication practices of Citipark, including the channels, messages, and tone used. Look at how the organization communicates with its various audiences and evaluate the effectiveness of these efforts. Identify communication challenges: Identify any barriers or challenges that Citipark faces in its communication efforts. For example, language barriers, limited resources, or a lack of awareness among the public. Conduct surveys and focus groups: Surveys and focus groups are effective ways to gather feedback and insights from various audiences. Use these methods to gain a better understanding of their needs, preferences, and expectations. Develop a communication plan: Based on the findings from the above steps, develop a communication plan that outlines the objectives, target audi communicating with each group. This plan should also include timeline, budget, and evaluation methods to measure the success of the communication efforts. Implement and evaluate: Implement the communication plan and track its effectiveness over time. Regularly review and adjust the plan based on feedback and changing circumstances. Communication Needs Assesment Stakeholders Communication needs Communication medium Frequency Employees . Technical specifications and . E-mails . weekly requirement In-persons Schedules . Video Conferencing Meetings Owners Project updates E-mails Monthly Financial updates In-person meetings Progress of the projects Suppliers Project Raw materials E-mails . Weekly Phone calls Government Organization . Compliance updates . Emails . Annually Regulatory updates In person Community Groups . Regulatory updates Emails . BI-annually . In person Non-governmental Safety Standards Emails Bi-annually organization Meetings . In-person Customers . Updates . Emails weekly Stakeholder Communication Strategy Identify Determine Develop key Select Develop a communication communication stakeholders messages communication needs channels plan The first step is to Once you have Develop key messages Select Develop 8 dentify the dentified that clearly communication communication plan takeholders takeholde channels that that outlines the O O9:54 dy 0.16 KB/S 60% O Group - 12 Final Presentation - to S... Stakeholder Communication Strategy Identify Determine Develop key Select Develop a stakeholders communication messages communication communication needs channels plan The first step is to Once you have Develop key messages Select Develop identify the identified that clearly communication communication plan stakeholders who stakeholders, communicate channels that are that outlines the timing, will be impacted by determine their Citiparking's value most effective for frequency, and content Citiparking. communication proposition and reaching each of communications to This includes needs. benefits to stakeholder group. each stakeholder group customers, Some stakeholders stakeholders. For example, social This plan should be employees, may require more These messages media may be an reviewed and updated investors, regulatory detailed and should be tailored to effective way to regularly to ensure it bodies, and the local frequent each stakeholder group reach customers, remains effective and community communication, and should address while regulatory relevant while others may their specific concerns bodies may require only need periodic and interests formal written 5 update communications Objectives Powerpoint Template 17 Stakeholder Communication Plan Ber wey tibet Stakeholder Communication Plan Identify the Stakeholders Communication Objectives Key Messages Communication Channels Citipark Inc. should The communication The key messages of Citipark Inc. should use identify all its objectives of Citipark Citipark Inc. could a variety of stakeholders and Inc. could be to inform include information communication understand their its stakeholders about channels to reach its about the services it specific needs and the company's services, stakeholders, including offers, its commitment expectations. This changes in policies, and to customer social media, email, information should be new initiatives. The newsletters, and in- satisfaction, and any used to develop tailored company could also new developments in person meetings, The communication seek to address any the company. The company should use strategies that concerns or issues that channels that are messages should be effectively address its stakeholders may clear, concise, and appropriate for each each stakeholder group. have. tailored to each stakeholder group and stakeholder group. that allow for timely and effective communication 19 Stakeholder Communication Plan Communication Schedule Roles and Responsibilities Review and Evaluation Citipark Inc. should Citipark Inc. should The communication identify the individuals regularly review and schedule of Citipark Inc or teams responsible for evaluate its O D9:54 dy 2.00 KB/S 60% O F Group - 12 Final Presentation - to S... 20 Document Distribution Plan Determine Stakeholder Identify Key Documents Select Communication Groups Develop a Distribution Channels Schedule The first step is to determine the Select the most Create a schedule that identify the key stakeholder groups that outlines when each appropriate documents that need to need to receive each document will be communication be distributed to document. For example, channels for each distributed to each stakeholders. This may financial statements document and stakeholder group. The include contracts, may need to be schedule should take stakeholder group. This policies, financial distributed to into account any may include email, mail, statements, and other shareholders, while relevant deadlines, such website portals, or in- important information. policies may need to be as annual shareholder person meetings. The distributed to meetings or employee chosen channel should employees and be easy to access and orientation sessions customers. appropriate for the content being shared. 21 Documents Distribution Plan Assign roles and Establish tracking and responsibilities Monitoring Procedures Review and Evaluation Assign roles and Establish procedures for Finally, review and responsibilities for each tracking and monitoring evaluate the document aspect of the document document distribution. distribution plan distribution plan. This This may include regularly to ensure that may include designating maintaining a database it is meeting its a document distribution of recipients and their objectives and that coordinator or team, as contact information, as stakeholders are well as defining who will well as establishing a receiving the be responsible for system for tracking information they need drafting, reviewing, and when documents have Make adjustments as approving the content. been sent and received. necessary based on feedback and changes in stakeholder needs. 22 Key Learnings & Conclusion In conclusion, Citipark Inc. is a car parking company that has a number of important stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the local community. To effectively communicate with these stakeholders, Citipark should develop a stakeholder communication plan that identifies the key stakeholders, their needs and concerns, and the most effective communication channels to reach them. Additionally, Citipark i'd have a document distribution plan that outlines how important documents will be distributed to stakeholders in a timely and efficient manner. Customers of Citipark may face a number of constraints, including limited parking spaces, high parking fees, difficulty finding parking, traffic congestion, weather conditions, security concerns, and lack of accessible parking. To address these constraints and provide a better experience for customers, Citipark should work to improve its parking facilities and services, provide clear and transparent pricing information, implement effective security measures, and ensure that accessible parking spaces are available for customers with disabilities or mobility issues. By addressing these issues and effectively communicating with stakeholders, Citipark can build stronger relationships with its customers and other stakeholders, foster transparency and trust, and enhance its reputation as a reliable and customer-focused car parking company THANK O O

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